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l Monday - January 28 - 12:30pm l

I'm not in that great a mood today...go and read BK's latest over at RedShifter. Good Stuff.

I'm off to SIA Vagas until the first. Snowboard stuff, drunk people and big fun.

l Friday - January 25 - 9:19am l

I'm not the only one that finds it ironic that name of yesterday's bus hijacker was Otto.

l Thursday - January 24 - 1:21pm l

I was pretty stunned to learn that the Olympics will cost US tax payers some $1.3 BILLION dollars. Most people aren't thrilled about that. All that money to screw up our evening TV, give us commentators that suck, and bombard us with Coke and Chevy logos. Fucking great....I'm boycotting.


is now holding open auditions to find a permanent replacement for drummer Paul Bostaph, who left the band last month. The San Francisco auditions are Febuary 13th. I better start practicing. I haven't played South of Heaven since 1991 in my parents basement. It's a definite dream job for some lucky horn throwing metal freak (myself included).

One of my favorite shows, Insomniac, is now Wednesday night at 10:30 on Comedy Central. It was at 11:30 Sundays, so this is much better. So damn funny.

l Wednesday - January 23 - 10:30am l

My life is pretty dull right now. Highlights include getting new tires for my truck, scolding the dog, playing ESPN Snowboarding on the PS2, and selling CDs.

Good news for all you Murder City Devils fans out there...the new band with almost all MCD members, Dead Low Tide, is going on tour. March 8th at Bottom of the Hill. In other music news From Monument to Masses simply ruled it Monday night. Their best performance ever. Go to Dim Mak and try to pre-order their CD.

l Tuesday - January 22 - 10:16am l

If you tried to visit my site at any point after Saturday and before 10am today, you would have got nothing. Yup, Ready Hosting screws me yet again. Bastards. I'm up and running now. When I get some time, and can afford to have this thing down for a few days, I may switch servers.

The Golden Globes were boring...I went to sleep. Lord of the Rings got snubbed and Harrison Ford looked old.

l Friday - January 18 - 11:55am l

Tahoe was what we call 'dust on crust'. About three inches of dry snow fell on ice. It was good for a few hours, and it was nice to make some turns.

Late Tuesday I hit a patch of sand and took my first real fall on my motorcycle. I walked away with a broken mirror, both brakes bent badly, and some scrapes and bruises. It ain't fun trying to wedge your leg out from under a fallen bike. Looking for replacement parts I came across the most beautiful bike ever, the 2002 Ducati 748S. Thank goodnes it's 14K, as I'd be too scared to dump it.


I received some sad news from a very close friend on Wednesday. It makes me thankful that I have good friends, a great family, and special people in my life. My heart goes out to two of my dear friends...I am thinking of you.

l Tuesday - January 15 - 1:55pm l

The US Olympic Snowboard Halfpipe Team was made final yesterday. Shannon Dunn, Kelly Clark, Tricia Byrnes, Danny Kass, Ross Powers, Tommy Czeschin, and JJ Thomas. It seems Todd Richards choked, and Shaun White didn't get a high enough overall score (he needed first and got second). If Shaun White was on the team I would have loved to see him win the gold. I watched Shaun pull Mctwists higher than Tony Hawk this summer at the tender age of 15. My money is on Danny Kass. Still, I would be a lot happier if snowboarding WASN'T in the olympics. Remember last time? Ross Ra'bag-a-ganga' made all snowboarders look like retarded pot heads. Fucking great. I waiting to see what happens this year.

Also, I'm off to ride Tahoe for a day or so...I've heard it's 'east coast conditions' (read: ice), so I may be back early.

l Monday - January 14 - 10:58am l

I was wondering when a Christian group would start a porn site. My wait is over. After seeing this story at Obscure Store, I headed over to Very trendy design created by a Christian web design shop, called Plain Joe. Hey fellas, my portfolio link is on the my soul. Seems like Jesus' followers can rip off PrayStation too. Let's hope they'll burn in hell.

l Friday - January 11 - 3:10pm l

Jack Black is a genius.

Find of the week:'s vintage commericals. TV ads by Activision, Atari, ColecoVison, and Intellivision. Too funny. I actually remember quite a few of these. The Activision ones are clearly the best...Ice Hockey tops it.

l Wednesday - January 9 - 2:35pm l

Please take a few minutes and check out the THREAT promo reel. It's worth the wait...I swear. Now go tell everyone one you know to hire us for everything creative. Hurry up...we're waiting.

Oh yeah, I decided I REALLY like the new iMac. After toying with it at MacWorld this afternoon I'm sold. For $1799 you get a great monitor (love that pivot arm), a 40GB hard drive, and 700mhz of DVD burning power. Damn. If someone wanted to buy me one...I'd be grateful.

l Monday - January 7 - 1:35pm l

In case anyone is wondering, you can not register a .edu domain name. Well, if you have paper work stating you are a certified institute of learning from the education department you can. I don't.

The new iMac G4 is a bit strange looking...not sure if I like it. I'm guessing it will be harder for PC companies to rip off this design... remember the first iMac rip offs?

l Sunday - January 6 - 3:28pm l

Note to self: After not skating for over a month (this time due to an ankle injury), you will suck terribly. Tricks that were once second nature now need to be relearned from stratch. Also, playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater does not count as training in cannot kickflip in and out of tricks, and revert-to-manual out of everything. That is all.

l Friday - January 4 - 11:35am l

This morning I registered a new URL to begin a new online project. Should take a while to set up and launch, but it should be pretty exciting. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, if you happen to live in the Bay Area please purchase tickets for the From Monument To Masses show on January 21st at Bottom of the Hill. Sergio, Matt, and Francis are quite the rockers and you WILL be impresed. Support the 'scene'. Thank you.

l Thursday - January 3 - 11:02am l

It seems that in December San Francisco was rain free for a total of five days. This morning I rode my motorcycle to work, taking the weatherman's word for it. We'll see how long this lasts.

I was greeted this morning with a nice email from Jason over at He's got some good design going, and I look forward to more very soon.

Thanks to Frank for making this scroll dealie now work in Netscape 6 (even at a snail's pace...damn Netscape). I've also added an 'ABOUT' and 'BUY ME (my Amazon Wish List)' section on the left. Enjoy.

l Wednesday - January 2 - 9:15am l

What to say? I suppose a 'Happy New Year' is in order. My holidays were nothing too exciting, but that was just fine by me. The east coast wasn't as cold as previous winters, and it was a nice escape from the NEVER ENDING RAIN here in San Francisco.

I got some swell gifts for Jebus' birthday. My new favorite book is Supercade : A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971-1984. This is the best resource for classic video games I've ever seen. It documents the history beautifully and includes extensive photos of every game and console. It's my new bible. In other video game news, I'm now the proud owner of a Playstation 2 thanks to many Best Buy gift certificates and much thought. I was dead set on getting a Game Cube, but came around after learning I could borrow more games from friends with a PS2 buy.
Now I spend every spare moment gaining ground in THPS3.

Oh yeah...I suppose I should mention I'm now engaged to be married. Yup, I popped the question and got the thumbs up.

Let's all hope good things happen this year. Finger's crossed.