(in case you missed even one rivoting post!)


:: Monday. May 21, 2001 - 9:22am

Back from the crazy E3 show in LA. It was quite crazy. Loud, busy, and overwhelming.
Here are some highlights.

- The XBOX is insane. The games look awesome including Amped, a snowboard game where you do tricks to get photo coverage in order to get magazine fame and Bruce Lee, a game where you are the man...in adventures in 70's Hong Kong and San Francisco. Street date for the XBOX is Nov. 8 and costs a whopping $299.99. They didn't have the actual product at the show...the games were running off modified PCs. I also didn't care for the controller. Still, the games looked insane.

- Skateboarding is big business in gaming. The Activision booth had a good size vert ramp, and had Salba, Shaun White, and Ryan Sheckler skating on Saturday. Ryan Sheckler, 12 years old, pulled a kickflip indy. Shaun White, 17, pulled a McTwist. Unreal. I missed Tony Hawk on Friday, but it was rumored he couldn't walk into the hall without a total mob scene. Tony Hawk 3 was pretty good...Bam is the new skater. Also, there were four other skate games that show promise.

- The Japanese were issued super small digital video cameras at the door. Or it seemed that way. They all had them and were filming everything...and everyone.

- I was lucky enough to get a sneak preview of the new Infogrames Transworld Sports games...Skateboarding, Snowboarding, and Surfing for the XBOX. The surf game was amazing. Possibly the best game graphics I have ever seen in my life. If it plays as well as it looks, it will blow minds.

- Booth girls are funny. Holding swords, or dressed as sexy cops...they were everywhere.

- I was surprised how great the Nintendo Game Cube looked. I don't like the game selection, but the perfect cube design with 5" CD discs was visually stunning. The Game Boy Advance was also pretty damn cool.

- I spotted more people that looked like 'Comic Book Guy' from the Simpsons than one could ever imagine. Go outside! Get some sun! Stop playing the demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 and get a damn life.

That is all.


:: Friday. May 18, 2001 - 9:48am

I'm off to the E3 show in LA

:: Tuesday. May 16, 2001 - 3:02pm

As if everyone didn't know, Michael Stipe comes out...but it's nice he's being more vocal.


:: Tuesday. May 16, 2001 - 11:34am

- Two new images to your left...one from Chad, the other from Sue. Thanks

- The new TOOL album is damn good.

- threatmedia* has a new homepage


:: Monday. May 15, 2001 - 9:25am

For the past three days I've been in Malvern, PA in order to surprise my Mom for Mother's Day. It went well. It was a good trip.

I can't say that the 6 hour plane ride last night was fun. On the way there I watched the Slap Shot DVD (pretty good, but without the Hanson Brother's it would have sucked), and Planet of the Apes on the way back. Good film, but I can only see Charlton Heston as a foolish NRA fanatic, and that tainted it a bit. I look forward to revieiwing the other Apes films as well.

While visiting I saw Driven with my Dad. It was basically a long form music video with loud Limp Biscuit, and lots of butts and boobies. I liked the actual racing footage, but it couldn't save the horrible script (written by Sly Stallone, who as my Dad says, is Rocky in every film forever). I do have to say that during the final race Eric B and Rakim's amazing song Follow The Leader was a nice touch.

Back to work. I didn't miss the pile-drivers outside the office.

:: Friday. May 11, 2001 - 1:35pm

I'm off on a secret mission for the next few days...so no updates for a few.

Bob sent me this and I laughed out loud. Sure enough...


:: Thursday. May 10, 2001 - 1:35pm

Two new images have been added to the group seen on the left. Thanks to Matt and Dan. I'm glad these are still trickling in. I may keep this as a feature for each month...who knows.

Today's mantra is "keep it together, keep it together, keep it together..."


:: Wednesday. May 9, 2001 - 11:44am

A few years ago I lived in a small town past the East Bay by the name of Benicia. Any old skaters out there will remember the town as the location of a legendary skatepark built by the town in the late 80's. Natas skated there in Streets of Fire, and so did countless other pros in countless other videos. Friends of mine from the east coast traveled there, and it was seen as a Mecca. When I moved there in 97' the park was in pretty sad shape. Now it's cracked and destroyed.

I have to hand to it my friend Mike.

He still lives and works in Benicia, and has spearheaded the effort to get a new park built in Benicia. He's done a killer job so far. The X- Park has land, town approval, and community support. Go check out the website, and get a shirt.

San Francisco should take a cue from all this. It doesn't take a big city or huge funds to get an amazing skatepark started. It takes grass roots, common sense, and good leadership from SKATERS and KIDS.

Every town should be so lucky.


:: Tuesday. May 8, 2001 - 4:01pm

Buddyhead has one of their best gossip updates ever. Lots of interesting stuff. Rather than just bite bits of it, I'll just direct you there.

Lately I've been having these dreams about being back in High School. As I go through the day, I keep being reminded that I'm failing both Math and History. I sit in the classroom knowing there is no way I can pass, and that I'm wasting my time even being there. The teachers look at me, and shake their heads in disgust. Between classes I try to convince myself to skip the classes...but I can't go through with it. I'm trapped in a situation I can't change, and continue forward.

When I wake up I'm actually happy to be old, and a slave to the 9-5.


:: Monday. May 7, 2001 - 11:01am

- This is a fairly good Mark Gonzales interview...


:: Monday. May 7, 2001 - 9:00am

- Finally saw Momento this weekend. It was an amazing film. In other film news, it blows my mind that The Mummy Returns not only topped the box office this weekend, it also broke records. The American public...

- My dog is now vegetarian. Yes, it can be done...

- Gas is now two dollars a gallon. My motorcycle is still for sale.


:: Friday. May 4, 2001 - 9:32am

Thanks to Mike Giant for the work last night. One of my best experiences for
sure. Thanks to Bob for inspiring me.


:: Thursday. May 3, 2001 - 3:37pm

The new Jade Tree Records website is amazing. Not only is the design very cool, and the Flash super trick...it actually has good content. Check out the band section. I was so excited that they have a "where are they now" for old bands like Turning Point and Four Walls Falling. I do have to say I'm using a DSL line and Internet Explorer...but it's damn good.


:: Thursday. May 3, 2001 - 11:07am

Thanks to Frank at exitwound as this was on his site today...

If you ever snuck a fry as I have in the past
, EVEN after reading ingredients posted and asking. You were had. I guess it serves me right for EVER stepping foot in a McDonald's EVER. Natural Ingredient?! Fuck them and the Food and Drug Administration. And for the record, Burger King is worse.


:: Weds. May 2, 2001 - 2:13pm

A few more images have been added to the mix...looking good. Feel free to keep sending them, the more the better.

While working on my laptop last night I watched most of Return of the Jedi. The way Boba Fett dies is so weak. He gets thrown in the Sarlacc pit as a goof, and a comic burp is heard. How could Lucas kill off such a strong, popular character in such a lame way? Just one of the many reasons ROTJ is so flawed. From the amount of play Boba Fett is getting in the new movie, he'll be kicking himself for such a foolish move. I saw this at LoDown a while back...funny.


:: Tuesday. May 1, 2001 - 4:15pm

The new Sessions.com is launched, powered by threatmedia*


:: Tuesday. May 1, 2001 - 9:35am

Hello and welcome to May.

Click reload to view another photo in the box to the left. Although I didn't get as many submissions as I had hoped for, some cool stuff was sent. Please check it out and enjoy. If you would like your images to be added... just send it in.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately...I've been busy...and this is the boring month, as the design is a bit simple, but it gets the job done. For goodness sake just get Explorer...now. Thanks.

Want to buy my motorcycle? It rocks...I just need the cash for other things.



In Strife
Us Against Them


Converge/Hellchild - split CD
Daycare - S/T CD
Avail - anything older


Giant One
Vans Rowley Shoes


Star Wars DVDs
A New Ed


Itchy (& Scratchy)
A bit sore...