October 31, 2008 : 8:46pm
Happy Halloween.

GSD did it right all those years ago. My son and I took his lead (as did Andy Jenkin's son last year, as I found out through a Google search for this image). GSD had style, style, style. Could it be street skating was better back then?

+ Listen to Weakling today (yes, that's an album download)

+ Morrissey Tour in 2009

October 27, 2008 : 3:55pm
Ride To Multnomah Falls...

Matt took a few shots while driving his amazing 1956 356A behind our small pack of Hondas on the way up to the falls last weekend. Mike is moving to Boston in a few weeks. It's going to be a tad harder to fire up the bike in that weather.

October 24, 2008 : 9:53am
And In 'This WIll Never Happen' News...

The Sun reports a Smiths' reunion is possible for Coachella. Then Marr's manager steps in moments later to call the rumors 'rubbish'. No kidding.

But a Morrissey autobiography?! Holy crap. I'll also believe that when I see it.

October 23, 2008 : 2:38pm
Year Of No Light.

Turns out the girl who cuts my hair is a huge black metal fan. No, not that girl Stevie, a new girl. In addition to a solid haircut she can talk up some serious music. She recommended I check out french shoegaze / metal band Year Of No Light. Here's a download of their only album, Nord. Pretty damn good stuff in the vein of Mouth Of The Architecht, Buried Inside and (dare I say) Have A Nice Life. I'm also really liking their cover of Joy Division's Disorder on their My Space page. There is a bunch of stuff on You Tube, here's the song Traversée from 2007...

October 21, 2008 : 10:05am
Vintage Motorcycle Photo Set.

I'm a solid believer that style-wise nothing beats 1960's. Best cars, bikes, houses, design, etc (we'll just forget that whole hippy thing). This vintage motorcyle photo set is just awe inspiring. I just want to grab a bike and ride with these guys...I could look at these all day.

October 20, 2008 : 9:32am
Rudy Ray Moore aka Dolemite R.I.P.

Damn, a legend passes. If you haven't checked out Dolemite or The Human Tornado, now's the time. What else can be said...just watch and learn:

I've also heard a few of his albums over the years. Woah. He made Redd Foxx and Richard Pryor seem tame. Listen to some tracks here.

October 13, 2008 : 10:17am
Weekend Notes.

1. Never Attend Another Black Metal Show. On Friday night I was VERY let down by Nachtmystium. They were down a bass player and back up singer (yes, it made a difference) and they only played five songs. Two off the new album?! And no Ghosts Of Grace (best song of the YEAR!)? What the hell? Plus, Wolves In The Throne Room just fell flat. I should just stick to loving the records...

2. Clean Up Baby Vomit Quickly. No need to explain that one.

3. Keep Your Motorcycle Battery Fully Charged. Tom, I'm looking in your direction. The ride was still fun. They always are.

4. Always Have A Few Grand Handy For A Second Motorcycle Buy. I am now roaming the house trying to gather items to eBay to gain enough cash to grab a second motorbike. Yes, it's a sad state of affairs.

October 9, 2008 : 8:27pm
What If The Whole World Could Vote?

From The Economist...Obama 8501. McCain 16. Worth a look for sure.

October 9, 2008 : 10:15am

As I was listening to De La Soul this morning it dawned on me just how strange my mix of music has been this week. I mean, I have normal run a strange mix, but the list this week is beyond odd. The new Oasis (which is amazing), black metal, De La Soul and Morrissey? And I finally found a good rip of the 'On That Other Level' Geto Boys album.

Re: The Geto Boys
In 1989 I worked at a local supermarket and was WAY into the hip-hop of the time. While I unpacked cans of peas and broke down boxes I would play Public Enemy, 3rd Bass, The D.O.C and NWA on a small cassette player. I thought I was 'the shit'. One day a black guy (the first and only in the store) started working in the produce department. He would walk by and give me a head nod as I listened to my tapes. I thought I was down. One day he simply walked over to the cassette player, stopped the tape as it was playing, pulled it out and pushed in one of his. He hit play and walked away. 'Do It Like A G.O.' from the Geto Boys 'On That Other Level' started playing. Woah. This made NWA sound tame. Soft even. I was stunned. And schooled.

Now I just listen and laugh. Bushwick Bill is the funniest rapper EVER. And 'Gangster of Love' at age 16? My jaw was on the floor.

October 3, 2008 : 10:24am
Cars And Tech.

- Midweek I drove to Eugene with Stevie and helped him drive home his newly purchased 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente. Smooth as silk at 65 on the highway with a V8 roaring and talk radio buzzing out of a one speaker AM radio. 74K original miles complete with the original window sticker, owners manual, promotional matches(?!) and a record of every single service receipt since day one. Woah.

- Speaking of cars, I don't know how I missed Jay Leno's Garage site for so long. The videos with Jay walking through his collection are incredible. After watching a few of his videos (1967 Lamborghini Miura P400, Ducati Desmosedici RR specifically) I was trying to brainstrom how I could somehow make a few million and start living like Leno. The guy is funny, knowledgable and really does a great job keeping the cars (and bikes) on the road. Maybe the best car site online?

- One more...a great article on the original Cannonball Run on Edmunds. (I'm so excited that 32 Hours, 17 Minutes will be out soon)

- Posterous is a pretty fantastic idea. Email a photo to this site and they automatically post it, use the subject lineas the header for the blog post and inlcude any text as the body copy. Instant photo blog. With my iPhone I can post from any where in SECONDS. Highly recommended.

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