back to neckdeep

l Friday - January 31 - 9:52am l

Most people in this country are filled with such anger and righteousness...I'm happy to piss them off in any way. Mr. John Burtner the next time you send me an email you might want to have an email address that works so I can reply. I thought 'smart people' knew how to use email. Thanks in advance.

- A FANTASTIC State of the Union link by way of Chad (who will be in town this weekend for's been 6+ years). 'We can be summed up in one word...evil."

- If you dig the band Cave In, check out their page for a great little documentary on a recent tour of England. I can't stop listening to their new record. It's fucking great.

l Thursday - January 30 - 5:56pm l

Some people sure get mad when you try to have an online discussion...

'C'mon guys, Chris is obviously better than all of us! Why can't you see it? Take a five second look at his site! It's very well-designed! And he mentions trying to make soy milk and veggie shit available to kids in public schools!

That's all I could read before my balls tried to shrivel up inside my body from the sheer level of artsy-veggie-neo-hippie masturbation present in my range of vision.

Ugh. A big fucking groan goes out from me to you, Chris. I hafta go eat a big fucking piece of cow while I think about shiny guns and bullets and people stabbing each other with big knives over their petty differences. *Somebody's* gotta be the yin to your yang... '

Wow, you know, I have to agree with site IS well designed. And he uses a crappy blogspot template. Man, you got me...Mr. 'Liberty Punk', you got me. One thing I did learn from his site is that a 'capitalist punk' listens to Alkaline Trio. That sounds about right.

l Thursday - January 30 - 1:45pm l

It amazes me how many people support Bush and have websites dedicated to praising the state of politics in this country. Give War A Chance?Just that phrase makes it hard for me to hold in my lunch. Hey, it's America...go for it. That's what it's all about.

In fact, check this's another take on Bush I find amusing.

I found this pretty inspiring. Ian always talks the talk and walks the walk. They also have some great audio interviews with Tim from Avail, and the guys from Buddyhead.

l Wednesday - January 29 - 12:35pm l

I've been asked to post some information about taking action to get soy and rice milk into public schools...GO HERE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND FAX, PHONE NUMBERS.

'What's needed is a call (or fax) in the next few days asking that the USDA include soy and rice milk as an option in the school lunch line. Such a move would satisfy the needs of many children who are veg, lactose intolerant, need to cut back on fat, do not drink milk for ethnic or cultural reasons, or simply would prefer an alternative.'

If you are vegan or veggie (or know a vegan or veggie kid in school right now) something!

l 12:05pm l
U.N. Orders Wonka To Submit To Chocolate Factory Inspections

l 8:29am l
I'm not going to go into the State of the Union speech last night. I did write a bit of feedback in the comment section over at Orangefuzz. I will say that the clapping after every sentence has to stop. It's just silly. Oh, and that Bush is a liar.

The Playlist will be down for a bit...I screwed it up last week and noticed it today. Crap.

l Tuesday - January 28 - 8:07am l

Congratulations to my friend Andy Blumberg on his recent engagement. Welcome to the club.

Thanks for the emails wishing me well after my little fall. The photos make it look worse on my knees than it actually is. I'm up and moving about with no problems. Thanks again.

- This is a great Flash comic : Execution , Alive & Well

- Toyota or Toy yoda?

- Dogtown ditches Durst...thank goodness.

- Jeeves represent.

Watch + Clone High
Featured + Imagination at Work

l Sunday - January 26 - 3:59pm l

I fucking hate gravel.
I dumped the bike. Not too bad damage wise, and I'm fine. I'm beyond pissed.

On a positive note the first San Francisco Supercross was an awesome event. Pac Bell is a great stadium, even better without that baseball crap going on. Thanks to McGoo for pulling out all the stops...pit passes and rider seating included. Ricky Carmichael is just unstoppable. It's not a question of IF he'll win, it's a question of how quickly he'll take the lead.

The Superbowl is on...yawn. As Mike said,"Whether the Raiders win or lose, one thing is certain...there will be riots in Oakland." It's a sad display.

Thanks to Frank for finding copy of the yet to be released new Cave-In album Antenna. It's a bit more mainstream rock, but it's damn good.

Listen + Cave In- Antenna

l Friday - January 24 - 10:56am l

Commericals promoting Straight Edge created by Partnership For a Drug Free America. I'm serious.

Commercial One - 6.4mgs
Commercial Two - 6.4mgs

I'm not sure who actually created these...but they are pretty fun to watch.

They feature : Jeff Neumann (BTA 1000, In My Eyes, and listener of The Cramps in High School), John Porcell (Youth Of Today, Judge, Project X), Toby Morse (H2O), Ken Olden (Worlds Collide, Damnation A.D. ), Ray Cappo (Violent Children, Youth Of Today, Shelter), and others.

Featured + Toyko Plastic

l Thursday - January 23 - 11:15am l

Tonight the fake-ass, shitty 'Dead Kennedys' are playing in Palo cost 19.50 (available through Ticketmaster) to see them (without Jello) stink up a club in a rich town. No wonder Jello is so pissed. Disgusting.

l 8:41am l
Just some random stuff...

Try to catch Chappelle's Show on Comedy Central Wednesday nights. I laughed at every sketch on last nights show (the Kinkos parody hit especially close to home). Funny, funny stuff.

Recently I stumbled across the web-zine Static Void created by ex- Inside Out / Shelter / 108 guitar player Vic. I was a HUGE fan of his back in the day (Inside Out is one of my all time favorites)...then he went all Krishna. It's funny it doesn't mention anything about that on his site. I wonder what the story is there? It has some pretty cool hardcore content but you have to get past the HORRIBLE design and interface. Hey Vic, get some help in that area...or drop me an email.

Watch + Chappelle's Show
Featured + Static Void

l Tuesday - January 21 - 10:21pm l

It saddens me to report that Craig Kelly has died in an avalanche in the Revelstoke area of British Columbia.

Craig was a true legend in the world of snowboarding and one of the first riders to push the limits of the sport. I was lucky enough to see him ride at the 1988 US Open on his infamous black 'Mystery Air' board. So much style and grace. He will be missed.

l Monday - January 20 - 8:15am l

Busy weekend.

Saturday morning Jess and I attended the anti-war rally in San Francisco. Reports say 50,000 were on hand, but it seemed like so many more.
It was inspiring to see so many people who oppose Bush's views and the impending war in Iraq. So many groups were out in force...Native Americans, Republicans(!), and Union workers just to name a few.

This weekend SF also hosted a skateboard tradeshow thrown by High Speed Productions (Thrasher, Slap) and Deluxe Distribution (Real, Krooked, Anti-Hero). My friend Tom was in town to attend with his company Savier. It was good to see him...

The show highlight for me was the chance to check out the new Winter 2003 issue of On Video on Sunday afternoon. Amazing...just amazing. The Natas - Street Skating 101 part almost had me in tears. I followed every aspect of Natas' career and watching it all again was fantastic. It 's like the Dogtown film for anyone involved in the late 80's early 90's street skating scene.

I'll never forget an ASR tradeshow in 2000. At the time I was Art Director for I was walking the show with Andy Blumberg, our snow editor at Hardcloud who had worked with Natas at Blunt. Andy introduced me and Natas said he had noticed my design work on the site and really liked it. It was one of the highlights of my design career.

Listen + Misfits - Collection
Read + The Philosophy Of Punk: More Than Noise, 2nd edition - Craig

l Friday - January 17 - 9:11am l

Out with the old, in with the new.

l Tuesday - January 13 - 10:51am l

I'm even not close to being a baller' nor a shot caller but I dig my boy John's new clothing venture Token (as in Token White Guy). I mean, that name is just dead on.

Some solid links..
- Why Does President Bush Want to Drop Bombs on Innocent Iraqis? (thanks Chad)
- Declaring War On Republicans view from the left. (thanks BK)
- Bush Administration Weakens Wetlands Protections.
- Steve Bell Political Cartoons

Listen + Youth of Today S/T 7"
Featured + Token Clothing

l Monday - January 12 - 8:12am l

Hats off to Governor George Ryan of Illinois who spared the lives of 163 mean and 4 women by commuting all Illinois death sentences to prison terms of life or less, the largest such emptying of death row in history. He saw the flaws in the system and took action.

I saw Adaptation yesterday afternoon. Quite a movie. Nicolas Cage was amazing. Just the idea of playing twins in the same scene seemed unbelievable, yet he was able to manage two flawless performances. I'm not sure I enjoyed the ending, but every second was unpredictable, a rare thing in film these days.

Listen + Radiohead - OK Computer
Watch + Adaptation
Read + Law of Inertia #12

Featured + es' Footwear

l Saturday - January 11 - 4:39pm l

This is a MUST read.

Happy Imbeciles At War
Massive U.S. military buildup, billions of dollars, a useless enemy, and no one seems to know why.

l Friday - January 10 - 9:08am l

Quick quiz. What do you get when you combine overly sexy teen pop and media friendly lesbianism? Answer: t.A.T.u. Check out their video. Forget Britney...

This past year, McDonald's announced it would give millions of dollars to vegetarian organizations, as part of a settlement for not disclosing the presence of beef extract in their french fries. Where the money is actually going seems to be another story. Once again McDonalds shows it's true colors...with crooked lawyers and false promises.

Here's the story from VegSource and from Dow Jones Business news. All this taken from

Featured + Johnny

l Thursday - January 9 - 9:00am l

Last night Jessica and I caught Henry Rollins at the Palace Of Fine Arts. It was a good show. He's really entertaining…topics ranged from how shitty Los Angeles is to how Americans are seen throughout the world. Hank is gray and 42 now but still fights the good fight. Good stuff. I'm glad I went.

It's been exactly ten years since the last time I saw Rollins speak. In 1993 I was in my second year of college. I consumed Rollins' books like fuel. It just clicked for me. The ideas of cold solitude and strength fit. I was in love with a girl who cheated on me. Almost everyone I knew did drugs or drank. I lived in a shitty apartment and felt like things were changing around me as I stood still. You want me to go to your party? Fuck you. I'm going to sit here, draw, and drink black coffee. Smoke some pot? Your weakness is my high…you're pathetic. Anyway, I'm past all that now…but at the time it was important to connect with those words on paper.

I recently got The Portable Henry Rollins and his newer book, Solipist. Although I'm not in bullet-proof mode anymore, it takes me back to read excerpts from Black Coffee Blues and Art To Choke Hearts.

I hope he's still on the road in 2013. I’ll be there to check it out.

Watch + Happy Tree Friends DVD

l Wednesday - January 8 - 8:43am l

Great morning.
Someone backed into the Insight as they were leaving the parking space in front of me. I now have a nice size gash/scrape on the top of the front bumper of the car. It's right in front of the hood, as the car is low. I want a garage.

Do people in this country really watch all these SHITTY reality shows? So sad...

Listen + Steve Martin - A Wild and Crazy Guy
Featured + Kill Bill

l Tuesday - January 7 - 5:46pm l

Take this quick quiz to find out "How widespread is anti-Americanism?". It's fun for the whole family...and guess what? The USA fair too well. (thanks to Sue for the link)

Speaking of fun...I'm trying to sell my motorcycle. There's nothing worse than dealing with Craigslist bargain hunters. I got this email ( the only sentence):

"I have cash ready.  Not interested in wasting your time or mine."

Fast forward too his visit. Oh wait, what he MEANT to say was that he doesn't REALLY have cash, and that he wants to pay 400 less than the asking price. Silly me. What was that about wasting time?

And I'm NOT going to post anything about the new Mac hear me? Not one link.

Read + The Portable Henry Rollins

l Sunday - January 5 - 6:11pm l

The Berkeley skatepark has been shut down due to toxic hexavalent chromium leaking into the bowls. It took $800,000 to open the park (500K over budget due to this same problem), let's hope it isn't closed for good.

In other news it's looking like a new motorcycle purchase is on the way.

l Friday - January 3 - 12:56pm l

"You've been Crossed my man...that's how it goes. That's what Cross does.."

I just can't stop listening to the David Cross album. Not since the old Eddie Murphy albums have I been so taken in by a comedy recording. It's that good.

Newcastle disease takes leads to the slaughter of one million hens at various factory farms in Southern California. But not to worry...US taxpayers are picking up the tab. Lucky us...we get to bail out the poultry and egg industry without ever being asked, just like in the 70's.

Listen + David Cross - Shut up, You Fucking Baby
Watch + Insomnia

Featured + misprinted type

l Wednesday - January 1 - 12:56pm l

Happy New Year.
A few changes here and there. I figure that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I almost shut this sucker down, but the simple truth is that I enjoy keeping a journal and this year is going to be very interesting. For better or for worse I'm going to continue on.

Other than the regular paycheck, these next few months will include a few other design projects including: design and logo work for Wolfpack Skateboards, design and web design work for Flying Bicycle Co. (a new vegan ice cream company...check out the landing page and logo I've done so far), and a huge new Independent Trucks website overhaul and redesign. Busy, busy...

In case you care, here's a link to the Top 10 album list that was posted earlier in the week.

Also, HUGE props to my friend Rhode for getting last weeks SF WEEKLY cover story with his killer cartoon creation, Happy Tree Friends. Buy the new issue of Pablo's Inferno and the Happy Tree Friends DVD.

Listen + Converge - Unloved and Weeded Out
Watch + Catch Me If You Can
Read + Surf Culture : The Art History of Surfing
Featured + breakboard