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The past postings...

ll Friday. September 28. 2001 9:32am

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been busy as hell. It's going to be slow for a week or two until my work load gets a bit lighter.

THREAT was 'thrown mad props' today on PixelSurgeon,, Half Project and Curb Control. Keep the links and praise coming...

In honor of all the 'phat shout outs' I'm gonna hit up and hook my ass up with some 'bling-bling'. Knowhatimsayin?

ll Monday. September 24. 2001 1:13pm

Last Friday I went and picked up two really good new CDs. Ben Folds - Rockin' the Suburbs and Slayer - God Hates Us All. It was a weird pair, and the clerk looked at me strange and asked if one was a gift. Nope, I enjoy both anti-religous metal and white boy got a problem with that? Both albums are damn good, but Ben Folds is amazing. I already bought my tickets for his show at the Fillmore in October.

I was about to list my favorite songs from the album, but they are all great, visit the website and listen.

ll Thursday. September 20. 2001 3:20pm

A few people have made comments regarding the THREAT name and logo during this tragic time. The response is posted on our home page.

Some required reading:

Interview with Noam Chomsky about the Attacks (absolutely essential!)
A Quick Reaction by Noam Chomsky
Death, Downtown by Michael Moore
Bush asked to tone down war rhetoric
Freedom From Religion statement
This Modern World
Born Against lyrics
100 Questions and Answers about Arab Americans
PETA's Animal Rescue Team


ll Tuesday. September 18. 2001 4:20pm

Random stuff as I don't feel like discussing about the whole 9.11 thing at this point...

- Joe Dirt was pretty bad. I laughed once. The love interest was beautiful though...too pretty to be believable.

- This is the best Shockwave-Music-Mixer-Thingie I've seen.

- Although these figures are amazing, it blows my mind that people have this much time on their hands. Mojo the Monkey ('pray-for-mojo") and Asley Grant ("sweet can...") top the list. A great resource site for Simpsons figures.


ll Monday. September 17. 2001 12:35pm

Please check out the completely redesigned THREAT website.

We have become larger, and a whole lot stronger...see the site for details. I am totally stoked on our new team, and the future ahead.

Let me know what you think.

ll Friday. September 14. 2001 3:01pm

I am speechless...

My good friend Chad, who sent me this link said it best," Don't forget about this".

Send this human garbage some hate mail.


Throughout all the terrible events this week it was nice to go to the dog park everyday and talk to people from all walks of life. In fact, Kato (the dog) has made much of this week bearable. I found this article today...and agree 100%.

As you can see...I've added a photo section. Rather than have photos joined with actual days, I'll just swap them out as I have time.

ll Thursday. September 13. 2001 3:08pm

- My Mom was supposed to fly into SFO at 11:18pm tonight. Her trip is now the weekend of October 6. This has effected everyone.

- I'm honored to be a part of the 9-11 Project at Surfstation. It can be found in the DROPBOX section of this page.

- My brother, who lives in Boston, has fighter planes flying overhead as he bicycles to work.

- A must read courtesy of Michael Moore. (thanks to RIch for the link)


ll Wednesday. September 12. 2001 3:58pm

I ran across this quote...


I hope the U.S leaders can remember this...

Please donate at


What can be said this morning.

At around 8 o'clock last night I just switched off. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt empty, cold and frightened. I, like most young people, had never experienced feeling unsafe in your own home. I wanted it to end, I wanted to snap my fingers and go back to the day before. Of course my thoughts are with the victims in the towers, and Pentagon as well as the brave police, firefighters, and rescue workers who risked and lost their lives.

One postive thing that helped countless people, including myself, during this tragedy was the Internet. Moments after witnessing the carnage I received emails from friends in the NYC area, during a time when phones were tied up and I feared the worst. I was able to read first hand accounts from NYC and DC residents whose weblogs I follow on a daily basis. Websites like Kotte and Surfstation have amazing link lists to photos, weblogs and help centers.

At some point I hope to start writing about movies, music, design and skateboarding again. I feel it's important not to let this horrible act change our lives. Strength comes though progress and remembrance.

We can't let them win.

Thanks to John C. Glass for the opening image...


ll Tuesday. September 11. 2001 9:22am



ll Monday. September 10. 2001 9:52am

Back at the office after three fun filled days at the ASR trade show in San Diego. It's always good to see friends, but overall it's not what I would call big fun. There was one huge highlight on Thursday night.

I was lucky enough to attend a private screening of the new Sony film by Stacy Peralta...Dogtown and the ZBoys. The film was beyond amazing. It was exciting to see the early surf footage and have it merge into the skate moves of today. Watching Tony Alva do the first air ever on film with him sitting three rows in front of me was inspiring. This film needs to be seen by every skater, and pretty much everyone else for that matter. People in the theater included : Stacy Peralta, Steve Caballero, Tony Alva, Rick Koisk of Big Brother / Jackass fame and many more. I got my invitation signed by both Tony and Stacy, and left the theater in awe.

Nothing else about ASR was too excting after that night. I almost knocked over Tony Hawk in a crowded hallway, and it was great to hear THREAT's intro music on the TWSurf Game for PSX2. Also, if you are a female in the So Cal area...keep your original breasts. There are enough fake ones in that part of the state to float a battleship...


The new Converge album, Jane Doe, has my jaw on the floor. Their last one,When Forever Came Crashing, was more a wall of sound then the cutting stop-starts of my favorite, Petitioning The Empty Sky. This one returns to that amazing sound. The design of the album is also top notch, done by their vocalist Jacob Bannon..who also started ATOMIC-ID design.

If I had one wish it might be pcking up vocalist duties for Converge...I've always wanted to sing for a band with their style.

ll Wednesday. September 5. 2001 9:19am

After listening to numerous references from my friends for years, I finally got around to viewing North Shore on video last night.

"Burkhart break boards for fun Barney." - Turtle

Although it was funny, it was even less believable than the other two classics in the '80's Action Sports Guy meets Girl Then WIns The Big Contest' genre...RAD (BMX version) and my personal favorite THRASHIN' (skateboarding version) The tagline for THRASHIN' sums it up...'Hot! Reckless! Totally Insane!'


ll Monday. September 3. 2001 4:50pm

Jess and I just got back from Sacramento. It was a good visit. We visited with Julie and Dan, then went with them to the State Fair. Man, there were some freaks out. I took some cool photos (they'll be up as soon as I have time). We then left the dog with Julie and Dan for the night and spent the night on the Delta King Riverboat hotel for Jess' birthday. We had a lake front room which was much smaller than the website made it out to be. Oh well, it was still a great get away.

In Music News...
- Sergio's band From Monument To Masses. played their first show Friday night in Oakland and were damn good.

- Murder City Devils have a new EP out and lost their keyboard player.

- After much discussion with Ivo, I have to say that although Zyklon have lyrics by a murderer and a horrible name...they fucking rock.



Chris, 28,
vegan, skinny,
dog lover,
design guy,
DVD fan,
SF resident,
DC native, etc.
sf skatepark

RIval Schools
Strike Anywhere

Murder City Devils

Top 50 list

- Ghost World
- Cannonball Run
- Sight Unseen video
- North Shore