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l Thursday - June 26 - 9:36am l


Tribute Page Design

Turning Point is one of my top five all time bands...and one of the first bands to really drive Straight Edge home for me.

My high school band would play 'The Few and The Proud' from their self-titled 7" over and over in my parents basement. The entire 7” was like our mantra. In fact, at one of our only live shows we played more Turning Point covers than original songs. Musically and lyric wise, they were everything we wanted to be. I remember freaking out when I saw their 12" 'It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn' show up in the New Releases bin at SMASH! in DC. I wore the record out. I was also one of the lucky few to witness their last ever DC show. Starting off with a Public Enemy cover, they ripped through almost every song with more people on stage than on the floor. My friend Tom won the 'stage-dive contest' (jumping off the bands half stack onto an empty floor) and walked off with their hand written play-list of the night. I still listen to Turning Point at least once a month, and was so stoked on the release of their discography on Jade Tree (I had everything on CD anyway, buying imports of the 7" and live material).

It saddens me that one of the people so crucial in keeping me away from drugs, fell victim to an overdose. Although many dismiss bands like Turning Point and Straight Edge in general as a short-lived fad for middle class teens, the impact for some has been great. Listen to any emo-core band today and you'll hear the band's direct influence. And although few kept the Straight Edge lifestyle, its impact did change lives.

It changed mine.

l Tuesday - June 25 - 4:29pm l

My new favorite show is Monster Garage featuring custom motorcycle builder Jesse James. Just amazing. Motorcycle Mania 2 just scratched the surface of his talents. The guy not only builds bikes from scratch, but transforms cars as well. Monster Garage just flat out rules...turning a VW into a Swamp Buggy, a Ford Explorer into a custom trash truck?!

The Discovery Channel is back with a vengence...makes me proud to be an alumni.

l Sunday - June 23 - 7:26pm l

Kato is limping for reasons unknown. We'll be taking her to the vet tomorrow.

Yesterday while walking on Upper Haight I spotted a MV Agusta. It was just parked on the street. For a split second I pictured myself jumping on it and flying off into traffic, no one the wiser. Maybe I'll just buy one. I mean, life is short, and health insurance, rent, and my other bills can wait...

l Friday - June 21 - 11:26am l

Take a look at Bryce Kanights Photography the new site I designed and built for my friend BK. Amazing photos to say the least. Gonz at Alcatraz, Ice-T, and Bob Burnquist to name a few...

It's too bad about England and the US...I would have liked a few upsets.

l Wednesday - June 19 - 4:46pm l

Updates may become few and far between, as I'm very busy now...which is good.

Some dog, video game porn, Pac-Man fever,and just plain amazing.

The feature piece is a website documenting the entire process of a full sleeve tattoo. So damn cool and very interesting. Machine Gun could turn into a very cool magazine.

l Tuesday - June 18 - 8:52am l

Seen at

'It seems that Bush was speaking at Ohio State University's graduation. The students were told that they were expected to provide a "thunderous" ovation and if they disrupted the ceremonies in any way, they'd be arrested.

That's right. At a public college, the students would be arrested and expelled if they expressed their unhappiness with George W. Bush.'

Visit the links. The general public needs to know things like this go on. Is America a police state? Can we not show disapproval of our leader, and his horrible policies? Turning your back is against the law? Something must be done.



'We are sad to announce the death of longtime Revelation recording artist Tony Bono, bassist extraordinaire from Into Another. He was only 38 and died suddenly after band practice on May 24. Everyone at Revelation sends our deepest condolences to Tony's family, girlfriend, and friends.'

I had received my used copy of Seemless that I rebought in the mail an hour before I saw this post. In the mid-ninties, Into Another were one of my favorite bands. Hardcore meets metal with a completely different sound. I saw them live over a dozen times...each show was completely amazing.

l Monday - June 17 - 1:27pm l

'The $250 Million Skate Punk' Yet another Tony Hawk article. My favorite line:'Neil Young could earnestly shun the soft-drink companies; the skate punks were more than happy to be bathed in corporate logos.'

l 10:57am l
Pixelsurgeon has posted some very interesting interviews with two different web 'designers'...Jacob Nielson (self proclaimed usability guru) and Todd Purgason (Juxt Interactive).

l Sunday - June 16 - 3:17pm l

I saw Episode II again last night...this time it was shown using digital projection. It was almost like watching an entirely different movie. The quality was amazing...breathtaking really. Yoda looked 100% better. Yes, the directing still stunk, but I did enjoy the film more on second viewing. If you are going to see this movie again (or for the first time) make it the digital version. This is the future of film folks...and it looks good.

l Friday - June 14 - 9:25am l

Everyone should read this.
Not everyone in America blindly follows Bush and his policies of revenge. I agree with this 100%. (Notice this is on a UK guess it that it will never make any sort of US news...think about it. Freedom of speech?)

Also, check out the Feature piece for VERY interesting facts... for example, the fact that Bush has only left the US THREE times in his life.

l Wednesday - June 12 - 8:36am l

A few things of note today...

- "After 11 years, jury vindicates Earth First pair
FBI, Oakland officers must pay $4.4 million for civil rights abuses." This is an amazing story...FINALLY the truth is seen and justice is done.

- Ted Nugent...a true American. And by American I mean a totally ass-backwards ignorant ape. He thinks Bush is a great environmental leader, REALLY hates the Osbournes, and had his kids shooting guns at 4 years old and killing deer at 5. "God, Guns, and Rock n' Roll!".

- Paul McCartney has an all vegetarian wedding.

- One of the funniest things I've ever seen.

l Monday - June 10 - 9:42am l

I took CalTrain to work this morning. Well, to be more specific I took my motorcycle TO CalTrain TO a shuttle TO work this morning. Quite a commute.

Some fool had stored a Razor scooter on the metal luggage shelf. It rattled SUPER loud on and off the entire trip. I kept trying to move it to stop the noise. Each time I moved it various passengers stared at me with daggers, as if it was my stupid scooter. One stop before mine a business guy (bad tie, loafers) sitting right next to me got up, grabbed the Razor and shuffled off the train. Did he not notice the noise or me getting up several times to silence it?! I guess pushing to his office on a child's toy is punishment enough...

l Thursday - June 6 - 2:16pm l

First Joey, now Dee Dee. Dee Dee Ramone Found Dead in L.A.

I guess rockers will continue to die of drug overdoses no matter how many of them bite the dust. What a bunch of idiots.

l Wednesday - June 5 - 11:34am l

"McDonald's is coughing up $10 million to vegetarian and Hindu groups, in order to resolve the flap over beef flavoring in their fries. They've also formed a vegetarian advisory group, to help keep the company out of similar blunders in the future."
Screw McDonalds! Vegan power!

l 10:18am l
If there was a way I could go back to art school, any art school, it would be the Hyper Island School of New Media Design in Sweden. I've been getting applications from various students enrolled in Crew 7 inquiring about internships at the now dead THREAT. It makes me sad...

On that note, I never mentioned one of the last THREAT projects to go live...MK Sportswear. Very simple site for a friend who is a clothing rep. Von Dutch make some of the best jeans ever, not to mention the man behind the name is a legend...a true original and a hot rod genius.

l Tuesday - June 4 - 9:12am l

Work wise I went from 0 to 60 work in the past few days. From doing nothing to having three places call all at once. Yikes. I may be a bit light in the update department for the next week or so.

Check out the trailer for the new JACKASS movie...looks pretty funny but they need to do more than just copy the TV show.

l Sunday - June 2 - 7:18pm l

We returned from Clearlake at around 3pm. Not bad...the resort was nice, but the town needs some serious work.

I got some good books for my birthday (thanks Jess and Kevin)as well as some CDs (thanks Kevin) and some much needed sunglasses (thanks Jess). Very nice day indeed.

Back to *gasp* work tomorrow.