+ Sunday, January 28th, 4:48pm +

It's been a bit difficult to update lately. We signed the final paperwork to buy a house, and our loft in SF had it's fist showing this weekend. Add all the new job, keeping up on SKATEDAILY.net...and all the rest. Hopefully I'll be able to do a bit more next month, but we still have to move all our stuff and get into the new house.

- The Portland Autoshow was a bit of a let down. The classic race car section consisted of five cars and there were no concepts at all. I did get to sit in the new Cayman S, so it wasn't a total waste.

- I finally saw The Devil's Rejects. Pretty impressive. The art direction and music were both perfect. At points it was hard to watch, but overall it was very good. On the negative side I think it fueled a very violent snuff film dream I had two nights later. It's that creepy.

- This morning I gave in and picked up a 12" Powerbook G4. Yeah, I know that the MacBook Pro comes out in a few weeks, but this was a floor model and the price was too good to pass up. Besides, I've heard that PhotoShop and some other Adobe products won't work as well on the Intel products. In any case, I'm stoked to have a new machine.

+ Sunday, January 22nd, 12:45pm +

- The Let Live show went off. Hundreds of people in attendence and a massive amount of money raised. So good to see so many people giving to the Shac7. The donation box is still not full enough, so give here. The trial starts soon and it really effects everyone in the US. Don't let the government turn protesting into a terrorist crime...if you run a website that bashes Bush or supports animal rights you could be next...

- The house process is moving forward nicely. Final stages of a buy, first stages of the sell.

- It's not raining today so we took the dog to Mt Tabor this morning. Only blocks away from new new place.

+ Thursday, January 19th, 10:35pm +

In order to keep myself from going crazy, I've been thinking about the spring and getting my car and bike up here asap. I've put out some feelers, but does anyone know about any Portland car or bike rallies as well as an autocross series? I'm looking at the web site for the El Diablo Run and getting jealous.

On that note, it looks like an old friend, McGoo, is building bikes. From the looks of things he is doing a better job than most of the those Discovery Channel chumps. And if you've got the dough, he's selling. I just don't think I could pull off one of those chopper, but I really love the way they look. One of the best I've seen lately is Matt Hensley's ride. Yes, that Matt Hensley. Everything about that guy is stylish. And all the Go Fast choppers are pretty amazing.

+ Sunday, January 15th, 10:35am +

Obviously it's been a busy week. The first week of a new job is always rough. It went fine, but I still have a ton of catching up to do. About a week and a half down here in Portland. Still getting adjusted.

- Ground Kontrol. This place is just insane. So many great video games...Sinistar, sit down Pole Position, Popeye, 720 (broken joystick but still), and Street Fighter II. They've also added tons of Pinball machines: Radical, Adams Family, Black Knight and more. I might have to join the Portland Pinball League.

- The Department. The new street set up is perfect and the mini ramp is so much better than the small bowl they had before. And even though it gets mixed reviews, I really enjoy the large wood bowl.

- Food Fight almost goes without saying...

- Home prices. I certainly don't miss that part of San Francisco. We've had an offer accepted and we're moving forward.

- The weather. The weather. The weather. At least for now....

- Why the hell is restaurant  help so sl-l-o-o-o-o-o-w in this town? Is it too much to ask to get your food quicker than 25 minutes after you order it? It also takes that long to get a check. Yeah, I may be from the 'big city' but it's insane and at every place we visit.

- Although I've been to 2nd Avenue records (what's the deal with those boxes?) I have to say that no city can top SF with Amoeba, Rasputins and Aquarius. Looks like mail order for me.

+ Sunday, January 8th, 7:22pm +

- Things are moving fast up here...work starts tomorrow and we may be bidding on a house this week. Nuts. Although this rain is really rough. I need a break already.

- If you are in the Portland area PLEASE make plans to attend the LET LIVE Shaq 7 benefit auction on January 20th. Details can be found here. So many amazing art pieces will be up for grabs for a great cause. Go visit the site and plan your evening. If you want to donate some art or cash please contact our good friend Chad asap. He's the hero behind this...one of many actually.

- Speaking of Food Fight!, Good Clean Fun will be playing there on February 20th. Awesome, just awesome.

- Patrick heard the new Morrissey record. Lucky.

+ Thursday, January 5th, 12:15pm +

Well, we're here in Portland.

It took all day yesterday to make the drive and we arrived at around 5pm to our rental in the North East part of town. Let's just say the place will help motivate us to find a new home quickly. It's clean, there's hot water, and the DSL line works so it will do. It's just a long way from our loft in SF.

Work starts on Monday and until then we're going to stock up on food, chill out, and get the dog used to her new surroundings.

The above image is from TripCheck, a great site if you plan on driving in Oregon.

+ Sunday, January 1st, 7:08pm +

- Busy, busy, busy. It's 2/3 days until the Portland move. We've been packing, cleaning, storing, and painting. It's pretty strange to think we'll be out of SF soon. It'll be good, but right now it's just nerve racking and a bit sad.

- This morning we headed over to the Anti-Football Rally put one by the Amici americani della Mille Migliae. We got there at 8:30am and it WASN'T raining. There were 160 cars signed up and about 30 that showed up. It started to rain as we hit the road. After going up Lucas Valley Road past a few wash outs and dangerous turns. 20 miles later we came apon a few stopped cars. We slowly came up to a Porsche Boxster from our group up on it's passenger side sitting 90 degrees in a muddy ditch. As we jumped out to help it begain to rain sideways. Our friend Brent helped push the car back on four wheels, chain it to a 4WD and get it pulled out of the muck. The driver and passenger were fine. The crazy thing is many cars continued on the route. We turned around (along with many others) and called it a day. I didn't feel like taking the risk. I like driving fast in safe condtions, not slow in dangerous conditions. Here are some photos from the parking lot...pre-crash.

- Last night we went to the New Years Eve comedy show at The Palace Of Fine Arts. Zach Galifianakis and David Cross were pretty funny but once again the crowd was AWFUL. Why the hell do people feel the need to shout things out and try to contribute to the show? I suppose I'll try another comedy show in Portland, but if I was staying in SF...never again. People suck. I'll stick with listening to CDs

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