- Wednesday. October 31. 2001 11:18am

Here's a real life horror story this Halloween:

I just received an email from my good friend Andrew, who lives ouside DC. His mother works for the Voice of America broadcasting system, a US based network that broadcasts free radio to most of the free world.


My mom is freaking out. Anthrax was found in her building (Voice of America), about 1/2 mile from the Capitol in the mailroom and she's leaving for Slovakia tomorrow so she called me over to show me where all her papers and will are in
case she doesn't come back. She's a mess right now. Damn terrorists...


Forget any sort of movie or TV show, this is the terrifying real deal


- Tuesday. October 30. 2001 10:55am

Last night I attended a friend's solo art show at the Art Academy. Very good work indeed. The show was at the campus at Bush and Grant downtown. It's weird to see the streets of SF completely empty. I sat on the steps at the beginning of Chinatown alone, and felt like no one was around for miles.

I have trying to work on a neckdeep redesign but have had little luck coming up with anything I like. I guess this stays for now.


- Monday. October 29. 2001 10:46am

It was a good weekend.

Tom Hanley's Halloween Party was super fun. Check out the photos. I really enjoyed my night as Burt Reynolds. The photos really tell the story. On a down note, I missed the last ever Murder City Devils show in SF. I left the party with plenty of time, but traffic over the Bay Bridge screwed me. As I ran in, they were walking off the stage. Damn. I did pick up the documentary 'Rock and Roll Won't Wait' which is damn good. Anyone into the Devils will enjoy it. After seeing the film, I only wish I could see their final show ever in Seattle on Halloween. Should be's sold out, and has been since 10 minutes after tickets went on sale last month.

Sunday was Pet Pride Day in Golden Gate Park, which was pretty interesting. Just when I think I'm a hardcore dog owner...people show me that I'm nothing. As I sat at the B.A.D. R.A.P. booth an idiot walked over and made a negative statement about Pit Bulls. What a total ass. Myself and a women that was working the both began to try to argue with the guy...but he was not having it. People are dense. I'll post photos soon.

Sunday night Jess and I saw Waking Life. Very, very good film. Insane animation and very thought provoking indeed. It's great to see a movie that isn't afraid to take some risks. Highly recommended.

- Friday. October 26. 2001 9:58am

I don't have a running playlist here at neckdeep, but one is now available at Go here and see what I'm listening to, as I update it daily. Oh, yeah...the other guys have lists there as well. I have to say, they all have good taste...

Also, I took off my Sacklunch link. I could care less about Bluetorch and their problems, there is plenty of other action sports news going on. The site is just never worth looking at anymore.

- Thursday. October 25. 2001 10:20am

I was able to get my hands on a ticket for Saturday night's Murder City Devils Show. It's going tobe a tight one, but I plan on attending a Halloween party, and then going to see the Devils.

In other news:

- The E.T. DVD release is being altered due to the terrorist attacks. Sad. Is America so weak that we have to re-edit movies that were released in 1982? I sure hope we don't have to rewrite history books, or stop playing music...oh wait, that's already been done.

- Thank goodness something good is coming out of all this...lower Beef prices.

- Wednesday. October 24. 2001 9:20am

Tuesday is reallythe only decent night of television this season. Both Undeclared on FOX and Scrubs on NBC are really funny. The first two episodes of Ed, my favorite show last year, have let me down big time.

I've also been trying to get tickets to two shows I slept on...the Murder City Devils on Saturday the 27th (their second to last show ever...they broke up) and Tenacious D on Halloween. Craigslist is getting on my nerves...I'm not paying 60 bucks for a ticket to anything...nothing is worth that price.

- Monday. October 22. 2001 10:36am

Last week I wrote that I lost interest in Nanette's page and started reading Heather at Docce on a more regular basis. Amazingly, I received both an email from Heather and Nanette commented on my posting as well. Crazy. Just for the record, I now check each everyday...and hope they both update often.


While waiting to meet Robert and Jen for dinner at the Indian Oven, Jess and I wondered across the street to the Upper Playground gallery. The previous night was the opening of a show featuring the photography of Ricky Powell ("Homeboy, throw in the towell, your girl got dicked by Ricky Powell."). We were the only ones in the gallery...except when the Rickster himself walked in. I gave him the 'what up' nod and he shot it back. Yeah, I'm down. The work was OK, his photos painted by artists such as Thomas Campbell, ZEPHER, and other NYC locals. I thought the huge, new ZEPHER/REVOLT graff piece on the top of the building was much more exciting.

Also, the new Fugazi is quite good, although I'm not in full agreement with most reviews.

- Friday. October 19. 2001 4:35pm

Check out the new ETC section of the THREAT site...with features, playlists, and Top 10 lists.


THREAT is now a fully functioning unit, all in one building and ready to destroy. We are complete like Voltron.


- Tuesday. October 16. 2001 10:39pm

While looking for some video game facts I ran across two interesting sites.

The Atari 2600 Portables Site- This guy makes hand-held Atari 2600 units. Good idea, until I saw that he guesses that it will cost around $280.oo to buy one, if and when he starts to sell them. He's even got photos of David Crane (founder of Activision and creator of Pitfall) playing one. Check the PlayStation , and Nintendo 8-bit portables. Screw GameBoy Advance.

Magnavox Odyssey: The First Videogame Console - A very detailed history of the first videogame system ever. With the PS2's capibilites and the X-box coming out, it's really amazing to see this machine was released in December of 1972, almost 30 years ago.

And yes, I'm a fucking nerd


- Monday. October 15. 2001 9:37pm

Ben Folds fucking kills. Although not as jaw-dropping as the show I saw last year with the 'five' he did rock last night. The first hour was all material from his new album, as well as a very new song. After a great performance of 'Rockin' the Suburbs' complete with backwards red ball cap (ala Fred Durst) and 'key-tar' he ran off stage and fell HARD over an amp-head and onto the floor. He then came out solo and played some old songs including: Kate, One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces and closed with Song for the Dumped .

Buddyhead is back online and the Gossip section is new. Just go and read it, too much for me to swipe...but...

Check the new Radiohead album art. Not too great actually.

If you can stay up late enough, watch Insomniac with Dave Attell Sunday nights at 11:30 on Comedy Central. I was crying it was so funny last night. Here's his take on SF.


- Friday. October 12. 2001 12:30pm

I used to have an online-crush on Nanette of Amplified to Rock fame...but with her lack of witty updates, that flame faded. I now give my internet heart to Heather of Dooce. Her writing is dreamy, her links are fantastic (How to Dress Emo) and her features make me nervous in that good way (Women Who Make Me Question My Sexual Persuasion is just brilliant). Her design is damn tight as well. If only I had the nerve to send her an email...

Busy weekend.
On Saturday there's the Tim Brauch Memorial skate contest, and dinner with friends. Sunday is the Ben Folds show at The Filmore and shopping for Halloween costume extras.

It seems that ANTHAX, one of my favorite bands during Junior High, is grappling with name issues...just like a certain design shop. I still love the Among The Living LP, and was always stoked to see Scott Ian always wearing Public Enemy and Fishbone shirts back in the day.


- Thursday. October 11. 2001 9:18am

Although the movie looks weak, the Serendipity website is very clever and engaging. The idea of guiding the viewer though a sort of 'choose-your-own-adventure' and then showing those who followed the same path is damn trick. Great use of Flash. It was designed by these guys...who don't really have a site. Weird.

- Wednesday. October 10. 2001 4:55pm

Congratulations to my good friends Julie and Dan McKechnie who are expecting a baby in April. I'm getting the kid this.

- Tuesday. October 9. 2001 3:19pm

One of my favorite bands, Converge, have finally updated their website. Not amazing, but very cool. Weird that they don't have their US tour listed yet, as they play SF December 7 at The Pound.

Keeping with the Gonz deal...check this auction. It's one of the best boards I've seen.

- Tuesday. October 9. 2001 10:42pm

Yeah, it's a new design...featuring the work of Mark Gonzales. Hit reload and see a new little drawing on the left. Click here to see what it's all about or view all the images at once.

Got to do something to keep my sanity, no more terrorist rants (sorry about that)...enjoy the art.


- Monday. October 8. 2001 9:17am

The government is bombing Afghanistan.

I don't say 'we' are bombing, or even 'America' is bombing as I'm tired of the false notion that I, as a citizen, have any say in anything the country as a whole does. It pains me to say this, but I certainly feel like this business called the US government cares just enough to make sure we vote, and keep spending money. I say business because that's what the US has become. Our actions and reactions are controlled and guided by what will fuel the economy and big business interest. The whole recent terrorist actions against the United States are against the business practices of the government. It's not an attack on 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' as Mr. Bush wants us to believe, it's against how we trample other countries for financial power.

Of course the bombing were a horrific display of violence and terror against innocent people. People who, for the most part, are just trying to live their life. I still get upset every time I see the images, and hear from friends in the area around both DC and New York. The terrorists are the worst kind of people...those who feel senseless violence is a proper message.

What is frustrating to me is the spin the government puts on all this. They are not just ' bringing justice' but keeping the business going. Will we every hear the amount of people killed in these attacks? My guess is's bad for business. Will I, or anyone else I know be able to make a difference on how this is handled? No.

I will not change my thoughts and concerns about our government because of these attacks. I will not start wearing and displaying flags. Just as I don't wear shirts with logos of McDonalds or Purdue Meats because I don't support their practices, I will not start wearing a flag. These does not mean I don't mourn the dead and don't support the rescue effort. Part of what makes America worth supporting is the right to scream for change, and to do so how you see fit.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just feeling helpless and bummed at the moment. Apathy is the worst reaction, and I'm just trying to fight it.

On a totally different topic, and a positive one, rush to your local video store and rent Dark Days. It's an amazing documentary film about the homeless of New York City who have built homes in underground Amtrak train tunnels. The film itself is incredibly well done, and the story behind it is just beyod inspiring. I won't go into details, but it was one of the best, if not THE best movie I've seen this year. Make sure and get the DVD as the 'Making Of' documentary is almost better than the movie. The titles are amazing, and the music my DJ Shadow is perfect.

During all this shit, Dark Days really illustrates how someone who sticks to their vision to help and heal can overcome amazing odds. Stop watching the news and go get this film.

Also, a redesign will appear soon...


- Friday. October 5. 2001 11:46am

I've been really bad about 'blogging' lately. It's just been a busy week. Right now I'm washing down cold medicine with a large jug of orange juice. Not feeling too hot. I was also looking forward to a visit from my Mom, which isn't going to happen due to my father getting a kidney stone. Luckily he's doing just fine. When I'm not working I play PSX2, and sleep with my dog.

- My brother just launched his website. Yeah, he's a designer too, he does exhibit design among other things. Check out his amazing letterpress work.

- Bob at RedShifter redesigned...and is rocking a font header by none other than Giant, who has inked us both. Looking good.

- THREAT had gotten props from both SurfStation and DIK this week.

- Ivo finally translated BLANKSURFACE to English. Thanks!

- So damn funny. Vanillia Durst..go white boy, go white boy, go...


- Monday. October 1. 2001 10:13am

Really Good: ZOOLANDER , Simpsons Series 6. Really Bad: Blow.

- Friday. October 5. 2001 11:46am

I'm been really bad about 'blogging' lately. It's just been a busy week. Right now I'm washing down cold medicine with a large jug of orange juice. Not feeling too hot. I was also looking forward to a visit from my Mom, which isn't going to happen due to my father getting a kidney stone. Luckily he's doing just fine. When I'm not working I play PSX2, and sleep with my dog.

- My brother just launched his website. Yeah, he's a designer too, he does exhibit design among other things. Check out his amazing letterpress work.

- Bob at RedShifter redesigned...and is rocking a font header by none other than Giant, who has inked us both. Looking good.

- THREAT had gotten props from both SurfStation and DIK this week.

- Ivo finally translated BLANKSURFACE to English. Thanks!

- So damn funny. Vanillia Durst..go white boy, go white boy, go...



Chris, 28, vegan, skinny, animal lover, design guy, DVD fan, SF resident, DC native, etc.


sf skatepark


Ben Folds - Music
Slayer - Music
Zoolander - Movie