+ Thursday, September 27th, 7:16pm +

- It seems that the bearded guy from Iron And Wine really doesn't care where his music is used. He never actually watches the movies or the commerials his tunes are used in...and it's all fair game as long as the check clears. He's pretty laid back so I'm sure he won't miss my money from the sale of his new CD. And I was planning on it...

- It pains me that I missed all the SF Morrissey shows. It almosts happened...then it didn't. Opening with 'Stop me..'!? Damn it.

- Portland has another great place to eat and drink with 'By And By' on Alberta. John and Clyde are great guys and their new place looks amazing and the food is fantastic. I'll be building them a website in the near future so they can bail on My Space.

- One month until a baby boy. Woah.

+ Thursday, September 20th, 10:13am +

The Editors put on a great show last night. Super tight and very talented. They played everything from the new album and a few from their first. So good. It seems that they've gotten pretty damn popular so it was nice to see them at such a small venue. I mean, they play to a sold out Filmore in SF tonight and we saw them in a tiny club, fairly empty club up here. Well worth it.

One side note: Why do drunken woman in their mid thirties and their frat-boy-turned-salesmen-boyfriends go to shows of bands they don't know to get drunk? Seems like they could go to any shitty bar with a juke box. Then they could stumble around, scream and throw 'the horns' at odd times, fake kiss their 'girlfriends' and spill their beer on people that don't care about the band on the stage. And it would be much cheaper for them. Everyone wins.

+ Wednesday, September 19th, 8:48am +

- O'Dell's website always makes me jealous, but this entry is too much. He leads a charmed life...record shopping, touring and skating in Paris. As I sit here in a room looking at a monitor. Someday.

- Farmer met Johnny Marr before the Modest Mouse gig in NYC and got this set up. When asked by his girl Susan if he was going to get it tattooed he replied, "Well baby, he wrote the songs..." Awesome. I'm going to miss those guys in LA next month. A lot.

- Will I make the Editors show tonight? We'll see.

+ Sunday, September 16th, 11:55am +

It's been a while, but last night was another crazy heartbeat episode.

Since my first one back in March 2005, I've had a few times where the SVT would kick in, but with breathing techniques and other methods, it usually would stop in about an hour. Well, not last night. But this time it wasn't a rapid heartbeat...it just felt strange. After a few hours of this I went to the ER and ended up getting a EKG. Yup, irregualr heartbeat or Atrial Fibrillation to be more specific. Great.

I sat in there with an IV for a few hours and they decided to send me home with medicine. When I left I still had the irregular beat, and it's hard to tell now if I still have it. I'll be visiting a cardiologist first thing Monday morning.

Awesome....just what I need right now.

+ Thursday, September 13th, 6:19pm +

- The new Wolves In The Throne Room record isn't flooring me like the first album did. It's a bit more...generic I guess? It's growing on me. I'm looking forward to the few PDX showing coming up.

- I wonder if I can get a car loan to pick one of these up for the kid...I can start payments now.

+ Monday, September 10th, 3:33pm +

- Yes, it's hot here in Portland. Not super hot, but hovering in the upper 80's / low 90's.

And with the hot weather comes even more fucking flip-flops. Flip-flops, thong sandals, what ever you want to call them. I fucking HATE them. I don't want to see your gross, dirty, ugly feet and toes. I'm not sure when it was decided that anyone can wear these things with any outfit at ANY time, but damn, I wish it would stop. And how can you walk around in a public area with a small, thin piece of foam between your feet and all the crap on the ground? Do you ever think about all the filth that you are 'flopping' through? Do you think you're on a beach somewhere?

Females wearing them is bad enough, but for guys...there is no fucking excuse. You look like an idiot. I remember reading an article in Vice Magazine a few years back that stated that at no time is it acceptable for males to wear flip-flops. Ever. At the beach or a lake on vacation? Get your Vans or Chucks wet. Period. Is society so fucking causal that it's fine to go any where near barefoot?

It was just a little over fifty years ago when all men wore suits and hats when in public. I would gladly go back to that if flip-flops were banned. Fuck

(And somehow I came across these...I can just picture the dick who would be wearing them...with pride)

- I'm looking forward to the new Batman film, The Dark Knight. It's was strange to Health Ledger as The Joker, but he did use one of my favorite comic books of all time, The Killing Joke, for reference.

+ Tuesday, September 4th, 12:35pm +

King Of Kong : A Fistful Of Quarters is a great, great film. Certainly up there in my top three films of the year. Hopefully it's near where you are and you can check it out. Funny, touching and just great entertainment...even if you're not a classic arcade nerd. And man, there are some nerds in this film.

And as Chad put it, "Billy Mitchell can suck it."

And for those who have seen the film, check this out: 'Man Shatters Donkey Kong World Record Exactly 25 Years After First Setting It in 1982' Fucker. It also looks like another classic video game movie is to be released featuring our pal Billy. Not sure they can get water from the same well twice...

+ Saturday, September 2nd, 11:57am +

- Since I started this thing a lot of sites have come and gone. Recently two of my favorite black metal sites, A Blaze In The NJ Sky and Blodårstid have called it quits. Bummer.

- And speaking of that...Bob put Redshifter on hiatus a while back, which had been running for years. He recently got married (Congratulations!) and started playing with the very talented Lovelikefire. They are touring, so check them out.

- One of my all time favorites, Jason Adams. Label Kills is one of the best videos ever. Hopefully Black Label will bring back the 'punk point' board. I've always wanted to skate one.

- Only Morrissey would actually tell fans that it's OK if they don't attend his latest shows...

"Thanks to those of you who have bought tickets, and thanks to those even considering coming along. With so many US concerts this year your loyalty has already been over-stretched, so if you decide to pass, that's OK."

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