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l Tuesday - April 29 - 4:08pm l

Once again...Mark Foire rocks. This week's cartoon topic, the war in the Congo...and our indifference as a nation.

Didn't this chubby poser learn anything from his Dad?

l Monday - April 28 - 1:49pm l

And the new iPod? I don't like this version as much as the old design. What's up with those buttons? Didn't the wheel buttons work? Does anyone really need a docking station to clutter up their desk more? I do like the separate remote connector, but that's about it.

Also dropped today, the iTunes Music store. I have to say...I'm a record store guy. I enjoy going into a store and buying music. I want to own the artwork, and read liner notes on paper. I'll give it a shot...but I'm not overly excited.

But this shit is funny...

l 9:11am l
At the moment I rock a cassette adaptor for in car iPod use...but this new iTrip gadget looks damn cool. You can transmit anywhere to ANY FM signal, doesn't need batteries, and the design is hecka tight.

Check out for some good ass video..."yeaaahhh Ocean." How's that no-comply-wallride-revert trick? Damn.

If anyone cares about superbikes...Neil Hodgen takes World Superbike in Japan for Ducati...hence the above image.

Listen + Murder City Devils - R.I.P

Featured +

l Friday - April 25 - 1:17pm l

Is it me or is this SARS thing just getting out of hand? I mean, you would think we're getting hit with full scale Ebola ala Outbreak. I guess the media needs something to scare everyone with...

Seems like Hollywood is ready to cash in on skating. Look for Grind this summer at a theater near you.

Anyone who has known me for the long haul knows I used to really be into KISS when I was younger. I caught their first reunion tour in 1995, and in Junior High I even went to some conventions. I'm past all that now as they will do ANYTHING for cash at this point, and it's gotten pretty tired. So I wasn't really surprised when I heard they are now doing a tour OPENING for Aerosmith with a cover band guitarist replacing Ace (my favorite member)...but I was still bummed. Go pick up a pair of tickets...they start at $250 a pair and go up to $1000. You can put it on your KISS credit card.

l Tuesday - April 22 - 12:47pm l

Senior aides to US President George W. Bush (news - web sites) met this week to consider ways to punish France for its opposition to the war on Iraq

Now France, you deliberately disobeyed us. Well, what do you have to say for yourself? Hmm? We are VERY disappointed in you. Bad country...bad! Now you're just going to have to go to your room after a spanking...and no NATO until you've learned your lesson.

What the hell is going on? Have we reverted back to kids in a schoolyard?

l 12:47pm l
Damn, is this on point.

Tortured Ugandan Political Prisoner Wishes Uganda Had Oil
KAMPALA, UGANDA—A day after having his hands amputated by soldiers backing President Yoweri Museveni's brutal regime, Ugandan political prisoner Otobo Ankole expressed regret Monday over Uganda's lack of oil reserves. "I dream of the U.S. one day fighting for the liberation of the oppressed Ugandan people," said Ankole as he nursed his bloody stumps. "But, alas, our number-one natural resource is sugar cane." Ankole, whose wife, parents, and five children were among the 4,000 slaughtered in Uganda's ethnic killings of 2002, then bowed his head and said a prayer for petroleum.

Onion...I love you.

l 8:38am l
Some good news for veggie students in California.

Another great Flash cartoon by Mark Fiore, The Amercian Model.

Listen + This is Spinal Tap

l Monday - April 21 - 9:08am l

Caught A Mighty Wind on Saturday night. Not as flat out funny as I would have liked but there was some good laughs in there. Check out the website, as all the videos are deleted scenes from the movie.

Friday night was interesting indeed.
My good friend Mike is working hard to raise money for a new skatepark in Benicia. On Friday night they organized a benefit concert in Benicia with a few local bands playing. I went to check it out and work the 'water bar'. The first band were called Lavish Green..who seemed be be from South Lake Tahoe. As they were setting up (and there were like 5 people in attendence) my friend Tom says,"isn't that Shaun Palmer?". A mong the silly hat wearing, goatie sporting, bar band freaks is Shaun Palmer, ex(?)-pro-snowboarder and self proclaimed 'World's Greatest Athlete'. What the hell? Is the same guy who I used to think was the greatest snowboarder ever working as a roadie for a shitty bar band going Sublime and Dave Mattews covers? Indeed. I guess his Activision game isn't doing so well. He bought a water from me for a buck...I was too freaked out to engage in conversation. Strange.

Watch + A Mighty Wind

Featured + Mars Blackman Ads

l Friday - April 18 - 9:36am l

I blew it.

Yesterday the Gumball Rally 3000 started in San Francisco and I completely forgot. I would have loved to check out the cars as well as the official start.
It seems like the cops were out in full force as well. Damn it!

After racing cam cars last year...the Gumball is my next dream. All I need is a week off, a new car (I guess I could take the Ducati),
and someone to sponsor me to cover the gas and the 8000 pound ($12, 568!) entry fee. Team Neckdeep 2004...make the dream a reality.

l Thursday - April 17 - 7:50am l

Interesting article about those missing weapons of mass destruction.

Sony to cash in on Iraq with 'shock and awe' game.

It seems that the U.S. Department of Agriculture said it was fine to feed 30,000 live chickens into a wood chipper. I'm speechless...

l Tuesday - April 15 - 8:16am l

It's amazing that my best riding day of the year happened April 14th. I was able to get the day off and have an epic day in 2-3 feet of powder. Just insane. Fresh tracks almost the entire day with blue skies and small snow storms. Wow. Nothing like a day like that to make all the work and stress over various things just melt away.

Strange thing though...after getting home and walking my dog my right ankle (the good, unbroken three times one) started to swell. I must have someone twisted it inside my boot or something. It's a pretty mild sprain, but I've got it wrapped today.

A small price to pay.

Listen + Cursed - One

Watch + Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Read + LAbyrinth -Randy Sullivan

l Friday - April 11 - 8:16am l

I stole this link from Brad...I just couldn't help it, as it could be the greatest link EVER. Just an amazing collection of strange songs. Horrible cover tunes by TV stars and actors, Beatles covers, Stairway to Heaven covers, a jaw dropping group of Christian Songs, and cartoon themes. I could spend HOURS on this site. Go now.

some examples of the hundreds:
Stairway to Heaven by Dolly Parton
Yellow Submarine by Milton Berle
I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash (in German)
Cowboy For Jesus - some little kid

Black Hole Sun - Steve and Eydie

l Thursday - April 10 - 3:26pm l

I'm glad that so far it seems like the worst of the war in Iraq is over. But I'm not holding my breath.

I guess I'm just curious where we go from here. The rebuild? The aid?

No weapons of mass destruction have been found. None. The whole link to September 11th is bullshit, and even Bush has admitted that. For the moment, the media seems to be focused on the freedom of the oppressed. Fantastic. Finally, American seems to care about people suffering in other parts of the world. So are we going to continue actions like this to save lives? I'm all for that...110%. But something tells me that wasn't the goal of this liberate those under a unjust leader. Saddam had tortured and killed people for over a decade, and we didn't stop him. There are people all over the globe being oppressed and tortured. I hope we can see that compassion for human life should be the focus and not the hunger for money and power.

I'm puzzled that there is little coverage on the horrible bloodshed happening in the Congo. Millions of men, women, and children are being butchered there. The deadliest war since World War II.

l Tuesday - April 8 - 4:36pm l

Porcell of Youth of Today / Project X / Judge fame has launched his new website True Till Death. Impressive content so far...and terrible design. Don't these guys know any good designers? Beveled buttons?! Ouch. There's still 'Time To Forgive'...Porcell, give a brother a shout out. And when are those Schism Judge longsleeve reprints going on sale? GO!

l 12:21pm l
This is great news...Jailed Iraqi children run free as marines roll into Baghdad suburbs


Doc: That's an interesting name, Mr...?
Fletch: Babar.
Doc: Is that with one B or two?
Fletch: One. B-A-B-A-R.
Doc: That's two.
Fletch: Yeah, but not right next to each other, that's what I thought you meant.
Doc: Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar.
Fletch: Ha, ha, ha. I wouldn't know. I don't have any.
Doc: No children?
Fletch: No elephant books.

'Cecile de Brunhoff, the inspiration for Babar, the enchanting little elephant whose adventures captivated generations of children, has died in Paris. She was 99.'

l 9:39am l
Another message form Michael Moore about the 'backlash' since his Oscar speech.

A great interview with David Rees from Get Your War On fame. (See cartoon above)

A thousand bucks for a weak Tony Hawk graphic and four hundred for a crappy Santa Cruz re-issue? This guy is smoking crack.

Peter Jackson's next project after Return of the King? Taking on King Kong.

l Monday - April 7 - 11:35am l

This just in...washin' up for the lord.
Army chaplain offers baptisms, baths

l 9:38am l
I guess I'm not the only one who thinks Bush is a bit heavy on the God speak lately. I happen to think freedom of religion should also mean freedom FROM religion.

"In his speeches, he has asked for guidance from "the loving God behind all of life and all of history," hinted he believed there was a "divine plan" for the world and warned Americans that "we are in a conflict between good and evil."

And what is this all about?
WWJD? I would think he would try to preach tolerance for other religions, and promote a quick peaceful end to violent conflict. But I don't even believe in what the hell do I know.

l Friday - April 4 - 2:40pm l

I've been getting into it on a more than a few comment boards with people who just completely put down protestors. These people feel that protests and peaceful action has no effect on the political actions of this country. They feel their right toi get to work on time is MUCH more important than civil disobedience. They even say that the protests during Vietnam had absolutely no impact. I just read this from Noam Chomsky:

"There is only one way to fight a war now. First of all, pick a much weaker enemy, one that is defenseless. Then build it up in the propaganda system as either about to commit aggression or as an imminent threat. Next, you need a lightning victory. An important leaked document of the first Bush Administration in 1989 described how the U.S. would have to fight war. It said that the U.S. had to fight much weaker enemies, and that victory must be rapid and decisive, as public support will quickly erode. It is no longer like the 1960s, when a war could be fought for years with no opposition at all."

"In many ways, the activism of the 1960s and subsequent years has simply made a lot of the world, including this country, much more civilized in many domains."

Read then entire article.

l 1:36pm l

I've never been a Pearl Jam fan...but I have to give props to Eddie and the boys. And you know what, if you don't like what he's saying on stage, by all means walk out of the show...and go sell your Pearl Jams CDs. this is america.

l 9:19am l
If you only have five minutes today, please read this: Chomsky on War

If you've got more time check out all the other articles at ZNet. There are more than a few by Chomsky...

l Thusday - April 3 - 10:36am l

I've been quite this is a bit late.

The Fire Theft on Tuesday night. Awesome. Jeremy Enigk never lets me down. I may have to name him as my favorite singer / songwriter. The highlight for me was the song 'Chain'. It's really hard to describe the intense wall of sound and emotion that filled the room. I enjoyed most songs, but a few were a bit long. Another stand out was 'Heaven' which was the first song of the encore with Enigk at the keyboard. His voice is amazing. Put out the album already.

This is not good...Oregon Law Would Jail War Protesters as Terrorists. Just what we need. I had a conversation with someone the other day who said no matter how passionate they were about an issue, they would never, ever disrupt traffic no matter how bad it got. I'm pretty sure Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr., or Caesar Chavez would have blocked traffic.

Yes, the new Radiohead album is pretty good. The band seems pretty cool with the massive leak of the record online. The label is not.

l Tuesday - April 1 - 10:15am l

Looking forward to The Fire Theft tonight. I've got an extra ticket if anyone is interested.

A quick note...
Yesterday I posted a back and forth between myself and someone with a conservative web log. I won't be posting anything like that in the future. It seems to me that ignoring such sites goes further in dismissing them than calling attention to them. I'm sure that was the largest reaction (and amount of traffic) that site ever received, and I feel if I just ignore them...we'll all be much better off.

I always thought it was strange that right wing sites dedicate pages and pages to calling out celebrities and their anti-war stances. All that does is give them more face time, and a louder voice.

So sorry about that, I'll try not to let it happen again. Carry on.

Listen + The Blood Brothers - Burn Piano Island
Watch + Black Out - new Black Label Video
Featured + Protest Records

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