8:45am : HAPPY HOLIDAYS : This will be my last post of the year. Tomorrow I leave for the east coast to visit my family for the holidays. By the end of the day a place holder page will be up, as January 1st a new design will be posted. I can honestly say that this month is the worst design yet, so I'm lookng forward to the change. I also plan to go back through everything and correct errors and some of my horrific spelling. A lot of crazy shit has gone down this year...very high points and extremely low points as well. Next year is filled with so many questions...I'm just hoping things go smoothly.

Anyhow...I'll leave you with what seems to be the thing to do at this time of year...Top-Ten Lists.


1. Ben Folds - Rockin' The Suburbs
2. Converge - Jane Doe
3. Murder City Devils - Thelma
4. The Strokes - Is This It
5. Saves the Day - Stay Who you Are
6. Tenacious D - S/T
7. Zyklon - World OV Worms
8. Radiohead - Amnesiac
9. Emperor - Brometheus : The Discipline of Fire & Demise
10. From Autumn to Ashes - To Bad your Beautiful

TOP FIVE MOVIES OF 2001 (so far)

1. The Lord of the Rings
: The Fellowship of the Ring
3. Monsters Inc.
Dark Days
5. Snatch
6. Momento
Ghost World
8. Rock nd Roll Won't Wait
9. Waking Life
10. Black Label Video (OK, it's not a movie but...)

THE WORST ALBUM: Too many...
THE WORST MOVIE: Planet Of The Apes

2:24pm : ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL : Fucking amazing.

12:34pm : THROWN OUT : Philadelphia (AP) - A federal judge on Tuesday threw out the death sentence imposed nearly two decades ago on Mumia Abu-Jaml, revered by supporters worldwide as a crusader against racial injustice but reviled by others as an unrepentant cop-killer. MORE


Being a supporter of Mumia, this is incredibly encouraging news. In the past both Jess and I have been to rallies and protests supporting Mumia. After viewing several documentaries and readings various books, I feel his innocence is clear. Within 180 days Mumia needs to conduct a new hearing. Let's hope for the best. It's quite chilling to read about the recent protests in Philadelphia, as I'm traveling there on Friday. I find this image quite sickening. Let's hope for the best...

12:20pm : EBAY IS WAR : Yesterday my Forum Snowboard auction ended on EBay. I then receive a lovely email explaining that the final bid of $380.00 had been placed as a 'mistake'. I responded to the email asking if this meant his intention was not to pay. I was a bit bummed as I needed this money for Xmas presents AND no one is going to buy a board AFTER the holidays. Also, the guy obviously DID NOT make a mistake, but had no money and backed out, as his previous feedbacks (-1) had stated. I then get this lovely email from him:

ight buddy its a mistake my god your sad i am sure its that had to go and look at bid history and see thje second high bidder and ask him if he still wants it and deffinatly no i wont send you the money for being such an ass so go ahead and give me negative feedback i will do the same for you

What? It's his fault, and I'm an ASS? At this point it became obivious that this was a kid bidding on things he had no intention of paying for. I gathered this from his great grammar, and him quickly being so defensive. I sent another email (forgot to save it) saying that he was indeed at fault and should learn the rules of EBay...I would report the scam, and without question leave him negative feedback. I got this in return:

ight fuck you bitch you are an ass b/c you email acting like a fucken baby. I told you before, it ended I screwed up, I tried getting my bid out didnt work, dont give me any of your shit on how good you are, you sound like an ass and if you do give me bad feedback I will do the same to you for being an ass, and you should relize people make mistakes if I told you this shit after the auction I could understand but I tried getting threw to you before the end.

This bitch-ass hack was going down. I sent the following reply:

Great spelling and grammar. Why don't you try sentences rather than one long rambling misspelled rant. I'm guessing that's how you talk, in that case I'll be happy I'm getting emails as I'm sure you can't hold a normal conversation.

I take it you are (notice how I didn't use 'your') a kid by your great use of four letter words and quick wit...

Welcome to the real world Junior. Here mistakes cost people money. If you notice, EBay is a binding contract. I'm guessing you didn't notice, because you already have negative feedback from previous 'mistakes' and you didn't bother to read how EBay works. It's called R-E-A-D-I-N-G...where a series of letters make up words in the English language? From your fantastic emails I'm guesing you still need work in that area. Tough break.

>dont give me any of your shit on how good you are, you
>sound like an ass and if you do give me

I never said I was better, I suppose that goes without saying.

All your angst doesn' t really matter, because with three negatives, you'll be banned from EBay.

Take Care...
I hope Mommy ( or whoever else has to deal with your tiny mind) brings you something nice for the holidays.

No reply this time...he then left me negative feedback. I have since contacted the people at EBay and have put the snowboard on CraigsList. It just goes to show that people suck.

Happy Holidays!

12:13pm : FROSTY R.I.P. : Click the above link to experence the THREAT - Create A Snowman Flash game, in all it's glory. Make your own snowman and check out our pre-made men. This was super fun to make, and is going to be updated all the time. Here's a preview of the snowmen to come: Edward Scissorhands, Monsters Inc, and various neat-o shirts. Happy Holidays!

On a down note, looks like Nanette is out of business. She will be missed.

9:17am : FOR THE KIDS : I am old. Yup, we all fight the aging process, but time flies by and there's nothing you can do about it. Friday night I stood among 200-300 'young people' at the Converge show at the Pound. I arrived a bit early (9pm) and caught American Nightmare first. As 13-16 year old kids climbed the crowd, moshed the pit, and pointed lord knows how many fingers, I felt like 'that old guy'. I resisted the urge to turn to the 16 year old girl next to me with the mother approved nose ring and her mall bought Bad Religion shirt, and say, "I saw that band over 10 years ago when you were playing with Barbie and sucking your thumb." Still, it was good to see people excited about music that isn't on TRL, and it does an old man good to see a bass player jump into the crowd.

Converge hit the stage at 11:16pm. Oddly enough,
many people left by this time and I was able to get pretty close to the stage. All I can say is fucking amazing. So damn technical, and flawless it was incredible. The set list was equally great, including songs from almost every album. The highlight for me was the song Color Me Blood Red, which includes the lyric, 'neckdeep I cry high' the basis for this URL. As the half dozen times I've seen them before they closed with Saddest Day. Fucking insane. I left tired and refueled after a truely shitty week.

In other news, my ankle is finally getting better and I'm back to riding my motorcycle. It feels good, as I hate parking and dealing with traffic in the Jeep.

Happy Hanukkah Sam...
and the rest of my jewish readers.

9:47am : MEAN MACHINE : This new Guy Ritchie produced (he's actually supervising producer) film looks pretty darn good. Vinnie Jones takes on a role first played by Burt Reynolds in this English Football remake of the American Football film, The Longest Yard. The site is well done and all the familar Lock, Stock / SNATCH players are there. Pity we won't see it here in the states for who knows how long. It's opens on Boxing Day in England. My good friend Andrew whose two loves are English Football, and Lock, Stock will be first in line...and may cross the pond for it. I wouldn't put it past him.

10:37am : BID EARLY AND OFTEN : EBay is saving my ass this month. Not only am I buying the majority of my Christmas gifts there, I'm selling more than a few items as well. Never again will I sell clothes to a 'thift' store for coins, when I can post them for mad cash. My two sweaters and soccer jersey went for over 30 bucks each. If you are interested in a new snowboard, take a peak at my auction...I'll give you a deal. Really.

All of this fresh money is already spent, as my root canal had a nice four figure bill. It's nice to know that in this horrible recession, someone is still making money hand over fist. I just wish it wasn't my money.

9:52am : GOOD MORNING : Welcome to December...note the lack of redesign. I hope to have something totally fresh for January, time permitting. I also hope to have neckdeep.com up and running as well, but those bastards at Network Solutions don't make it easy. In the mean time check out Ivo's redesign, very well done.

Coalesce has decided to get back together and tour this spring. About time. All members are accounted for, other than Nate on guitar...but I'll take it. Fingers crossed that they play San Francisco.The Pound seems to be grabbing pretty good hardcore talent these days, so the outlook is good. I'll be there Friday for the Converge / Botch show. Very excited about that.

In light of my last post, I'll try to keep in the holiday spirit. Mid-afternoon Friday I called the dentist due to slight jaw pain. Just two minutes in the chair and I was rushed to a specialist for an emergency root canal. For those keeping score, I now have a bright purple ankle AND a swollen jaw. I was told yesterday I'm much too negative...sometimes I'm just reflecting my surroundings.






Chris, 28, vegan, skinny, Jess' boyfriend, Kato's owner, design guy, DVD fan, SF resident, DC native, etc.


sf skatepark


: Music

THREAT playlist

: Video, DVD

: Television

: Film
The Lord of theRings : The Fellowship of the Ring

: Book
The Cheese Monkeys