+ Friday, June 29th, 8:59am +

- For some reason this town is just kicking my ass work wise. I don't know why it's so hard for me to get design work here. I find it difficult to believe that there are thousand of good Art Directors spilling out into the streets...but hey, maybe that's the case. So damn strange.

- I'm waiting on what's going to happen to this asshole cop. The AP has picked up the story and there's a ton of press from all over the US to London to Germany AND it's the most viewed video this week on You Tube(!)...but so far Officer Joey Williams is on paid leave. The mayor stating, "Unfortunately, the video shows it pretty good," line is pretty telling. It IS unfortunate that the kids captured this prick choking a teenage girl. I mean, if nobody saw this it would have been just fine. I don't want someone like that near my freinds and family...to serve and protect?

+ Sunday, June 24th, 9:32am +

- Thursday was Go Skateboarding Day. There are always some haters, but us old timers sometimes need a reason to get out on the board. It was great to help Mike drive the final screws in his new backyard mini. So damn fun. It's like a throwback to high school...around 3 feet high and 20 ft wide. So good We also went out to Battleground and watched the Emerica team try to act like Hells Angels. It's got to be fun to ride from Portland to San Francisco hitting all the parks...but it's a bit funny to see these guys acting like life long bikers. Leather, brain buckets and boots...on skaters.

- This Friday the iPhone hits the streets. The new demo video they've posted is insane...but at 500 bucks I'm going to wait a while.

+ Tuesday, June 19th, 10:14am +

- Of course Knocked Up was brilliant. The cast was pitch perfect with the usual Apatow regulars doing a great job. It was great to see Martin Starr (aka Bill Havachuck) as Martin. The guy needs more screen time. It did hit a bit close to home...but that made it even better.

- Listen to this clip from the soon to be released Patton Oswalt album, Werewolves And Lollipops, from Subpop.

- Jason has been doing thenew.com.au for a long time now. I slept on the rework and redesign, but it's worth revisiting and bookmarking. Great content and design from a great guy.

- Thursday is Go Skateboarding Day. Support it.

+ Friday, June 15th, 1:27pm +

- We spent the last three days in San Francisco and Mill Valley to remember my wife's Grandmother who passed away last week. It nice to spend time with such a strong family. Her Grandfather and Grandmother had been married for 67 years.

- Yes, there were 17,416people at the sold out Morrissey show at the Hollywood Bowl last week...and Susan grabs the spotlight, getting onstage with Moz. This photo was in LA Weekly and on Morrissey Solo. "Black-eyed Susan You make us nervous Because we're very aware that you do not care". Jealous, so jealous...

- One of my favorite songs ever. How's that jump and flip at 1:53!? I just watched in awe. I can only wish I'd seen them live. Thanks so much You Tube...I owe you yet again.

- In the life changing news department...we are scheduled to have a baby boy on Halloween. Can't wait. Not sure if this site will survive a child. It's sort of on life support as is. Time will tell.

+ Thursday, June 7th, 10:54am +

- I don't even know where to begin here. This is just so maddening. In the past few weeks there have been specials on 60 Minutes and National Geographic following American soldiers and their experiences and in most cases their growing digust in the Iraq war. And they are over there. How the FUCK can anyone still support this thing? What has to happen to change the minds of those morons in power. We're wasting billions, PEOPLE ARE DYING at an alarming rate...and nothing is changing. How stupid are we as a nation?

- What the hell happened to the nice weather? It's June, enough with the rain already. I guess I should be thankful for the solid week of dry weather. How dare I think the rain would be over.

- A little comedy after my dumb rants...the hardest part about rollerblading.

- Sorry for the lack of music updates...I just haven't listened to anything new in months.

+ Monday, June 4th, 4:43pm +

Great birthday weekend as planned by my wife. Thanks Jess.

We had a super nice modern cabin in Manzanita on Saturday night which was just a few blocks from the water. It was relaxing to just hike and chill out. Nice to get away and see the ocean. If only my damn dog didn't snore...

I also was surpised to receive a Nintendo Wii. One of 50 available at a Best Buy opening. Again, thanks to the wife. After only one night of play I have to say I'm impressed. Yeah, I've only played Wii Sports and yes, the graphics aren't top shelf...but there is something about challenging someone in tennis or golf that is so damn fun. And how about that slick interface? I'm just not sure what additional games to get. Red Steel? Excite Truck? I hear the Tony Hawk game is terrible...

Above image taken from The Japanese Super Safe Wii Safety Manual.

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