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l Tuesday - July 30 - 8:15am l

I've added a Time In Malta track to the Playlist. I'm looking forward to checking them out when they play San Francisco in August. I've also added an expanded links page and updated the about page...

Jello Biafra will be speaking Saturday night at the Great American Music Hall. I'm excited to hear what he has to say about the steps America has taken after 9-11. Should be very interesting.

l Monday - July 29 - 8:50am l

While on a motorcyle ride to Amoeba Records yesterday, I came apon a long line of traffic on Haight Street. Weaving through the back-up I noticed a police officer and paramedics crowded at the intersection of Haight and Divisadero. I was waved to the front and the traffic light turned red and I stopped. About four feet to my right was a bicyclist laying face up with his eyes open. Blood was pouring from his head down into the intersection. What I gathered from the cops and drivers was that the bicyclist was zooming down the steep hill to the right of the cars waiting for the light. The first car in line went to make a right on red and the bicyclist hit the right corner of the bumper and flew over that car and under a parked car. Shocking stuff. I hope the guy survives. It looked like his friend was on the sidewalk holding both of their mountain bikes (really tricked out downhill bikes) waiting for the ambulance...he was certainly in shock.

It was rough to see something so graphic so close.

I've never been a fan of hemets for bikes and skateboards, but it's really not worth dying for a downhill bike ride. I wrote my brother, an avid road biker, an email right away asking him to take care on his daily rides to work.


I was $9.50 of the $71.5 million Austin Powers took in this weekend. Quite a poor movie actually. I guess using the same joke in three movies doesn't bother Mike Myers. I chuckled a few times, but overall it was pretty poor.

l Friday - July 26 - 12:50am l

Behind the Typeface : Cooper Black

This is one of the best pieces of web content I've seen in years. If you are a designer, a fan of popular culture, or just want to see a great use of Flash...check this out. Smart, funny, and informative.

l Thursday - July 25 - 11:47am l

I just can't get enough of The Hives. Seriously. Their album still gets major play in my headphones daily. I'm even thinking of wearing a black shirt and white tie to my wedding.

That being said, I've uploaded my favorite song from Veni, Vidi, Vicious and placed it on the Playlist. I've also added high-quality MPEGS of two of their videos, 'Die Alright' and 'Main Offender', which are both fucking brilliant (you've seen 'Hate To Say I Told You So' enough on Mtv anyway). Enjoy.

l Wednesday - July 24 - 8:17am l

Frank over at Exitwound has a few really nice photo collections going on. Worth checking out.

Ride Snowboards launched their 2002/2003 website yesterday. they used a lot of code from the site THREAT designed for them last year with pretty poor results. Also, I couldn't get the top nav drop down to work on any Mac browsers (IE 5.1, NT 5.0 and up). I emailed them and they said it worked fine on in-house Macs. Am I crazy? Oh's not as well designed as last year's site anyway.

l Tuesday - July 23 - 8:08am l

I'm tired this morning...tired of a lot of things.

This did make my morning. Very cool design in some cases, and pretty funny as well. I want to buy this bike...only $1595!

l Monday - July 22 - 3:08pm l

Mike Vallely who has always been a hero of mine as a sings in a band, Mike V & the Rats. Mike, I love you, but with both the spoken word books and performances AND a Black Flag clone band, I'm reminded that there's already one Henry Rollins.

l 7:16pm l
'Sinatra Warns Russkies To Knock It Off'

This just reminds me of the late, great Phil Hartman and his brilliant Sinatra impression. The man was a genius.

l Sunday - July 21 - 9:18pm l

On Saturday I went car racing with my Dad. Really.


Just because I have an album posted doesn't mean it's good. I've listened to The Vines LP more than half a dozen times now, and it is still hitting me as pretty weak. I uploaded the best song, Get Free (which is also the single), to the playlist. Save yourself some cash and just listen to that. (Although I got the CD for only $6.99 at Virgin...sort of amazing)

l 7:16pm l
I have so much stuff to post...but at the moment, I'm just too upset. I'm so sick of petty bullshit and somehow feeling like the bad guy. It's just so upsetting.

Thanks for destroying my Sunday.

l Tuesday - July 17 - 9:22am l

US planning to recruit one in 24 Americans as citizen spies

Anyone not completely terrified by the idea of this needs to rethink their definition of freedom. Bush must be stopped.


PETA has figured out that a lot of younger people are down for the animal rights cause. is a very well done site and a great way to learn about veggie/veganism by using popular music and sports celebs to drive the point home. Links to skate sites, vegan clothing shops, and ad campaigns featuring N.E.R.D, Ed Templeton, Pink, and the Warp Tour. Very smart. It also has a list of vegan candy...pretty good info.

l Tuesday - July 16 - 3:46pm l

I've just added the Neckdeep MP3 PLAYLIST. It can be accessed in the left hand column. I'll be adding MP3s from time to time based on my album selections. I'll also be including really short reviews. I'll be adding an Agoraphobic Nosebleed song as soon as I can rip it.

For today, I uploaded the new Cave-In song which is from their forthcoming EP. They have decided NOT to go witha major label on this one and it will be on Hydrahead. Go figure.

In the words of Chad,"holy crap, that's metal."

l Sunday - July 14 - 2:55pm l

I've been visiting the Vans Skatepark in Milpitas almost once a week since it opened back in the summer of 2000. About 4 months ago, I stopped wearing knee pads. About 50% of the skaters didn't wear them, and it was effecting my I went to just jeans (I still wore elbow pads and a helmet). The staff seemed to be fine with that since the beginning. This morning they decided to start inforcing the shitty knee pads rule. Why now? No one knows. The place has gone through four managers and countless 'pimply-face teen' type workers...WHO KNOW LITTLE TO NOTHING ABOUT SKATEBOARDING. Not to mention the 'Officer Dick' rent-a-cops who continue to scream at kids for being on their skateboards anywhere outside the fenced in park. Wait...isn't this a skatepark?

It's amazing that a company that has made so much money from skateboarding still treats skaters like second class citizens. Guess what? Fuck you Vans...public parks are FREE, and are popping up everywhere. Kids shouldn't have to pay $15 to get yelled at and treated like garbage by non-skating adults and stupid teens who make $6.00 an hour.

Find out how to get a park in your town.

I just wish San Francisco's park didn't suck so bad...

l Saturday - July 13 - 8:39pm l

For some reason I look at a few 'blogs' created by people I completely despise. Strange habit. Still, it makes to happy to know one of these idiots is a male walking around wearing a girl's Paul Frank watch and praising George W. Keep it up you big fat jerk...

l Friday - July 12 - 8:25am l

Busy, busy. Here are some random links...

- Amazingly Time Magazine has a cover story this week entitled,"Should you be a vegetarian?" Not bad, as I chuckled at the phrase 'vegan monk'...but it missed the point on a few things. It raises awareness on a HUGE level, which is fantastic.

- I always wanted a lifted 4x4 Eagle in high school. Now I can own the poster.

- I was surprised to discover Shallow Hal was both funny and smart. It was an intelligent look at the false perception of beauty in this country. Jack Black and Jason Alexander are pretty funny...

-The new Benicia skatepark is looking good.

-Sign language for the rest of us. I almost fell off my chair laughing at this one. (Found at Mandatory Information. Rad skate ad archive art.)

l Wednesday - July 10 - 8:33am l

Driving to work this morning I noticed a small piece of paper taped inside the rear window of a parked Toyota Tercel. Printed out on the sun-yellowed piece of paper were the words, THUG LIFE. The paper was so worn I fist thought it said THUG LITE...which certainly seems more fitting.

(my favorite find from a Google TuPac image search)

l Tuesday - July 9 - 9:53am l

What a shame...

"Which just proves my point...Germans love David Hasselhoff"

l Monday - July 8 - 8:38am l

It's too early...too early to be at work, and certainly too early to be listening to the new Agoraphobic Nosebleed album in my headphones. This album is just pure insanity. Anyone who thinks they are 'metal' or 'hardcore' should just bow down now. My brain hurts and I'm confused...

l Friday - July 4 - 6:34pm l

I completely forgot about The Friday Five. Most weeks they are totally horrible anyway...but to be honest, I'm sort of bored...

1. Where are you right now? Sitting at my computer at home, trying to decide what to have for dinner, and sending random IMs to Tom.

2. What have you lost recently? I lose my balance every time I skate.

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Either the first Beastie Boys album (I wore out the cassette), or Living Colour, Vivid...which I still have, and it's signed by the band. Not very punk, but it was progressive metal played by black there.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen? Both thin and thick Sharpies.

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I just discovered this AMAZING Soy Delicious Expresso Ice Cream...but I hear great things about this new vegan ice cream company, Flying Bicycle.

l Thursday - July 4 - 8:46pm l

I used to live to watch them Duke boys...

l Wednesday - July 3 - 4:43pm l

Tonight at Bottom of the Hill: Drunk Injuns, Free Beer and Los Olvidados. Should be pretty fun to see Tony and Tommy G rock the old school punk songs. Their new album is a good listen as well. Very close to Agent Orange and the like.

I'm also hoping for a Jello sighting tonight...

l Tuesday - July 2 - 10:48am l

One of my dream projects was to build a website dedicated to one of the greatest skate-videos ever...Blind Video Days. I build some pages, but it never surfaced. Anyway, a bunch of people got together and released Jason's Song a CD with the song from Jason Lee's part in the video. The song was created by Milk, a band with Andy Jenkins (Girl, DIRT, Bend) and Jeff Tremain (Big Brother, Jackass), Mark Lewman (DIRT), and R.L Osborn (old school Redline Freestyle rider). The CD also has Quicktime footage of Jason's skating and some other cool ass stuff. A must buy if you ask me. I also picked up the T-Shirt...

l Monday - July 1 - 4:55pm l

At Least 30 Afghans Reported Killed by U.S. Bombing

I'm speechless. I could go on and on...but just read the story. This is why the UN is less than happy with US troops.

l 12:00am l
Skated the new skatepark in Novato on Saturday. Good, solid design. It's pretty focused on bowls which makes me wonder how much input kids actually have in building the park. I'm not against pools and bowls, but let's face skate simple street stuff. The entire time I was there kids lined up to hit a 'launch ramp' type bank while older guys carved the pools. I'm not complaining...I have a tan from skating for over three hours.

Very nice weather in San Francisco this weekend. I took a long motorcyle ride.

My Dad and I are signed up for novice racing at Altamont Raceway this month. We race against eight other drivers on a quarter mile oval. Anti-fire race suits, cars set to our weight and height, and a time trial for pole position...the works.