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l Sunday - December 22 - 4:06pm l

Busy, busy busy. I'm off for the following week...thank goodness. Tomorrow morning I head off to theeast coast for five days. Flying on United...hope I make it back.

I saw Two Towers again on an IMAX screen last night. Although I was excited to see it huge, the picture was quite blown out. It held up on second viewing...bring on the third.

l Wednesday - December 18 - 11:24am l

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is one of the best films I have ever seen. Period. The Helm's Deep battle is certainly one of greatest movie sequences ever.

After the show let out at 3am I just wanted to watch it again. It's better than the first...and went beyond my expectations.

l Tuesday - December 17 - 4:50pm l

This is a must read article,'New Rules Aim to Cut Pollution From Factory Farms'. Some facts in this article are mind boggling...

-'Large scale animal factories, which raise thousands of animals and produce 220 billion gallons of manure each year.'

- 'Under the Clinton administration, the EPA proposed a new rule featuring several initiatives that would have further protected the environment, said Ken Midkiff, director of the Sierra Club's factory farm campaign. However, the Bush administration stripped them from the final rule after agribusinesses complained, he said'

I won't quote anymore just READ THE WHOLE THING.

l 10:01am l
If you are lucky enough to be in the Philadelphia area on January 19th, and enjoy heavy music, check out this amazing show. I'm just posting it as I would give my left arm to be there. If only if it were next week...I'm going to cry into my keyboard now.

In other news, Bush moves forward with a multi billion dollar (at least 7.8 billion) missle system that has a stetchy test record at best. Critics are now saying that the arms race is on again...fucking great.

l Monday - December 16 - 8:36am l

This morning I woke up to no power. Luckily Jess asked me to set the alarm in my cell phone for the standard wake up time. This weather is something. I'm sure Tahoe is getting pounded...but wind and rain in the city isn't too fun

I've got my ticket for tomorrow night's midnight showing of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland. With the film weighing in at over 3 hours, I'm going to be damn tired Wednesday. Brings back Episode I memories...

l Friday - December 13 - 8:36am l

These three links were emailed to me in the last 12 hours.

Can't find that special Christmas gift for the little 'peace keeper' in your life? Try the World Peace Keepers Battle Station from JCPenny. Because nothing says peace like cannons, machine guys, and grenades. 'Includes everything needed to stage a battle'. (And for the record I did play with G.I Joe when I was a kid...there's just something wrong about profiting from terrorism and the threat of war. You can't beat the 'Peace Keeper' name either.)

'Bush Approves SUV Fuel Economy Increase'. Never mind the impact on the environment, what about doing this right before we may go to war with Iraq? Am I the only one puzzled here?

And finally, some good food for thought...

Thanks to Chad, Dean, and Mike.

l Thursday - December 12 - 7:56am l

It was a bit strange watching Tony Hawk try to show Charlie Rose how to ollie on 60 Minutes last night. Overall it was a pretty strong piece. I especially enjoyed how stunned Mr. Rose was when Hawk explained that when he was in High School skaters were picked on by jocks. Picked on? Yes, skating used to be very uncool. I was surprised to hear that Bagel Bites sales went up 20% since Hawk signed on. I guess that 20 million he's made in the last two years is more than justified.

On that note, get a limited edition Tony Hawk iPod (only fifty bucks more than a regular iPod)! Get Tony Hawk Pro Skater for your phone! The Tony Hawk radio controlled skater! Tis the season to be Tony.


In other news Bush seems to be handing more forest to the logging industry. I have to say this...the man is consistent.

l Wednesday - December 11 - 12:05am l

I've posted the three spreads I designed in Journal 933 of the 1000 Journals project. Take a look.

I also included the songs the designs are based on and added them to the Playlist.

l Tuesday - December 10 - 9:05am l

Last night Bryce held his 40th birthday party at Bottom of the Hill in SF. It was a damn good time. I'm not going to list all the amazing skaters in attendence...the list would be too long. The highlight of the night was watching never before seen 16mm footage of BK from over 20 years ago.

Half way through the first band Tom turned to me and said,"did you ever think as a little kid skating on the east coast you would be at gathering like this?" The answer of course is hell no. Growing up reading Thrasher and skating a Schmitt Stix Rip Saw...I could only imagine.

Thanks to Bryce for putting on a great party...and I wish him at LEAST another 40 years on a skateboard. If anyone can go the distance it will be BK.

l Monday - December 9 - 4:37pm l

Big companies can be awful...just awful. I'm going home.

I have never seen an episode of the 'The Sopranos'. And I'm fine with that...

l 8:35am l
I finished my work on Journal 933. Images soon. If you haven't yet, take a look at the 1000 Journals website. Pretty impressive stuff.

What a surprise
. Seriously Axl, give it up. Do everyone a favor and DON'T EVER put out your crappy new album and DON'T EVER go on tour again. Go back to L.A., yank those horrible extensions out of your hair and quietly fade into Behind the Music status. Your Mtv performance sucked, and you can't sing anymore. Buckethead can do better...and everyone is laughing.

Speaking of music, I really need to update the MP3 Playlist. Sorry about that.

Skateboarding Sucks
is a great site. You can't front the SofTrucks. Awful, just awful.

l Friday - December 5 - 3:55pm l

The featured site up on the left is just great. Canada sounds good to me. Check it out.

This weekend I plan on working on Journal 933 from the 1000 Journals project. I'm very excited to get started. Thanks to Silvia for passing it on to me. I'll be posting the artwork I've created for the project on neckdeep as soon as it's complete.

l Wednesday - December 4 - 10:57am l

This is completely insane. Big wave surfing at Jaws (in Hawaii) last week. Could be the gnarliest surf footage ever...Laird Hamilton is unreal. These guys have courage.

l 9:21am l
This is an interesting article that talks about the FBI stepping up the watch for 'eco-terrorists' in the United States.

As long as no one is hurt, I support both ALF and ELF. In many cases I'm glad there's someone to step up and take action. Change isn't going to happen unless actions are taken and a message is delivered. Animals are being killed and the earth is being destroyed and no one is listening. Life is more important than money...

(This link was sent to me by a guy calling himself Ker Kernal. He loves to send me emails calling me a 'wigger', and a 'wannabe' and has stated that San Francisco is filled with 'bums, freaks, druggies, and gays'. Intelligent guy. My favorite came the day before Thanksgiving:'I just read your most recent update to your web site and I think I'm going to be sick.  Tofu turkey?  If I brought that to the dinner table I would get my ass kicked'. His next email complained that he was sick from eating turkey (?!). Brilliant.

l Tuesday - December 3 - 11:23am l

Although I'm not too into their sound, it seems System of a Down and I share similiar views politically...which is always nice.

There's no doubt it's an amazing bike, but I don't really like the new fairing design of the Ducati 999. Especially the nose section. There's something simple and elegant about the old superbike nose design. It's still in production but maybe this new look will make the prices of the older 996 and 748 drop a bit. I want one.

l Sunday - December 1 - 7:31pm l

Nice long weekend. Skated two days out of four, and ate some good food.

- Lately I've been all about the hardcore. And I mean, traditional hardcore. I've been picking up albums from Deathwish (Horror Show, Fighting Music II) or Bridge Nine (the new Terror) for a few weeks now. Seriously good stuff.

- "Skateboarding is about gliding and turning" - Dan Gesmer, Public Domain 1987. He's afraid, very afraid.

- Liam Gallagher attacked and injuried in Munich. They knocked his teeth out. That's gotta hurt.

- Keep that hate (e)mail coming...I love it.