Rather than do the standard 'Top Ten Albums' thing, I decided to concentrate on my favorite songs of the year. I guess the biggest reason for this is that I felt that very few albums measured up as a whole. There were a couple full-lengths that stood out (Buried Inside, Death Cab, Ludicra) but most didn't do it for me as a whole. In any case, enjoy...

Time As Imperialism- 4:24
Buried Inside, Chronoclast
It was difficult to pick one song off this release, as the entire album really works as one, strong, solid piece of music. Just an incredible band that deserves to be mentioned in the same breathe at Coalesce, Botch, and Converge. I'm not sure why this record isn't huge, as it should be hailed as the masterpiece it is.

Human Rawhide - 1:23
Caninus, Now the Animals Have A Voice
Yup, it's the grindcore record with dogs on vocals. Short, tight songs with pit bulls doing as fine a job as a human. With liner notes that are pro-vegan and pro-animal rights how could I NOT include this? When's the tour?

Sound Of Surrender - 3:41
Darkest Hour, Undoing Ruin
Just flat out metal cranked to ten. I don't like this record as much as their last one, but this song really stands out. You simply can't argue with a guitar lead like the one they throw in late in the track. Live it's fucking epic.

Someday You Will Be Loved - 3:09
Death Cab For Cutie, Plans
Some people seem to think Death Cab went all 'commercial' with this release, but I strongly disagree. In my mind it's one of their best efforts, ranking up there with their first full length. It was hard to pick one song here, as every time I listen I tend to find something new to like. I wasn't about to fight the masses of teenage girls to see them live, but I heard they have improved greatly on stage.

Blood - 3:29
Editors, The Back Room
Technically this album hasn't been released in the states yet (mid-February last check), but it's easily found as an import. There are bunches of British bred Joy Division clones out there, but the Editors are what I wished all these bands sounded like. The first half of their record is really just really great brit-pop...if you like that sort of thing.

Joe's Turkey - 4:15
Fat Lip, The Loneliest Punk
How the hell did Hip-Hop get on here? Fat Lip from the Pharcyde finally released his solo album this year and although every song isn't gold, there are certainly a few standouts. I just really dig his rhymes and delivery. One thing I really respect is the fact that he can make fun of himself and tell it like it is rather than pound his chest and fake a ghetto stance. Fat Lizzy is the real deal and that seems damn rare in this time of spinning gold teeth, bling, bad videos, and Mtv Cribs.

Deafening - 6:59
From Monument To Masses, Schools of thought contend
The most powerful song I've heard all year. With very few words FMTM can throw more politically charged emotion in a track than anyone. I'm so looking forward to their new record, as I think they are set to make an even larger impact. They have an amazing amount of talent and even more integrity. This music will make a difference. The new hardcore.

We're All Dead Ends - 3:22
Killing The Dream, In Place, Apart
The last addition to the list, this song adds the important hardcore element to the mix. This is a very solid release and every song is strong but this one just includes everything I value in a good hardcore song: scream alongs, breakdowns, great harsh guitar sound, angry vocals, and intelligent lyrics. Hopefully this Northern California band will make it up to Oregon for a few live shows.

Let Thirst The Soil - 4:16
Ludicra, Another Great Love Story
San Francisco based black metal (and rock and crust) with a female on vocals put out by Alternative Tentacles. Ludicra have more talent and bring the heaviness better anyone coming out of Norway. Extremely underrated band and album, this should be on every metal top ten list.  

Ghost Of Perdition - 10:31
Opeth, Ghost Reveries
At a tad over ten minutes this is an epic of a song that includes all the structure and sounds that Opeth are knownfor. Lots of contrasts here and tons to enjoy. I was never a huge fan of this band, and I did find fault with this record as a whole, but I keep coming back to this song over and over.

Holy shit...I've been doing this for five years...
Top 10 Albums Of 2004
Top 10 Albums Of 2003
Top 10 Albums Of 2002
Top 10 Albums of 2001

Here are some other positive things from 2005: Being married, The Califonia Melee, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Simpson Season 7 boxset, BK's bachelor party and wedding, Portland, Autocross, The Russian River, Kung Fu Hustle, Morrissey's Live Album, London...and most importantly my Dad's good health.

+ Wednesday, December 21st, 8:07am +

- Good Clean Fun is back! Hells yeah. Check out their new song 'My Space Song' on My Space of all places. Quite funny as always. Their new record, the amazingly titled, 'Between Christian Rock And A Hard Place' hit the streets January 24th.

- Not that I was a big fan of Pitchfork to begin with, but they have now lost all creditabilty. Their number 9 single of the year is R.Kelly's 'Trapped In the Closet'? Seriously. Now, from the review I can't tell if they are 100% serious, or if they may see this as more of a goof, but COME ON. Fuck that guy and his horrible music. Just the amount of air time he takes from other artists is reason enough to hate him. Never mind the underage sex acts.

- No surprise here.

- Parnell battle at Pop Cesspool

+ Monday, December 19th, 4:00pm +

It's all about 'Lazy Sunday' with Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell dropping mad mic skills. Unlike Pop Cesspool I dig Parnell on the mic. He has this way of throwing out subtle hip hop mannerisms and expressions that just make me laugh. He's not trying to be a hardcore fan, just a silly white guy. Awesome if you ask me.

Other SNL You Tube favorites:

The Barry Gibb Talk Show - Normally I find Jimmy Falon very over rated, but here he just nails it. And even more amazing, Justin Timberlake as Robin is perfect. The second episode is just as good "...You look like a rubber glove stretched over a skeleton!"

Omletteville - Speaking of Timberlake and Parnell...I just really find this funny. Not perfect, but memoriable.

and who could forget Nerf Crotchbat...

+ 10:25am +
On Saturday I took a drive down the central coast to visit Tom and his wife Maureen right outside San Lois in Grover Beach. It was a pretty mellow ride. Not too long at all. You can't beat the weather down there and it was great to see them.

On the way down I stopped at the James Dean crash site memorial. It's located 27 miles off 101 on Highway 46. You just round a corner and there it is, right next to Jack's Ranch Cafe. I took some pictures, did a few rubbings, and went into the Cafe. Everyone there just seemed bummed that I wanted to look around and not eat a bunch of shitty, greasy food. I checked out their awful gift area and hit the road.

We're getting closer to the move date...I'm ready.

+ Tuesday, December 10th, 10:25am +

Pray For Me: The Jason Jesse Film premiered last night at the Independent. This was a sneak preview showing and from what the film makers said, some changes might be made before a broader release.

And there were certainly a few things that needed to be changed. The film did do a good job of making Jesse look like a complete freak and crazy outsider, but it lacked a solid storyline and didn't end very well. The classic skate footage was great, but there wasn't enough of it. I'm a sucker for cars and bikes, so that was pretty interesting, but you really didn't get anything from Jason Jesse himself past a few strange rants in his garage and a few trips into the woods to fire guns. I was surprised to see a bit of his Nazi past and a touch on his mormon background...but beyond that it didn't really go too deep. And is Automodown now out of business? It sure seems that way.

I could see this film being so much better if these loose ends were wrapped up and some of the footage cut. One thing is for sure: the guy is a total freak, has an all time frontside ollie, and makes a pretty killer motorcycle.

The second trailer on the website made me laugh more than anything in the film...that little story with Art Godoy in the beginning tells so much."OK, let's talk about what just happened". That trailer is should really guide the film, as it tells the story quite well.

+ Saturday, December 10th, 2:03pm +

Richard Pryor - the comic genius has passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 65. What you may not know about him is that he was a big supporter of animal rights. He will be greatly missed.

+ Thursday, December 8th, 9:54pm +

- Aversion online has changed from a metal/hardcore review site to a full time MP3 web log. Andrew is so damn dedicated and he has new music up every day. If you haven't checked it out in a while it's worth a visit.

- I'm stoked to drive in the Amici Americani Anti-Football Run on January 1st. It should be a good time with a lot of fantastic cars.

- I was happy to hear that Ann Coutler got booed off the stage at The University Of Connecticut. I was channel flipping and heard Bill O'Reilly call those who bored her off Nazis. What the hell happened to free speech?

- I'm addicted to 'You Tube'. Yeah, the quality is pretty bad on most videos but you can find just about anything on there. Find of the day: Who Are the Smiths? A 1984 interview with Morrissey and Marr featuring questions asked by school kids.

- We've found a temporary house in Portland. Full speed ahead.

+ Wednesday, December 7th, 2:57pm +

Fugazi, Waiting Room video - Pretty good quality. I remember Wilson Center being damn hot. It seems to be the case as even at the end of December it was a shirtless show. One tip with 'You Tube' video, let the whole file load before watching. It doesn't stream very well.

And how about a Mouthpiece video? Funny how this sounds and looks quite dated, but Fugazi is still fresh.


- David Cross writes an open letter to Larry The Cable Guy. Great, great stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing Cross and Zach Galifinakis at The Palace Of Fine Arts on New Years Eve.

- If Eddie and Valerie can't make it work what chance do the rest of us have?

- It's pretty sad that Strange Notes has to rip off the general layout and style of Crail Tap. Is it that difficult to come up with an original design? And it's not like the audience won't notice. NHS seem to sink lower and lower.

+ Friday, December 2nd, 1:47pm +

I might as well just come right out and say it...we're moving to Portland.

I've given my notice to the big ass dot com I've spent three point seven five years working for and will be at a new gig in Portland the second week of January. It wasn't an easy decision but all the pieces fell into place and it just seems right. The wife has a job starting at the exact same time, so that certainly sealed the deal.

Now all we have to do is sell our place in San Francisco and buy one in Portland. And move all our stuff. Three cars, one motorcycle. And one very dependent dog. And be ready to work in 38 days. Damn.

If anyone wants specific details, more information, the whole story, etc...please drop me an email. This month may be light on posts, but I'll do my best.

November Archive - Full Archive


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