+ Sunday, September 24th, 10:05am +

Jackass 2 does NOT disappoint. Damn.

+ Saturday, September 23rd, 7:28pm +

Last night brought the Bronx / Converge / Mastodon tour to Portland at the Roseland.

The new Bronx album is terrible. I tried to get into it, but it's flat compared to their first full length and doesn't deliver the quick, hard songs that sold me on the band. Live the new songs are even worse. It seemed that even the band weren't into them because as soon as they launched into an old song they just destroyed. When they played 'They Will Kill Us All (Without Mercy)' and their vocalist sang from the floor with the crowd I forgot all about those subpar songs.

Converge always impress. They are amazing musicans and Jake Bannon is one of my all time favorite vocalists. But seeing them on a large stage just doesn't do it for me. Bannon had no floor level crowd to push himself into and they just weren't as intense. And I can't blame them for no longer ending their set with 'The Saddest Day' but it still bummed me out. The glory days are gone...but I'll still see them everytime they play. The new songs sounded great with their new album out October 24th.

Mastodon were not even close to as good as the last time I saw them in SF. Like The Bronx, the crowd seemed to feed off older songs and just sit during the new tunes. I don't dislike the new record, but it just lacks the punch of 'Levithan'. As a group they just didn't seem to be on the same page. Last year I was impressed of how tight they were. Not this time. Sure, the new songs are super tech...but the power is gone. Still, that drummer is fucking insane. Worth it just to see him in action.

Man, that was a long post...

+ Wednesday, September 20th, 11:06am +

It's high squirrel season here at our Portland home and Kato the dog is not happy.

All yesterday morning she was chasing the nut gathering pests at full speed across our yard. She walked inside at one point and I noticed something dark above her right eye. A large gash a little over an inch long and VERY deep. Our best guess is that she smacked into a low tree branch after a sprint across the yard. Or got caught on a branch after a high jump. Who knows.

After a few hours of under the knife, needle and thread she's back home and not looking too happy.

And she's STILL glued to our back door. The squirrels are now taunting her and she's a dog obsessed.

+ Monday, September 18th, 10:57am +

- Tom and Tracy's wedding was so fun. Great friends, super crazy dance party and big surprises. It's not often that that many friends are in one place. Congradulations again to the lucky couple...it was all time, no doubt about it.

- It's nice to be back on schedule and have my office space squared away in the Pearl. October 1st move in date. I'm going to try to get a gallery space set up for First Thursdays as well. Neckdeep® Studios site coming soon.

- I'm a few listens into the new Mastodon and I'm not really feeling it like their 'Levithan' album, but that's a tall order. Just a lot of weird songs and a different sound. We'll see how they do live on Friday.

+ Thursday, September 14th, 7:15pm +

- Holy shitballs...Texas Is The Reason is reuniting and playing Irving Plaza in New York. Maybe this show will spawn a Gorilla Biscuit like reunion tour. One can hope. I saw them at the Black Cat in DC in96' one week after 'Do You Know Who You Are' came out...such a great band. Hardcore and post -hardcore reunions seem to be the latest trend, and I am down.

- Royce tipped me off on a death metal documentary on Discovery Channel tonight at 10pm. Check your local listings.

- Peelander-Z is on tour. they will be in Portland on October 12th and I'll be there. So fun to see live. Check their site and join in on the action.

- Well, the wife and I missed the California Melee this year as it was last weekend...and we're bummed. It looked like alot of fun. Check out some photos here.

+ Sunday, September 10th, 8:38pm +

- While we were driving around in Seattle yesterday we noticed that DEVO was playing at 8pm at the Paramount. Seeing as they rarely tour and we were in town...we had to check them out.

It was a really strange crowd with mostly over 40s in attendence with a sprinkling of Hot Topic kid "punks" and a few 20-30 year old fans. Very civilized rocking. For (visibly) old guys they fucking killed. They tore through all the hits wearing the yellow jump suits and energy domes and half way through the set they ripped those off and rocked the black shorts and Rector knee pads. If they hit your town I highly recommend attending. Living punk history.

+ Tuesday, September 5th, 9:18pm +

- If there was more black metal on American Idol I might watch. This is fucking perfect. This guy isn't bad either. Thanks to Ivo for sending these along.

+ Sunday, September 3rd, 4:58pm +

- I just left Food Fight after witnessing the three different eating contests: Sweet Pea cupcakes, Vegan Jerky and the vegan 'Fear Factor' challenge. Unreal. Here's a slide show of the action featuring a Fogatron soundtrack. Fogatron was in the house and very impressive on the mic.

- Thanks again to Jason for pointing out one of the best web finds in years...Capital Of Punk by Yellow Arrow. this site contains 10 videos and text tours of punk landmark areas aroundWashington DC. A simply amazing idea with great, great content. Who ever is responsible for these interviews really knows their stuff. This really brought me back and made me want to visit DC again as soon as possible. If you have any interest in punk or have ever lived in DC, check out the site.

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