+ Wednesday, October 31th, 3:10pm +

- Two days past the due date. Nothing yet, ah well.

- Pretty much everything I listen to these days come right from Jason's site Lo-Res Viscera. So many great albums to grab. My two favs right now are Modern Life Is War and Trap Them, which is really good. I'm looking forward to a trip to Amoeba SF come holiday time. Until then I get by here in Portland...

- Happy Halloween.

+ Saturday, October 27th, 2:10pm +

My first in-car filming attempt. My new Cannon SD750 rigged to the rear view mirror driving down the Historic Columbia River Highway.

They can only get better from here. If I have the time. (This is the first You Tube video I've ever included on my site...wanted it to be one of my own)

You know the song...it's one of my favorites to drive to.

+ Thursday, October 25th, 2:18pm +

I'm about two-thirds into The Driver by Alex Roy. Being the obsessed rally guy I am, this book is like crack. Roy details all of this Gumball 3000 runs, his Bull Run drives and his quuest for the cross country drving record. If you're into this sort of thing, I can't recommend this enough. Also, check out the Cannonball book by Brock Yates...which I've read a few times now.

Read this WIRED article first...as it's really a very well written overview of his latest Cannonball inspired record.

Below are more than a few links that I've been bookmarking and checking out on a daily basis:
- Team Polizei 144 web blog
- Team Polizei official website and shop
- 32 Hours 7 minutes : The Film
- C'etait un Rendezvous by Claude Lelouch
C'etait un Rendezvous Behind The Scenes on Fifth Gear UK

I'm going to get a bolt on mount for my digital camera and try to make a little driving film this weekend...we'll see.

+ Friday, October 19th, 3:46pm +

- Well, I better get the posts in because the kid is coming any day now. Unbelievable really. The image above is the mural in the nursery.

- Even with the kid I hope to get some snowboarding in this year. When I moved to this city some damn some jerk stole my entire set up. I just eBayed myself up another one. Picked up this board in a 159. I'm sure there will be plenty of snow at Hood.

- Some interesting blog popping up...Coin Op from Pinball Publishing and Rebel 8 look good.

- Burton teams up with HP for a pretty interesting web experience.

- I missed 'Edge Day'? What the hell is that any way? I should point out that looking at all of Dobek's Jam records helped me get into my current listening streak.

+ Wednesday, October 10th, 9:06pm +

Man...I'm on a movie kick lately, all three of these in the past week...

- Let It Ride - The Craig Kelly Story was pretty good. I enjoyed the 'hsitory' aspect of the film and the early footage for sure. I think the tough part was the actual footage of Kelly throughout. He may have been a deep thinker but he just came off as sort of a burn out. It might have worked better to let his riding footage do the talking. It also seemed like the film makers stipped over the part of snowboarding history when it passed Kelly by. I'm not entirely sure he stepped out of the spot-light because he had enough...the sport just progressed. Still, worth a viewing for sure. Definitely a tragic way for such an amazing rider to die.

- Next up, and at the same theater for this week only, is The Man Who Souled The World. This was the story of Steve Rocco and how he tunred skateboarding on it's head in the early 90's. Very well done. It was great to see Rocco talk about everything first hand. I guess it's hard to find fault as it's certainly my favorite time period in all of skating. I clearly remember everything that went on and learning about the hidden details of this time was worth the price of admission. There were a few 'facts' that bothered me. The film stated that World had the first 'all street' team and video. Untrue. First, they had Jordan Richter as a vert rider (watch the first two minutes) and H-Street had been doing the street thing for a year or two before Rocco and World came around. Both companies were crucial in destorying the 'big five'...but World wasn't the first, just the biggest. ANYWAY, solid film.

(Also, if you haven't seen it...check out the On Video retorspective on the Blind Video part 1 / part two. It covers some topics from the film. Most of the stories are also told in Sean Slivers AMAZING book Disposible. A must have.)

- And last night was Into The Wild. I didn't like it. It didn't follow the book at all (in my mind) and was just a modified, sappy road picture. I'm sure this the version of Chris McCandless that Sean Penn and Eddie Vedder would like to believe in but I feel they missed it where Krakauer got it right. This review pretty much sums up my thoughts. Go read the book if you haven't yet...it's brilliant. Skip the film

+ Friday, October 5th, 6:05pm +

Last night I was able to attend the Portland premiere of the new Nike SB skateboarding film, Nothing But The Truth. I have to say...Nike spares no expense. Tons of people with VIP bands enjoyed free food, drink and a great venue at the Crystal Ballroom.

The video was also quite lavish with Brand New School providing the opening intro, Mark Mothersbaugh composing original music and songs from The Smiths, Depeche Mode and Thin Lizzy. Pricey stuff to say the least.

Unfortunately the video wasn't up to snuff. I mean, there were great parts...well, one great part: Omar Salazar. Chet Childress was alright and Gino's three tricks were epic. And they needed to give young Grant Taylor more screen time. The kid was amazing. But past that the skits were pretty worthless, the video itself was WAY too long and that P-Rod ender? Weak, weak weak. He was the closer in sequence only with Omar taking the crown with ease. Hell, almost everyone else was more entertaining. Is this the end of P-Rod's career? Maybe.

But all that aside, the highlight for me was meeting a true legend and one of my idols, C.R. Stecyk III. Simple put, Stecyk has documented, or is directly repsonsible for almost everything that I've even been into or influenced by. He was the man behind the original Dogtown movement, the Bones Brigade idea and visuals, the attitude and look of Indy Trucks, and most of the Kustom Kulture car movement. He created the Skate And Destroy logo for god sake. Skateboarding and car culture would not be the same today without Stecyk.

I tried not to fan out too hard but had to tell him how important his work was to me both as a skateboarder and a designer. He was very humble and we spent a few minutes talking. I was stunned when he mentioned that he read my stuff on SKATEDAILY.net. Unreal.

A good night.

I've posted this before...but here's a cut scene from Dogtown profiling Stecyk.

"Skateboarding without Craig could easily have become Little League baseball..." - glen E. friedman

+ Wednesday, October 3rd, 8:58am +

I didn't even know he was rumored to be dead. And he's alive again. Good to hear.

+ Tuesday, October 2nd, 1:50pm +

- Hello Portland...welcome to winter. So far there has been no fall. Just straight into the cold and rain. Fantastic.

- I've been hitting the Netflix hard lately...

- I was very much looking forward to Deathproof, the car based half of Grindhouse created by Quentin Tarantino. Well, I thought it was flat out awful. OK, that first head on car crash is amazing. No question. But past that...it was worthless. I just didn't care about the HUGE amount of dialog...mostly because it doesn't lead anywhere. If I have to listen to these woman drone on and on it should pay off at some point. Nope, never does. Kurt Russel's character was cool...but had no substance or back story at all. Fucking yawn. I was glad I wasn't in a theater.

- And I owe Jay Bakker an apology. Last year I grouped him in with Stephen Baldwin and other preachers jumping on the 'extreme sports / tattoo' bandwagon. After watching One Punk Under God I have done a complete 180. I wanted to see a freak show but he seems like an honest and good guy. Watching him stand on the alter of a baptist church in Georgia and tell the congragation he supports the love and inclusion of all homosexuals was something else. The guy has got guts and certainly my respect. Worth a viewing.

- Holy Shit. Sam McPheeters is as funny as ever. Listen to 'Bong and Pipe Tips' on his My Space page. Genius. He's online as well with his own site.

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