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l Saturday - February 28 - 9:42pm EST l

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Orlando, Florida, and just watched the new Chocolate video, Hot Chocolate.

Damn, I wish I could go skating.

Watch + Hot Chocolate

l Wednesday - February 25 - 12:34am l

"Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society."

So you're saying that two people joining together in a loving bond is weakening the good influence on society? Oh, I see...ONLY if they are GAY. Got it. And now you want to alter the constitution to reflect these hateful thoughts?

Fuck you.

Featured + Dawn of the Dead

l Sunday - February 22 - 7:18pm l

Starsky & Hutch was damn funny. You really can't lose with the cast (Stiller, Wilson, Farrell, Vaughn, and Snoop D-O-double G in the role he was born to play). Special props to Patton Oswalt and his guest appearance.

I decided to buy a bike (pedal powered) and get back into riding more. I have a deposit down on a Specialized P.2. Took a test drive and it was damn fun. Now I just have to sell the damn Duc.

Watch + Starsky & Hutch

l Friday - February 20 - 8:06am l

This is great...'Attack of the Agenda!' - a Flash cartoon by Mark Fiores.

l Thursday - February 19 - 3:39pm l

"It's an issue that people want to talk about and not want the Massachusetts Supreme Court, or the mayor of San Francisco to make their choice for them. I know that's what the president thinks. I think people ought to have that opportunity to debate it, to think about it, to see what the American people really want to do about the issue." - Laura Bush

In my mind marriage has nothing to do with other people and their "choice". I certainly didn't ask the President (or the American people) what they thought when I wanted to get married. The mayor didn't make a choice for people, he eliminated the restriction of choice. If anyone supports making choices for people it's your huband. Speak of the devil...

"I'm troubled by what I've seen" - George Bush on the gay marriages in SF.

Yeah, well I find your spotty military record and your use of false intelligence reports to argue for the war in Iraq TROUBLING...and that IS my business as a US citizen, as personal relationships between two people are really none of your fucking business. So boo fucking hoo. Deception on a grand scale is fine but gay marriage isn't? Take your bible thumping "beliefs" and shove them up your ass. They have no place in government.

l Wednesday - February 18 - 3:21pm l

What's going on at City Hall in the past week has restored my faith in the city. I'm damn proud to live in San Francisco.

(I do have to wonder if they give the gay couples the same terrible handout Jessica and I got when we got our marriage license at City Hall last year."So You're Thinking of Having a Baby..." Me thinks not.)

Listen + The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead (man, I just have this Morrissey thing lately...)
Featured + Peter Beste Photography Amazing photos of true (Black) Metal... I went through these photos listening to Darkthrone, and I recommend listening to something at least as evil.

l Tuesday - February 17 - 9:37am l

3 Inches of Blood have signed with Roadrunner Records and have posted an incredible new MP3, Deadly Sinners! Fingers crossed (and horned) for a new full length and US tour. METAL!

l 8:23am l
Thanks to everyone who has been visiting, and sending their links and Top 3 lists. We've gotten great feedback so far. It's looking good.

Extra thanks to Jason over at who not only added a link to, but was nice enough to post the interview I did with him last week. So if you want to read me ramble about skateboarding and the internet even more, visit his site.

Watch + Curb Your Enthusiasm - Season 1

l Sunday - February 15 - 6:54pm l

To the people I recently sent the loft photos link...please ignore. Due to the many, many problems with the completely ignorant seller, we thankfully dropped out of the deal while still in escrow. All the stories you hear about buying real estate in San Francisco are true...and then some.

On a more positive note, we just launched, a skateboarding news and information site. Visit the site and learn more.,..and please, please send us an email with your links, stories, and anything else. We want this site to be a community effort. Thanks to Bryce and Frank for all the hard work.

Watch + Spellbound
Featured +

l Friday - February 13 - 8:18am l

Beatboxing didn't end with the death of Darren "Human Beatbox" Robinson of the Fat Boys...shit is just getting warmed up. Check out Check out for tons of info and even an interview with Michael Winslow of those damn Police Academy films. Then hear the new school with Leejay, Beatbox champ and Sacto native. Crazy insane.

Check Rahzel with the Rza and the greatest beatbox song of all time. This shit is way more hardcore than P.Diddy, 50 Cent or Jay Z. (Songs found here)

l Wednesday - February 11 - 12:50pm l

If I make it through this whole property buying process without going completely mad with stress and rage, I'll be stunned.

And if anyone knows someone who wants to buy a nice motorcycle...send them here.

Featured + Handhelden©

l Monday - February 9 - 9:26am l

I was pretty close to shutting this site down this week.
I just have so much work lately with a new place to move into, a new project launching, AND my full time job. Lately it feels like I have to hunt to find any interesting links or a site to feature. In any event, I decided to stick it out a little longer. If updates slow down (especially after the SKATEDAILY launch on the 15th)...that's the way it goes. Lately it's felt a bit like a job.

Listen + Morrissey - Beethoven Was Deaf
Watch + On Video Winter 04 Issue DVD
Read + Optic Nerve #9

l Friday - February 6 - 4:22pm l

I just saw that an Andy Griffith Show statue was dedicated last year in Raleigh, North Carolina. In my opinion one of the greatest TV shows ever. Don Knotts is a comic genius.

Featured + The Andy Griffith Show at TV Land

l Wednesday - February 4 - 3:28pm l

For the past few weeks I've been enjoying the yet to be released new Get Up Kids album, Guilt Show. After being disappointed with their last album, On A Wire, I came in with low expectations. I'm very happy to say I was pleasantly surprised. They seem to be back in top form with some songs hitting the classic G.U.K sound and some new brit pop like tunes. I'm tapping my foot like mad and smiling with each song. Make sure to check out their redesigned site to preview song tracks and view some behind the scenes Quicktime clips of the band recording.

They will also being playing a show at Slims on March 29th...but unless you already bought tickets, you're not going. Sold out. I got mines yo.

Oh, and one more thing...IT'S A WOMAN'S BREAST, THAT'S ALL IT FUCKING IS! A BOOB! ALL WOMEN HAVE THEM...RIGHT UNDER THEIR CLOTHES! Everyone needs to shut the fuck up, clam down and move on! We see way worse every night on the fucking news! Hey makes more money on the internet than anything else. Wake up.

Listen + The Get Up Kids - Guilt Show

l Tuesday - February 3 - 9:05am l

Congratulations to Robert and Jen on the birth of their baby girl, Isabella!

Extreme Pen Spinning? What the fuck? Seriously. It's frightening how much time these guys put into the Flash videos of their 'tricks' (and there are so many!). Also, a detailed article on how to 'mod out' your pens. Is a pen spinning event in the Olympics right around the corner?

l Sunday - February 1 - 11:26am l

I got nothing today...looking at lofts. Some crap on the left is new.

Watch + Dithers DVD

January 04 archive