May 30, 2008 : 12:25pm
O'Dell Directs Moz

Patrick O'Dell directed the new Morrissey video. Farmer, why didn't you Grip or Best Boy or something.!?

+ Harvey Korman was the man. Go back and watch Blazing Saddles again. Who else could play Hedey Lamarr (That's Hedley!). Genius.

May 27, 2008 : 8:21am
Girl & Anti-Hero At The Department

This footage is better than being me.

Oh, and if you haven't seen Liz Trotta from FOX News joke about bumping off Obama...pretty creepy.

May 23, 2008 : 2:25pm
Odds and Ends

+ I was sent this blog post / study today and I'm not sure what to make of it. Yes, everyone comes in contact with a lot of products on a daily basis...but so what? Does a product equal a "brand"? Yes, she is using a large amount of brand name goods, but who doesn't? The same thing would be true in the 70's, 60's or even the 50's (maybe less computers and Starbucks and more IBM typewriters and Folgers but still 'brands'). I don't think just using a product equals a brand experience...but that's me.

+ Hella stoops from Huf. "I wanted to do hoodrat stuff with my friend". Damn kid DOES need his ass beat.

+ Some good cars and vintage car racing happening over at Jalopy Journal.

May 21, 2008 : 11:52am
Every Step I Take Forward...

It seems around once a year I go through a hardcore revival. I just hear one song or record that takes me back and I tend to file through all my old records and even go out and grab a few new ones. Lately I’ve been reliving a lot of bands / records through an AMAZING site I’ve recently stumbled across: Double Cross.

All I can say is: damn. I mean, current interviews with past members of Turning Point, Absolution,  Judge,  BOLD, SSD, Inside Out and so many more. Two of my favorite entries have been a discussion with Dave Bett the designer for Revelation Records during the each days (designing the GB album!) and the story behind the Smorgasbord Straight Edge varsity jacket. For an old school x lame ass x  like me…this stuff is gold. I’ll be adding this to the bookmarks list for sure.

+ And speaking of hardcore gold, Andrew over at Aversion Online has posted all four songs from the Turning Point / No Escape split circa 1991. Certainly one of the best seven inches of all-time. I’ve ranted and raved about Turning Point enough and No Escape is also so damn powerful here, Guilty being my favorites. Thanks Andrew.  

+ And if you’ve read this far head over to the Deathwish site and stream the new Killing The Dream album, Fractures. I was a big fan of their first album and this one is set to just destroy. I’ve proudly placed a pre-order.

May 19, 2008 : 9:20am
75,000 minus 1

I wasn't there. In the end I just did the math. 12:30 opening time, 2:30 start time, three opening speakers (and a band), thousands of people, 85 degrees. I didn't really want to fight the traffic and stand on line for hours and hours and they MAYBE get in. For me it was the right call. It would have been nice to feel the energy, but I think that many people would have freaked me out. Plus, thousands didn't even make it in. Check out some great photos here.

+ I did manage to chainsaw up most of the backyard and get my iPod running in the Porsche. Time well spent.

May 16, 2008 : 10:38am
Heat Wave

What the? Mid-ninties? That's right, winter goes directly into summer in mid-May. Welcome to Portland. Strange but nice. I look forward to taking the car out and possibly driving up to Seattle...just for the hell of it.

+ Here's a pretty interesting Ian MacKaye interview. He talks about the whole Nike / Minor Threat deal, Silverchair stealing a song, the music industry and the state of politics in this country. He really throws out some great lines. "I do think that Nike is an unyielding behemoth of a company, even though the people that work there may well be very reasonable people and they probably do care about things, but these big corporations have no ethics at all, they are essentially soulless". After reading this it makes me think about the 'soulless' companies I sometimes work for...well, not directly, but still...

+ Obama will be in Portland on Sunday. I'm going to try to make it.

May 14, 2008 : 8:50am
Long Live Quatchi

After being tipped off by Pop Cesspool I too have been wooed by Quatchi. I mean, come on, a 'young sasquatch who comes from the mysterious forests of Canada' as an Olympic mascot? Pretty damn cool. Plus, the design style is great for all the Vancouver mascots. History shows that this is a rarity...remember Izzy from Atlanta 1996? Awful. I'm not sure how I feel about the Beijing mascots, or the Beijing Olympics for that matter. I guess I should thow in a Simpsons reference and mention how Homer designed 'Springy The Springfield Spring' for their Olympic bid.

+ Here are some interesting type experiments

+ Stream the new Death Cab album and watch them play Letterman right here. I'm liking the record quite a bit actually.

May 11, 2008 : 2:33pm
Transmission Car Show 2008

I had heard about a car show that took place near 12th and Hawthorne in Portland every year on the Saturday before Mother's Day. I had also heard it was sponsored by a local transmission dealer and started EARLY in the morning. However, when I 'Googled' the damn thing nothing came up. Well, one criptic blog entry came up...that's it. Clyde picked me up at ten to six (yes, am) any way and I was stunned to find the area packed with cars. And not just american rods, but with multiple Porsches and other various euros as well. Without a doubt the best show of the year.

The car pictured above might have been my favorite. Early 30's Ford rod, very rusty, solid metal wheels, 50's boat steering wheel, no interior. Perfect really. Although I love my Porsche I really think my next purchase will be a similiar Ford. The more beat up the better. I took tons of photos of all the cars, click here to view.

+ On an auto related note, you can watch the first seven minutes of the new Speed Racer film here. It couldn't beat Iron Man or Ashton Kutcher this weekend and was panned by critics so mostly likely I'll skip it. I'll just watch LeMans or Grand Prix again.

May 7, 2008 : 8:35pm
oSkope Search

It's rare that I run across a web site / app that I can use on a daily basis, but oSkope fits the bill. A dynamic, visual search tool...oSkope lets you search Amazon, eBay, Flickr, fotolia, Yahoo! and You Tube using the same, clean, simple interface. It's a bit hard to discribe but you should certainly click the link and take it for a test drive. Great example of successful web design.

Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose." - Charles Eames

May 5, 2008 : 8:39pm
Emory's Turd

I'm on the Portland Porsche Club email list and every once in a while one comes in that is worth reading. In this case it was a link to photos taken at a Porsche 'Breakfast' that happened this weekend. I wasn't there but I wish I was...just to be able to see the car pictured above. After checking out a few images in all it's brown primer glory I dropeed a line to the photographer asking about the car's background...his response:

"Actually, that 911 belongs to Gary Emory. It's his "driver". He calls it "Turd". Ask him about it and you'll get a good story!"

I'm sure that among his cars this might be considered a 'Turd' but it's gold to me. You never see Porsches with this look. If he ever sells it...I'm in.

+ And just in case you think gas prices couldn't get any worse...check it.

May 3, 2008 : 1:34pm

Seems like Walter Schreifels is bringing back his third band Rival Schools for a new album and tour. Ignore the fact that he really needs to reunite Quicksand (as he already did the Gorilla Biscuits tour) and this could be something to look forward to. Maybe. And remember little Sammy played drums as a grown up in Rival Schools. So there's that. And in case you forgot what they sound like...

Just do a Quicksand tour already...the world is ready.

May 1, 2008
: 11:20am

Here We Go Again

Yet another redesign and launch of this damn thing. Why? Hell if I know. I guess I just thought since I'm starting yet another gig this month I would relaunch and compress everything into one place. Besides all the riff raff should be gone by now. Maybe? Plus, if the comments on my blogspot page are any guage I'm doing this mostly for myself any way...which is fine by me. I've taken the time to archive everything from the forementioned site so if you check the archives it's all there's no gap in the action.

+ The weather here in Portland is unreal right now. Still cold and rain in May? What the hell? I sort of can't believe I'm still here. Time will tell.

+ I've been sick for an entire month. Yup, it's true. At this point I've coughed enough to pull / tear the muscles on the left side of my chest. Makes most things pretty painful.

+ The image above is taken from the packaging of the new Flight Of The Conchords album. iTunes may be killing CD sales overall but packaging like this illustrates why I still prefer to buy a hard copy of an album in most cases. All kinds of nice die-cuts and clever folds. It's a LITTLE close to Evan Hecox's work in some cases...but I'll let that slide.

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