+Monday, May 30 - 8:59am +

On Saturday my dog, Kato, was attacked by another pit bull as we were on our way to the park.

We were taking our usual route and as always I started to cross the street to avoid the homeless trailers along part of the road. I also noticed two dogs off leash sitting on the sidewalk near one trailer. We were half way across the street when a large black and white pit bull charged into the middle of the street right at Kato. The dog clamped down on her throat and took her to the ground. Kato tried to fight back, but the dog was almost double her size. I immediately started kicking and punching the dog in the head, not knowing what else to do. Around this time the owner came out and tried to separate her dog as well. The dog started biting Kato around the stomach thrashing it's head violently as it held on. The dogs were finally separated and the other dog jumped back on Kato as I was trying to pick her up. At this point I was screaming at the this lady to control her dog and Kato was confused, terrified and certainly hurt. I kicked the other dog off, picked up Kato and ran off down the street. My hands were covered in blood.

We went the SF SPCA animal emergency room, as it was the closest in the area. They quickly grabbed her and I told them what had happened. I was concerned she might have internal injuries as I saw blood in her mouth. It turns out I had a few cuts on my fingers from hitting the other dog, and Kato only suffered a series of bites and cuts. She was given a complete exam, her wounds were shaved and cleaned, and we were given some medicine.

I've filed a 'dog bite' report at Animal Care and Control, but because the asshole owner of the dog has no residence and was gone when I returned to the location I don't really have a case. It's amazing to me that people can be so irresponsible when it comes to their animals.This person has no business having a dog like this. I don't wish the animal harm, but this is why Pit Bulls get such a bad rap.

The vet said that if Kato didn't have such a thick, muscular build she would have been hurt much, much worse. In fact, if she was a smaller terrier or toy size, it would have been killed..

Kato is doing fine at home, resting up. She's a tough pup...in a good way. I couldn't imagine what I would have done if she was badly injured.

+ Thursday, May 26 - 9:29am +

Be sure and pick up WHO CARES, The Duane Peters Story when it arrives in stores on DVD. I saw it last night at the Elbo Room in SF and it was a great piece of film. The man has lived one hardcore life and this film throws it all up on the screen. I've been told there is a ton of unscene skate footage and that alone is worth a viewing. There's no doubt Duane Peters brought punk rock into skating on a larger level. Watch the trailer here.

+ Wednesday, May 25 - 1:44pm +

Here are the BK Bachelor Party Photos. Enjoy.
(Side note: I wish I could take better photos.)

+ 8:38am +

Last night the wife surpised me with tickets to comedy/music duo Hard N' Phirm at the Punch Line.

For future reference, don't attend Tuesday night comedy shows. Thin crowd and not enough die hards. Hard N' Phirm still killed (and this was their first EVER headlining gig). After a while I didn't care that I was one of the 6 people laughing, they were fucking great. I had seen them open for Patton Oswalt last year and was equally impressed then. Not for everyone, but I think they are smart and funny. Very rare. After the show I actually talked to Chris Hardwick for a bit (hey, the place was pretty empty and they were just hanging at the door as we left) and thanked them for playing 'Rodeohead' (everyone in the audience was clueless, certainly not Radiohead fans). Really nice guy. They'll be at the Punchline every night through Saturday.

I'm working on the Bachelor Party photos...soon.

+ Tuesday, May 24 - 8:06am +

Bryce's bachelor party trip this weekend was great fun with a great group of people. On Friday we drove up to Klamath Falls, Oregon to skate their amazing public park and stay at the famous Rivers Inn. We also hit the Medford park as well. I've never seen a more talented group of pool skaters. Amazing, just amazing. I'll be posting photos this afternoon.

Congrats again to Bryce and Donna as their day is fast approaching.

+ Friday, May 20 - 8:49am +

I caught the 8:40 showing of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith last night. Of the three prequels, this one let me down the most. It's getting great reviews, but it just didn't do it for me. Yeah, the other two were worse films, but this one had so much to reveal and could have delivered so much....and didn't. There are tons of things I found fault with, but I won't get into it as I'm leaving this morning on a trip. Here are some quick things

- No one in the film has any emotion. They are good actors in other films...what happened?
- That's howDarth Vader is named? That's it?
- Even in a theater of hardcore Star Wars people, there was more laughing than clapping. NO ONE clapped at the end.
- Speaking of laughter, Yoda consistently got the biggest laugh.
- How many 'worlds' in one movie do we need
- Darth Vader = Frankenstein? Way to water down a great villian.

I'm going to forget these three films were even released.

+ Wednesday, May 18 - 2:53pm +

Jason Jesse. What can you say, the guy is an original. He was comic relief in 'Stoked', was on Monster Garage, and most importantly skates like no other, and is soon to star in his own film, Pray for Me Jason Jesse. A second trailer has been added, and hopefully the entire movie will see the light of day soon.

Also check out the Automodown site for no other reason than to listen to the crazy wav music files. Highlights include 'Reign In Blood', Devo, and Cradle of Filth.

Speaking of skater bio pics, the new Duane Peters film looks equally gnarly. Check the trailer, then try to hit a screening. The 'Master of Disaster' for sure.

+ Monday, May 16 - 12:38pm +

- If you enjoy the metal music try and pick up the new Ludicra album, Another Great Love Song. It's really good. Damn good. Imagine harder, heavier with Black Metal vocals thrown in. The production is top notch and the songs are very well written. As always, Aversion does a better job at a review then I ever will. A San Francisco based band (that's right, Black Metal from SF) they play the Elbo Room Wednesday night. I hope to make it.

- Something I Learned Today has posted some MP3s from the soundtrack of the film 'The Decline Of Western Civilization'. You just can't beat that Fear track, I Don't Care About You. Hopefully he'll post some tracks from the 'Suburbia' soundtrack soon. Both great early punk films by Penelope Speeris. "I hate buses...".

. 'Arrested Developement' is not cancelled! Good news. However, if you enjoyed 'Quintuplets'(did anyone?) you won't be too happy.

+ Sunday, May 15 - 9:59am +

It's all about Autocross.

I finally decided to take my car out to the Golden Gate Porsche Club's Autocross event at Alemeda Point yesterday. I'm addicted.

, you drive a coned course set up on a large paved area. Sounds easy, but it's not. As this was my first time I had an instructor that walked the course with me, and drove with me on my morning runs. You get four laps in the morning, four in the afternoon. Between heats you work the track, calling in tipped cones and watching for red flags and disqualifications.

I had a great instructor who had was running a full race motor on a 1973 911 frame with a fiberglass body. It was certainly a different ride in every way compared to my car. He had one of the top five times of the day. I was told I did very well. I had the second oldest car on the track (Teej's amazing 1996 912 was the oldest. Great, great car). My best time was 1.15443 (no tipped cones). In comparison, the best time of the day was around .58.

I'll certainly be there for the next one in July. Hopefully before then I can install some better seats and belts and lower my car quite a bit. no question I'm addicted...so now it's all about making my car race ready. Now I just need to get out on the track...

Check out my photos of the event here.

+ Thursday, May 12 - 4:55pm +

Pit Bulls Banned Again In Denver
Pit bull roundup begins in Denver

FUCK THIS! I can't even begin to tell you how FUCKING INSANE this is. I weep for all the dogs and their owners.

"Denver's pit bull law prohibits any person from owning, possessing, keeping, exercising control over, maintaining, harboring, or selling a pit bull in the City and County of Denver. A pit bull is defined in the ordinance as any dog that is an American Pit Bull Terrier, an American Staffordshire Terrier, a Straffordshire Bull Terrier, or any dog displaying the majority of physical traits of any one or more of these breeds."

Our course my dog Kato falls into this catagory completely, as she is either Pit Bull mix or a Staffordshire (we rescued her from a shelter). The police would have to arrest me and/or kill me before I let them murder my dog. I hope the dogowners in Denver are driving their dogs to safe places and out of the city."

I've been trying to find something online I could support or give money to so if anyone finds anything please let me know. Not everyone in Denver is completely insane.

+ Wednesday, May 11 - 4:02pm +

- Greg Graffin is one smart guy. His doctorine thesis entitled 'Evolution, Naturalism, and Religion' seems much more interesting than the last few Bad Religion albums. Judging by the summary video on his study website, the book seems very interesting...and maybe too much to take in.

- The Onion AV Club Summer Movie Preview. It's all gold, but 'The Honeymooners' review is amazing And then there's this one:

The Pink Panther
Director: Shawn Levy
Cast: Steve Martin, Kevin Kline, Beyoncé Knowles
Causes for excitement: There is no law forcing anyone to see it.
Probable cause for disappointment: It exists.

So true. Steve Martin...what the hell are you thinking? Go write another book and stop with the movies already.

. Converge has posted some solid, new live photos

+ Monday, May 9 - 4:02pm +

Insipid Productions wrote me back regarding the show Saturday night...and were very nice.


Thank you for voicing your concerns with us. Though I don't agree with everything you said, I fully appreciate you taking the time to tell us your opinions. We recognize how long it took for people to get into the venue, I assure you that next time that will not be the case. I also apologize if you felt mistreated by the security guards, I will be looking into that personally and taking the appropriate actions.

Many people had a great time last night and thought the show sounded great, I'm sorry you aren't one of them. We appreciate your past business with Insipid Productions and would hope to have you as a customer in the future as well. I can't refund your ticket cost as that money is now in King Diamonds pocket. However I can offer you 2 tickets to any upcoming Insipid Production. Email me and let me know if you would like to be our guest at a future Insipid show. Thanks for your time.


S. "Cip" Cipriano
Insipid Productions


I replied:

Thanks for taking the time to reply. That really makes all the difference. I just wanted someone to know that people were angry, and the security was awful.

There's no need to put me on a future guest list. I have no problem supporting shows and venues that are run properly, as the music scene here in the city needs people like you that support metal and hardcore. I really appricate that Insipid does that. I guess that's why I was so let down on Saturday. I expected better.

I won't be going to future outdoor events, but I do look forward to more smaller shows.

Good luck in the future, and again, thanks for the reply.

.: Chris

+ Sunday, May 8 - 8:02pm +

Congratulations to Tom and Tracy on their engagement.

+ 10:46am +

To: Pound Management, Insipid Productions
Re: King Diamond Show, evening of May 7th

I felt the need to tell you that Saturday’s King Diamond show was the WORST event I’ve ever attended in over 15 years of going to punk and metal shows.

Arriving at 8:45 I was greeted by the sounds of The Black Dahlia Murder as I drove around and tried to find parking. When I purchased my tickets I was told the show started at 8:30pm. How could the second band be playing 15 minutes after the start off the show? In looking up the email addresses on your websites this next morning I learned that the show had been pushed earlier. Having purchased tickets online well in advance, how was I to know this? Since every online ticket buyer submits an email address you would think I would have received an email with this new information.

I then proceeded to what seemed to be the entrance of the show. There was not a line as much as about 500 people standing in a huge group. After trying to ask a few security people how to find ‘Will Call’ and being insulted, I was directed to the middle of the huge mass of people and told to “find a guy with a clip board”. This was the ‘Will Call’ system? I waited, finally pushed within shouting distance of the guy and received my small red ticket. I then asked the next logical question: Now that I have a ticket, where do I stand to get inside? The guy with the clipboard and his partner screamed that I wait “inside of the fence, at the front of the line.” Seemed simple enough. But there was no second line. I walked up to what seemed to be the front of the giant group of people. Since NO ONE in the crowd knew what was going on they were understandably annoyed I was told to go to the front of a line they had obviously been waiting in for some time, I asked another Security person. They screamed at me to “get to the back of the fucking line!” I then walked back to discover around 40 people doing the exact same thing as me, holding pre-purchased tickets and being screamed at. Each person that tried to explain the situation was cursed at, insulted, and threatened with physical harm or the possibility of being kicked out of the show (which were hadn’t even gotten into). One guy, who was just asking questions was pushed against the fence, screamed at and almost attacked by a Security person for returning an insult after being cursed at for over five minutes. It was around this time The Black Dahlia Murder finished their set. Finally a few security people finally split the line into ticket holders and ticket purchasers. After another 20 minutes and more screamed insults I was let into the show.

Everywhere inside people were talking about how horrible the line was outside and how difficult the security people had been. At the merch. tables more than a few people were discussing the unknown show time change and how they had missed band they had wanted to see. Clearly this had happened to large number of people and they were angry.

When Nile took the stage the sound was absolutely terrible. The mix was just awful and you could barely hear the guitars. I couldn’t imagine how long it would take for King Diamond to come out, and how he would sounded.

I walked out angry and disgusted.

I will never again attend an outdoor event at the Pound. It’s clear your companies have NO IDEA how to organize a large event. Even after years of trouble free Insipid / Pound shows at the smaller venue, I question even attending those events. It was that bad.
A refund would be great, but I’m sure that will never happen. Just know that I’m not the only person that had a terrible experience last night. Hire better, more intelligent security people and learn how to run a large event. Better yet, stick with putting on shows in the smaller club. For $27.50 people expect much more that bad sound, unorganized security thugs, and shifting show times.

Good luck.


If anyone out there had a similar expereince, and if you have a second, send an email to The Pound and Insipid Productions.


+ Wednesday, May 4 - 9:08am +

- Two listens into the new Oasis record. Too early to tell much but a few songs stood out right away. You can check out the song 'Layla' as well as the video on their new MySpace page.

- And then there's Nile. I've got their new one as well. It's death metal all right, but not as interesting as their previous releases. What I really like about them are the crazy instruments and sounds they use to drive home the whole Egyptian angle. Not too much of that on this album. I like their first two Relapse records the best...you just can't beat 'Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka'.

- On Saturday Nile will opening for King Diamond along with The Black Dahlia Murder and Behemoth at the Pound. What a killer line up. I've got my ticket already.

- I'm having a rough time finding out how to set up my iPod in the new car. Anyone know of a shop that can help me with this? Best Buy didn't have a set up for Toyotas or the stock Poineer deck.. This CD thing is killing me.

+ Sunday, May 1 - 6:00pm +

Damn, what can I say about Kung Fu Hustle? For starters, the fight sequences are unreal (literally) and the comedy is over the top. It's really like no movie I've ever seen. It's like Dumb & Dumber meets Enter The Dragon...or something. I don't know. Just go check it out. Fantastic.

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