+ Thursday, March 30th, 6:58pm +

For the first time ever I received an email stating I was close to going over my bandwidth limit here at Neckdeep. Strange. After checking out some traffic logs it seems that my yearly top ten lists have been fueling MP3 downloads. There were also a few dozen Mp3s hanging around from my old playlist days. Well needless to say all that stuff has been erased from my server. No more Mp3s...actually there is one but you have to find it. If you want something go buy it.

Speaking of Mp3s there are some great ones over at Coregasm, specifically a bunch of stuff by hardcore legends Four Walls Falling. I'm partial to Culture Shock and the Burn It seven inch. Incredible if you ask me.

Which leads me to Thunder Lizard. HOLY SHIT. It really can't get any better than a 2005 interview with Four Walls singer Taylor Steele. And then there are the other band pages (Turning Point, Brotherhood, etc.) and the T-Shirts for sale! I HAD to buy the Turning Point / Hi - Impact shirt. Need I mention the zine section. Man, I spent way too much time on this site. It's an old school goldmine.

Also, I have to thank Jason at the world's greatest record store, Aquarius SF, for hooking me up. I will no longer bitch about music stores up here when I can just click and get the good shit via mail order. You can't front on Thrones Of Katarsi and Weakling practice tapes. Unreal. Thanks man.

+ Wednesday, March 29th, 9:21pm +

Tony, Lisa and Paco (pictured above) have just hit the road after visiting for the past few days. It's all part of the plan to get as many people from SF up here as possible.

+ Monday, March 27th, 8:57pm +

For some reason the site was down yesterday...I still have no idea why.

I attended my first Portland autocross yesterday. AWFUL. Completely unorganized and the course was crap. It was put on by the PCA yet 45% of the 77 cars there weren't Porches and took two hours from register to first car. Insane. I'm sure I'll get desperate enough to try another one...but after yesterday I swore that it would be my first and last PDX event.

+ Saturday, March 25th, 8:35am +

Back in Portland after a week gone. Flying for hours from South Carolina to Portland is a drag. Not much happening in Charleston either. To be fair all I saw was a sub par MLS game and the inside of a cold warehouse. It could be super fun there and I would have never known.

- The Onion A.V. Club posts a GREAT article calling out the genius of Don Knotts with Inventory: 20 Wonderfully Irrelevant Andy Griffith Show Conversations. I remember all of these. Perfect.

- Here are some detailed photos of the crazy super underground adicolor showroom in Chinatown, NYC, No photo of the Twist / HUF shoe? It's the best one by far. I'll have to find one to post.

+ Tuesday, March 21th, 8:30pm EST +

Ah, New York City. I flew in last night at 10pm and will leave tomorrow morning at 12:30. Short visit, all for business. I did get to hand out a bit and visit a few places including the super secret adicolor showroom in Chinatown (email me if you're interested in checking it out).

It seems that no matter how many times I try I still can't understand the NYC subway system. I screw it up everytime. It's maddening really. I'm just not here enough to get the hang of it.

+ Sunday, March 19th, 7:46pm +

I just saw the 'Rewriting The Science' story on 60 Minutes. Go take a look at the online version. It seems that any Global Warming information that the Bush administration disagrees with is edited out of public record. Not overly surprising but still fucking unbelievable.

"Cooney, the former oil industry lobbyist, became chief-of-staff at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Piltz says Cooney edited climate reports in his own hand. In one report, a line that said earth is undergoing rapid change becomes “may be undergoing change.” “Uncertainty” becomes “significant remaining uncertainty.” One line that says energy production contributes to warming was just crossed out."

How can the hell could the US have an oil lobbyist PART OF the Council of Environmental Quality?! This country should not stand for this shit. It's sad that everyone just looked the other way. Fuck Bush.

+ Friday, March 17th, 7:48pm +

- Ah, first post from the new house featuring a wireless connection and my new laptop. Good stuff.

- My few days in LA weren't as bad as I thought. Mostly because I was it was nice to meet and work with Atiba...and his mini ramp isn't too shabby either. We didn't get to skate it, but just checking it out inspired me. I'm ready for one in my backyard.

- The most painful part of the week, in a good way, were the text messages I was continually receiving from Farmer while he was following Morrissey for three US dates. Sound check songs, band encounters, and finally adventures jumping on stage and touching the man himself. Unreal. I wish I was there. You can check out the photos here.

+ Sunday, March 12th, 10:32am +

- I'm so glad to never have to deal with landlords, HOAs, tenant groups or any of that bullshit ever again. This week I've had the rental house owner 'drop by' three times including a few minutes ago with a handy man and once through the back window. Fucking insane. We have a few days left but I'm packing up and getting out now. I'll be offline at home until next week, but it's not like I've been updating regulary anyway...

- We caught Winter Passing last night. The first movie I've seen in months. Really, really good. It seems like it's slipped under the mainstream radar, especially since it has a great performance by Will Farrell. It certainly wasn't normal comedy fare for Farrell, but it wa sa very strong role.When I'm feeling a bit down a somewhat sad story puts things into perspective. I hope this catches on and is seen by a wider audience.

- With some help from a generous friend I was able to obtain a copy of the complete new Morrissey record. I think it's what the kids call a 'grower'. The first listen didn't blow me away but after a few more tries I'm warming up to it. My favorites amoung the new tracks right now are 'The Youngest Was The Most Loved' and 'I Just Want To See The Boy Happy '. There's a track by track review posted here.

- Early this week I'll be traveling to LA for what looks to be a torturous photo shot. Not looking forward to it. I can't imagine being there and not making creative calls. We'll see how it goes...

+ Saturday, March 4th, 5:29pm +

Today was a beautiful day. It took a while but it was super nice today. Our stuff arrived at the house on Tuesday and by next week we should be in the new place. Merrimac is building us a fence, we'll be rocking wireless internet, and the bike and car are safely in the garage. It's about time.

I'm looking forward to the start of the autocross season on March 26th. I'm picking up a set of these.


It sort of passed by but as of February I've been doing this site for five years. Five damn years...crazy.

+ Thursday, March 2nd, 6:21pm +

Shac 7 Verdict

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