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l Monday - June 28 - 10:45am l

On Saturday morning Jessica and I attended the 10:30am showing of Fahrenheit 9/11. It was completely sold out, as were most showings in San Francisco this weekend.

As a person who has always been anti-Bush, I thought it was an important and mostly well done film. that being said, I did have a few large problems with the movie, as I believe Moore left out important facts to promote his view of some events. I'm not going to go into it here...send me an email if you want to discuss. I
'm not going to be ANOTHER person writing page after page of pros and cons.

Bottom line, I think everyone who is interested in the politics of the last four years and the Iraq war should see the film, as it is very well done overall and worth a viewing.

Listen + From Monument To Masses - S/T
Watch + Fahrenheit 9/11

l Friday - June 25 - 2:07pm l

Wednesday night, Bottom of the Hill, Maritime show. They were OK I suppose. At the beginning of the show Davey was doing this weird ass thing with his voice...sounded sort of country/honky tonk or something. Three songs later he was back to his old P-Ring self. One thing that was strange was how incredibly empty the club was...40 people tops. EMPTY. We sat at the back of the bar and could see fine.

Right now I'm listening to Pet Sounds on DVD Audio in DTS 5.1 Surround Sound. Incredible. I'm sold. But man, they need more titles available...although they do have Refused(!) and some Zepplin. Where's Reign in Blood?!

Fuck all that and listen to Caninus, the first grindcore band fronted by dogs! Pitbulls to be exact. I'm pretty sure the band contains ex-members of the (admittedly over the top to the point of sillyness) vegan straight edge Path of Resistance. Kato needs to try out for that third vocalist opening. (Link shamelessly lifted from Redshifter)

l Tuesday - June 22 - 8:10am l

Relapse has posted a Dillinger Escape Plan E-Card with a few tracks from their new album Miss Machine. Well, one new track...the amazing 'Panasonic Youth'. The other is Baby's First Coffin, which was on the Underworld soundtrack last year.

Anyone have a review copy out there? Come on...please? I'm begging you.

l Monday - June 21 - 10:07am l

At this point, the 'Fahrenheit 9/11' controversy is at a fever pitch. I've mentioned my less than positive feelings about Michael Moore after discovering the holes in 'Bowling for Columbine' and my dislike for his latest book. That being said, I'm still very interested in seeing Fahrenheit 9/11...and I think this piece by Roger Ebert sums up my feelings perfectly.

(The Metreon is already selling tickets for both a 12:01am Thursday screening, and the weekend showings)

l Sunday - June 20 - 12:50pm l

Make sure and save your money and just catch Dodgeball on DVD. It wasn't horrible, it just wasn't all that funny. Ben Stiller was TOO over the top, and Vince Vaughn just doesn't work well as the nice guy. On the other hand, Rip Torn was pretty damn funny...just not funny enough to carry the entire movie. Only a few weeks until Anchorman...

Listen + TV On The Radio - Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
Watch + The Simpsons - Season 4

l Tuesday - June 15 - 9:13am l

I'm sad to report that Sean McGrath, former bass player for the hardcore band Mouthpiece, has passed away. I had seen them play numerous times in the 90's, and they had always put on a good show...they had also recently played some reunion shows on the east coast. It's frightening that cancer can take someone at 28 years old.

Patton Oswalt discusses his horrible Saturday night show in his most recent journal entry. He was the problem not the bachelorettes...doesn't matter really...

Featured + Terror - new album samples (I can't help it, I find these songs harsh, catchy, and addictive)

l Sunday - June 13 - 7:15pm l

Patton Oswalt was horrible last night. In fact, we were seconds away from walking out.

I understand being a little drunk while performing helps some people relax...but this was just insane. He kept repeating that he was drunk AND kept calling attention to the two (count em' two) bachlorette parties going on. Bottom line...he wasn't funny at all. Even when he did his older material, the delivery was off and he looked like a total failure. I laughed twice. In fact, his opening act Chris Hardwick (yeah, that guy from Mtv's Singled Out) was WAY funnier.

In fact, check out the MP3 of Rodeohead, a meledy of 17 Radiohead songs rocked bluegrass style, recorded by Hardwick and his musical partner Mike Phirman (aka Hard n' Firm). Funny, clever stuff.

l Friday - June 11 - 12:04am l

Quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever seen.

l 10:34am l
Check out the David Cross Top 5 list...posted at Crailtap. (In a related note, I'll be checking out Patton Oswalt on Saturday night).

Gene Simmons has a new album entitled 'Asshole' and with him spewing uneducated hatred about Muslims, I couldn't have come up with a more fitting title. Hey Gene, fuck you...and STOP FUCKING TOURING WITH THE SHITTY FAKE KISS. Ace and Peter were the reason you guys were EVER good (and why I saw the first reunion tour). You're a greedy fat jackass. I'm selling my Kiss dolls on Ebay.

Listen + Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt

l Thursday - June 10 - 8:48am l

Back again from New York. Better this time out. Had Jessica along and met up with my parents for a quick visit.

I'm certainly not a fan of musicals, but I have to admit Avenue Q was seriously good and damn funny. You really can't go wrong with puppets singing about racism and internet porn, having sex, and making fun of Gary Coleman. The day we checked out the show it won the Tony for the best musical of 2003, so it seems to be doing well.

I'm not really feeling the new Beastie Boys LP yet. I've listened to it about three times so far, and it just seems really flat. Most of the beats are 'drum machine' stale and no ryhmes really stood out for me. I've read that they are trying to get back to basics, but that doesn't mean they have to use the same old samples and vocal style. It's strange, although I do support the political stance they take on some songs, it just seems forced to add Bush hating lyrics on so many tracks.

Whatever I happen to be listening to, I just keep going back to the new Morrissey material anyway. And if you haven't heard the B-Sides on the 'Irish Blood, English Heart' single, you are missing some great songs.

Featured + Chappelle's Show Sound Board
Read + The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic
by Gay Salisbury and Laney Salisbury

l Friday - June 4 - 10:45am l

Any experienced Flash designers/programmers out there looking for a great place to work? Email me for me details if you are serious. Thanks.

While Bush rapped with the Pope, tens of thousands of anti-war demostrators marched through Rome.

On a lighter note, the super awful God rockers Creed have broken up after tricking people into buying almost 30 million albums. For those of you who enjoyed the shitty voice of Scott Stapp, you can look forward to hearing him on a 'Passion of the Christ' tribute album. I think what I'll miss most are all the ways David Cross makes fun of them.

l Thursday - June 3 - 9:05am l

I don't always agree with everything Michael Moore says, but Fahrenheit 9/11 does look captivating. View the trailer here. Just the TINY pieces of Bush footage got me angry. Worth a look.

Snoop wants a new ride...y'all at Chr'iz'ysler better step up cause "it's official like a referee's whistle."

Had a nice birthday yesterday. Vegan treats and skating.

Featured + David La Chapelle Photography
Listen + Enter the Dragon Soundtrack (Japanese Import)

l Tuesday - June 1 - 9:05am l

It's sad that any time our President travels to another country, they must 'brace for violence'. Very telling.

l 12:00am l
Went for a bike ride around the city today. It's awful to see how extensive the 'skate-stoppers' are down on the Embarcadero. They even bolted them on planters in the middle of the grass. They even have these shells and sea life things bolted on benches. Damn, does it look ugly.

We visited Layonna Vege in Oakland for the first time Sunday. We've been feasting on fake meats ever since. Duck, Tuna, and mad chicken. It's no Food Fight...but it's tasty and cheap.

May 04 archive