+ Friday, February 25 - 9:01am +

We want to throw all the luck and love we can to Moke, one of our closest friends and our dog Kato's best friend. We're all hoping for the best.

+ Wednesday, February 23 - 4:54pm +

I've never been so thankful for the gift of headphones at work. I'll leave it at that.

+ Currently - LISTEN : Monster X -Indoctrination +

+ Tuesday, February 22 - 12:59pm +

Anyone who works in any creative field knows that a client can quickly change and warp a once great idea and completely destroy it. What was once a concept or design you were very excited about can turn into a total nightmare. It's worse than working with a straight up bad idea because you know, at the bottom of it all, there was a great idea that was lost or at the very least watered down. This was my world for the past few weeks. Today, as I come close to finishing this lengthy project, a photographer friend of mine emailed me this:

From Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' book, "On Death and Dying." In it, she identified five stages that a dying patient experiences when informed of their terminal prognosis

The stages Kubler-Ross identified are:

* Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
* Anger (why is this happening to me?)
* Bargaining (I'll promise to be a better person if...)
* Depression (I don't care anymore)
* Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

It's scary how closely this mirrored my feelings throughout this ordeal. The death of a good creative concept. It's funny cause it's true.

+ 8:07am +

"- If I had an extra $50,000 hanging around...this would be the car."

After an email from Bob, I guess I should explain this one in better detail. It would have been less confusing to have said,"If I had an extra $700,00 hanging around...". My bad. I would look into getting a shell of an original 550 then throwing it on my 912 frame and engine. Just getting the shell of this car would cost you 50K. I saw the shell a while ago for that price. Here's a post regarding the 6 year restoration of the car pictured. Or skip all that and just pick up a nice replica.

+ Sunday, February 20 - 3:21pm +

I saw Napoleon Dynamite yesterday. I must be missing something because I didn't think it was all that funny. I laughed once or twice...but I've heard people say it was the best comedy of 2004. I'd have to disagree with that one.

- I didn't know Jesus was down with graffiti...but I suppose if he's cool with black metal (how the fuck does that makes ANY sense) spray painting is no big deal.

- If I had an extra $50,000 hanging around...this would be the car.

+ Friday, February 18 - 10:13am +

The Bay Area really needs to get over it's fear of rain. Whenever there is even the smallest rain coming through the area, the local news begins a 12 hour 'Storm Watch' with updates every 15 minutes. It's fucking rain. Forget trying to get anywhere...for some reason people can't drive in the rain around here. I grew up on the east coast and most people could drive in the snow no problem (and this was atime because SUVs). When it rains in the Bay Area people in their giant trucks panic like morons. It's fucking rain and I want to get home.

Sadly, the body of Nasum frontman Mieszko Talarczy has been idenified. He was reported missing while during the Tsunami disaster and everyone was hoping for the best. One of grindcore's best has been lost. Tragic.

+ Thursday, February 17 - 12:11pm +

"Yes...press 'shift - refresh' you will, young Jedi" - over heard in the Yoda voice as I walked to lunch in my office. Merging Star Wars AND web browser commands. Can it get any more fucking tech-nerd? No...no, it can't.

Mike Suftfin has created artwork for multiple record lables, skate brands, and sci-fi books. Solid site and very impressive work.

+ Tuesday, February 15 - 12:56pm +

SKATEDAILY.net has been up and running for exactly one year.

+ Monday, February 14 - 6:48pm +

I don't completely support unions, but it's a bit off putting to read this article regarding American Apparel and their union busting policies. They scream so loudly about their position on fair labor that it's a bit hard to swallow.


For a month or two I've been listening to the new Mars Volta record entitled Frances The Mute. Some songs border on genius (the first three) and others just completely bore me. The reason for this is their tendancy to just 'jam' for 15 minutes at a time or just fill large portions of a song with white noise and strange sound. It's certainly a sound closer to their live show, which I personally hated. I almost wish that there weren't those great, great moments so I could just write them off. No can do.

+ Currently - LISTEN : The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute +

+ Saturday, February 12 - 8:29pm +

Lambgoat has posted is a good interview with Jason Tipton, the man behind Willowtip Records.

He's on point with a lot of things including the statement, "Killswitch Engage, Unearth, Atreyu, every single one of them are so overrated and this is the trendiest worst sound in metal today that I can think of. Just watch Headbangers Ball. Every big band today has this sound." Truer words were never spoken. I'm watching 'The Ball' right now and 90% of it is just plain awful. (Although they did just play an old Anthrax video and Nasum back to back...but that's a rarity)

There are some solid metal shows in SF coming up...
High On Fire, Fucking Champs : Galaxies - February 26th
3 Inches of Blood : The Pound - March 30th
Mastodon : Slims - April 5th
King Diamond, Black Dahlia Murder : The Pound - May 7th

+ Friday, February 11 - 11:46am +

I don't know how people can work jobs and careers they hate for years and years at a time. I suppose that's the norm in today's society, but I just can't see how that can be. Lately my job has taken a turn for the worst and I question if I even want to continue doing design anymore. It would be great to be able to just bail and do something completely different. Motorcyle mechanic, coffee shop owner, start a company. Just do something completely fresh. Easier said than done. Maybe I just need a really long vacation.

Onionarticles in recent months: Project Manager Leaves Suicide PowerPoint Presentation. The actual slides are f
ucking genius.

+ Wednesday, February 9 - 11:19am +

It's all about The Cursed...here's a short interview (found at Jason's new site Left Hand Pathos).

+ 10:05am +

You may notice the design is changing around a bit... it's a work in progress. Whenever I get a second during my last 15+ hour work days I mess with it a bit. It's getting there.

This is a solid idea...an online art gallery. I really like the 'Vintage Vandals' concept. The before and after roll overs are pretty clever.

+ Tuesday, February 8 - 11:07am +

There certainly is a ton of hype surrounding the new High On Fire release, Blessed Black Wings. I like it, but for my money new Cursed record just blows it away. Much heavier and angrier. Plus, they're from Canada, so they have that going for them...which is nice.

Want to give yourself a really piss poor tattoo? Why not try building a "real tattoo machine using ordinary household items". Unreal.

+ Currently - LISTEN : The Cursed- II +

+ Monday, February 7 - 8:46am +

Congratulations to one Tom Hanley who is now engaged to be married. He proposed to his lucky lady during the Super Bowl...nice work.

Also a mad shout out to Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hooten (of Herbivore fame) and a big welcome to their newest family member Ruby Bird Hooten.

+ Friday, February 4 - 10:20am +

Supercult is a worth a look.
You can't beat naked girls, fantasy battles, and Morrissey tattoos. Although, I've seen better in the Moz ink department.

I told myself I was pretty much finished with tattoos (aka: out of space)...but lord knows I can't keep that promise.

+ Featured - LISTEN : The Arcade Fire - Funeral +

(I've had this album for months and months and it continues to grow on me. One of the only reasons I didn't put it in my Top 10 of 2004 was because I felt it was getting almost too much praise. It is a damn good record. You can't deny the Talking Heads influence.)

+ Thursday, February 3 - 9:27am +

"Where's that kid at? I've got to get my stuff back" - spoken by Minnesota Vikings quarterback Daunte Culpper after giving a paralyzed high school kid his 'iced out' necklaces. He then TOOK THEM BACK. Pro football players...such class acts. Great example of degifting. What a dick.

+ Wednesday, February 2 - 1:39pm +

Even skate art is hitting the mainstream as this week's SF Bay Guardian points out. For the record I think Neck Face is pretty weak...I'm not sure what all the hype is about. He does child like drawings with bad type on city streets. Hasn't that been done hundreds of times before?

+ 8:13am +

Marketing "professionals" are a joke. People who walk around confident that they know their market so well that they can sell any project to the masses. "Youth" marketing is even worse. Some days I just want to distance myself from all things advertising and design and just call it a day. Here are some great campaigns...

Milkskater.ca - yes, the kids love the 'board skates' right now and the dairy industry has picked up on it. I had no idea farmers were so damn radical!"Big bad Bessie with the M-I-L-K". Man, I was wrong...factory farms have given way to ramp covered pastures and cows hanging out with hot chicks. Fuck, I'm going to start drinking milk now...cause these guys are just like me and those cows are stoked!

"I'D HIT IT!" - Once again Mcdonalds has their finger on the pulse of today's youth. I'm going to buy a cheeseburger and forget about my health. Word.

+ Tuesday, February 1 - 3:07pm +

I stumbled across this video (25mgs) of comic duo Hard N' Phirm performing their song 'American Dinosaurs' on Jimmy Kimmel. I caught HN'F opening for Patton Oswalt last year. Quite funny.

+ 7:15am +

I've decided to switch back to the 'other' format here at neckdeep. I found I missed the writing aspect of this thing over the past six months. Never thought I would, but I did.

I started this site three years ago (February 2001) so I figured this would be a fitting time to relaunch. At this point anyone who has stuck with this site over the years certainly deserves my thanks. So thank you very much.

The record as seen in the above left corner of the page is very, very good. If you enjoy the Cursed or any harsh, political hardcore (His Hero Is Gone type stuff), Mi Amore will certainly be your cup of tea.

+ Currently - LISTEN : Mi Amore - The Lamb +

January Sketchbook
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