+ Wednesday, February 28th, 10:03am +

Just a bunch of random junk to wrap up the month...

- This kid goes for it. It's tough to argue with the first wheelchair backflip.

- Oh great, House Industries is making run of the mill street wear.
Ugh. Am I the only person who dislikes the ugly, loud and always over priced all over print sweatshirtsthat seem to be everywhere? Who are buying all of these things? Horrible.

- Pulp Fiction dialog meets type design.

- The reunited Police are playing two nights in Seattle. Tickets are only 50 - 220 dollars each. Presented by Best Buy.

+ Saturday, February 24th, 3:37pm +

- It's not fun when you put trust into people and they end up bailing on you. It reminds you that good people are few and far between. Also, to be a lot more cautious, while working not to become overly cynical. Crappy week.

- I'm admit, I'm late to the whole Modest Mouse thing, but damn...I really like their new album. And no, there is no Johnny Marr influence. Looking forward to seeing them next month.

- The photo isn't me...just seemed to fit this week.

+ Monday, February 19th, 3:00pm +

- Well, Saturday was nice. Sunny, 60's perfect. Now the rain is back in full force. Cold too. Nice while it lasted.

I'm listening to the new album by Lifetime which seems to be getting pretty good reviews. I don't know what I think. Yes, it sounds pretty similar to the other two records, but those albums didn't change my life or anything. I'm just really hungry for new music.

I guess it's a familiar story...saw them more than a few times back thenand they were good, but to me...not great. At that point in time I would pick up almost anything on Jade Tree and that Hello Bastards cover was pretty awesome. It's good, solid music...and this record is as well.

Back to cover art. Man, does this new album artwork ever suck. Flat out awful. I almost didn't buy it. What happened to the smart, clean design of the first records? Terrible, silly scribbles and no photos at all. I'm guessing that damn Fall Out Boy kid had something to do with it. Shameful.

- This Bend drawing made my morning. Awesome.

+ Friday, February 16th, 6:03pm +

- Yesterday marked three years of SKATEDAILY.net. Not bad. I always forget to mark the milestones of this site...but as of February 6th it's been six years. That's a damn long time in the blog world.

15 bucks plus 7 dollars for parking? Doesn't seem worth it.

- I'm sick of sites that just link to You Tube videos. Just a bit boring...I don't have the time to watch your daily 'post'.

+ Wednesday, February 14th, 1:06pm +

- It didn't take long for someone to hit back against the site 'A World Without Pros'. Pretty good job on 'World Without CEOS'. One of the reasons I love the web...anyone can have their opinion heard quite quickly. Here's what the pros have to say. Geoff Rowley is offended by kids with shop boards. I think I'll change my skate shoes.

For the record, as long as I can remember I've skated Deluxe wood (mostly Krooked) and wheels. They support important skaters I respect like Cardiel and Gonz and don't have their wood made in China. They also care about good graphics as well as skate shops and are based in SF. Tommy G and Jim Thiebaud are guys I feel good supporting. I will continue to support them as long as I have money to spend on skate goods. Here's Thiebaud's take on all this.

- This summer from Judd Apatow...Knocked Up. Lots of Undeclared and Freaks and Geeks cast members just in the trailer.
Looking forward to it.

+ Sunday, February 11th, 6:09pm +

Reading this article put me in a bad mood for the entire day. I don't even want to start on all the levels I disagree with this. When did skateboarding become defined by professionals and their companies to the point of giving them unquestioned support or risking the demise of progression? Makes me want to stop working on SKATEDAILY and just forget about the ''industry' all together.

+ Friday, February 9th, 2:25pm +

I can't imagine what my life would be like if there was an all ages music ban in Washington DC. This is completely insane. I'm emailing everyone I can.

Let's hope they listen the city listens to Ian MacKaye and the rest of the people fighting this tooth and nail. Wake up Councilmember Jim Graham.

+ Monday, February 5th, 12:00pm +

Got back yesterday from Los Angeles. Beautiful weather, great people and EPIC shows. Wait, I had a good time in LA? Yup.

Rather than go on and on I've posted a serious of photos Epicly Later'd style. And no, he wasn't there. I did send him his current header in Moz hand writing though. So, here we go:

- Friday afternoon
- Friday night
- Saturday night

Thanks to Tony and Susan for everything, Frank and the Farmer clan for my first time sailing, Zeke for the couch, Jocko for the conversation and everyone else for a great time.

+ Thursday, February 1st, 10:35am +

- A bunch of 12-15 hour days in a row. I wanted to do a quick post and noticed it's a new month. Damn, how did that happen?

- A few weeks back AVAIL played Portland and it was an amazing show. I decided to drop Tim Barry a line and thank him for stopping in Portland and getting a bunch of old people excited. He replied a few days back and I thought I'd share a bit of the email:

"Chris, that show meant the world to me. It was one of my favorite shows of the tour. It simply felt right. I don't know how else to explain it. I'm glad you were there. And thanks for being there."

- Months ago I did some design work for Honda. We went down a path and did a few rounds of work before having them pull the plug due to what they thought was high pricing. Well, their site launched and they did "borrow" a bit. A design of mine is shown below their final. Awesome!

- So, I'm off to Los Angeles tomorrow for two days of Morrissey shows. I'm bringing the camera and hope to grab some good photos of the events, Epicly Later'd style. Oh, here's a great interview in LA Weekly.

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