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l Wednesday - February 27 - 9:07am l

Checked out the Noise Pop Fest last night at Bimbos. Dismemberment Plan = yuck. Death Cab for Cutie = yawn.

In an interesting turn of events involving a phantom email sender, Docce is fired from her job because of comments she posted to her weblog. Damn.

l Tuesday - February 26 - 12:47pm l

For the last few weeks I have had a pretty bleak view of humanity. It seems that almost everyone I've run into only cares about him or herself and could give a rat's ass about people's time, feelings, needs, etc. In fact, the level of ignorance and selfishness seen has been at an all time high.

On Sunday I walked into New Skool Tattoo in San Jose. An artist there noticed my straight edge tattoo and came right up and introduced himself. He then asked me where I was from, what shows I has seen recently, and gave me his number if I ever wanted to hang out in San Jose. The other guys at the shop were equally nice. Maybe it was because we had something in common...but I can't remember the last time someone was friendly right out of the blue. Thanks Adam.

Also, the new Poison the Well is pretty damn good.

l Friday - February 22 - 9:37am l

What can I say about Dillinger Escape Plan? Live, they are an audio shotgun blast I have no idea how they keep their songs so tight and compressed as they spiral around the stage in a violent blur. Both guitars players don't play their guitars, as much as they attack them. By far my favorite live band this year or any year. My jaw was on the floor.

Oh yeah, Botch played as well. This was their last Bay Area show as they officially broke up and play their last show in Seattle next Sunday. Damn good, but they seemed more concerned with their light show than the music. That being said, when they launched into 'To Our Friends In The Great White North' I was damn excited.

I was going to go off on a rant about how these bands are ten times better than most crap being force fed to the masses these days, and how everyone is foolish.

Instead I'll just put my headphones back on.

l Wednesday - February 20 - 11:06am l

Just updated all the left links...thanks to Chad for the CDs. The next weeks are full of shows. Tommorow night is Dillinger Escape Plan and Botch. Coalesce play early next month as does Ben Folds and Poison The Well. Seems like bands are finally visiting SF.

l Monday - February 18 - 8:52am l

Weird HTML problems this morning...over the weekend I mentioned two things that didn't seem to be showing up correctly: Gordie LaChance has a pretty good website, and Waylon Jennings, the man who narrated the Dukes of Hazard and sang the theme song, died Wednesday.

l Thursday - February 14 - 9:12am l

Every once in a while you dive into your record collection and rediscover that amazing band from a few years back. Hoover fucking rock. When I hear Electrlux I'm taken back to 1993 when I caught their first show at the Black Cat in DC. There have only been a few bands that have floored me from the first few chords. Hoover makes the short list...

l Wednesday - February 13 - 11:57am l

Give it up for Danny Kass. The kid was funny on the TODAY show this morning and this interview for TWSnow doesn't dissappoint either. (10.8 mg warning)


As promised the Las Vegas 2002 photos are up. Check out all the excitement here. Thanks to Bryce for capturing all the action with the 'digi'. Enjoy.

l Monday - February 11 - 10:11am l

I went snowboarding for the second time this season yesterday at Kirkwood. Nice groomed runs and amazing weather. Sunny, warm, and clear blue bird skies. It was nice to get out and make some fast turns. Today I'm happy to rock the 'goggle tan'. 52.00 bucks for a lift ticket should be against the law.

Check out the new Eddie figures from McFarlane Toys. Damn! These will be right next to my Ozzy figure.

Please note: Although
I do have the 'Britney' album on MP3, I rarely listen to it...I just thought that Mayhem to Britney Spears is the longest musical leap possible and worth posting.

l Friday - February 8 - 11:57am l

It's pretty lame when all my updates involve television, but nothing is really going on. I was told eariler this week that cable recently added TV LAND to channel 74. This means The Andy Griffith Show is now available four times a day! For some reason I get a lot of crap for loving this show and I really don't know why. Anyone who can't see Don Knotts as a true genius really doesn't know comedy. I've been watching this show since my Dad introduced me to it as a kid and I still laugh everytime Barney steps on screen. I'm also dropping mad props to Leave It To Beaver as' bless the fifties and June wearing pearls.

l Wednesday - February 6 - 10:50am l

One full year of 'blogging'. turns one year old today.

l Monday - February 4 - 10:19am l

At 4pm Saturday I starting feeling a bit ill. By 2:30am Sunday I was in the middle of a full blown flu. Great. Nothing like being totally freezing one second, hot the next, and using box after box of tissues. I'm going to take a nap.

Music news: Botch has called it quits, and tickets go on sale for Coalesce at the Pound in SF.

l Saturday - February 2 - 2:52pm l

Las Vegas...what a shithole.

I'm stunned that anyone would make Vegas a vacation destination. Then again, the people I saw there this year seemed to fit right in. Fat, bloated, gung-ho Americans in sweat suits lifting their overweight asses from the one armed bandits only to grab a 99¢
3/4 pound hot dog and cover it with mayo. Nice. Not exactly the best place for a straight edge vegan who rarely gambles. But I was there for the snowboard show...

I hate snowboarders.

Notice I didn't say snowboardING, but snowboardERS. The show itself was OK but just like last year the Transworld Awards were fucking awful. Drunkin' stupid idiots, cigarettes in hand, slurring through speeches without thanking their sponsors or the event organizers. At one point Louise Balma, a Transworld founder, took the stage during the Grenade crew's drunken riot and tore them a new one. Fucking little spoiled brats. Here are a group of people PAID to snowboard during a really tough time and they have no respect. My partner Sam, who has little idea about snowboarding in general, was disgusted. I don't blame him. Some people with class at the event: Natasza Zurek (Rookie of the Year female), JP Walker (Best Video Part and SIA Award) and Todd Richards. A class act as a presenter, Todd made fun of drunk and STUPID Tara Dakides while being clever and smart.

More on this trip when I download the photos...they need to be seen to believed. I used a shot of a hotel sign near the convention center for the February art work.