April 28th, 2009 : 9:22pm
Playing Catch Up.

Only a month in and work is taking up a LOT of time. After so many months of doing close to nothing it's a very refreshing change. Plus, I've got to support the wife and kid somehow. In any event, here are some links I've run across lately...

+ Webb's Important Vintage & Collectable Motorcycles. This online catalog from the auction that went down last month is a must view. It's hard to pick favorites as all of these are incredible. Thanks to Sam for this one.

+ I do need to get out to a few skateparks soon. After watching A Tribe Called Mapquest over at the new Four Star site I'm missing the board skate. Brian Anderson rules it.

+ And speaking of the Girl / Chocolate crew this 40 minute Spike Jonze doc is worth a viewing. I mean, I watched about half...and I'd love to watch the rest when there's time.

+ At some point I'll do a proper post on the horrific experimental black metal powerhouse Gnaw Their Tongues. Without a doubt the most terrifying music I've ever heard. I'm not kidding. If you can survive the first song that plays on their My Space page you should explore further. Not for the faint of heart. That's all I'll say...for now.

April 19th, 2009 : 6:51pm

+ So warm here in SF today. The car dashboard read 93 degrees. According to weather.com it's a heat wave, with 'Summer like conditions'. Pretty crazy, that's for sure. I like that we now have a basement.

+ Took the motorbike out for a few hours. This is NOT Portland in terms of riding. I spent most of the time sitting in traffic or spliting lanes. It's looking like early morning rides and working to hook up with the SF Motorcycle Club. Plus, I need to plan a few Portland trips just to hit the roads up there.

+ It's strange when you reconnect with a friend who happens to be a well known tattoo artist and instead of scheduling tattoo work you schedule play dates for your kids.

+ Aquarius Records. Still the most black metal in the area. I'm looking forward to diving into the new issue of Oaken Throne.

April 18th, 2009 : 1:53pm
Morrissey Cancels.

Ugh. Way to ruin my weekend Moz. He started the tour with cancelled dates...and ends on the same note. For the record this is the THIRD canceled bay area show I've held tickets to.

April 17th, 2009 : 9:35pm
Staying Young.

For some reason I've been feeling quite old lately. I'm not sure if it's buying my third home, my new job or seeing myself in my son. It's certainly due to the fact I moved away from all my close friends. When we would get together to skate, ride motorbikes or just shoot the shit I felt like I never aged. I am old....no question, but I'm just feeling it now.

I guess I need to plan a skate road trip or some sort of bike ride. In the meantime I spent a night watching Roadside Prophets and Super Champion Funzone. Adventure, new experiences and great memories erase the years...at least for me.

One thing is for sure...I'm excited to see Morrissey tomorrow night.

April 14th, 2009 : 9:11pm
AFI's 100 Years : 100 Movies - #1- Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

This had me laughing the entire seven and a half minutes. Very well done. Plus, I'm sold...Anchorman is certainly more valid than Citizen Kane.

April 13th, 2009 : 7:43pm

+ Holy crap, I won. That being said, you should check out Speed Junkies on a daily basis. Great stuff.

+ Take a moment to check out Pen Pencil Stencil a design studio founded by a friend of mine in Oakland and currently freelancing at my new gig. Great illustration work.

+ Five days until Morrissey in Oakland. This is looking like the set list. Not too shabby.

April 13th, 2009 : 6:55am
Back In San Francisco.

Moved-in and almost all unpacked. So far we're really excited about our new neighborhood...and view. Too busy to post much else.

April 8th, 2009 : 7:22am
FMTM, On Little Known Frequencies.

I've been singing the praises of From Monument to Masses for years. Yes, years. Since the very beginning they have been flooring me with both their progressive music and ideas. They consistently produce gorgeous music that takes you somewhere new and makes you think.

Now, it seems like the world is final catching up. Click over to WIRED and read a great interview with Sergio and Francis then immediately go over to iTunes and download their new album, On Little Known Frequencies. Their best yet. THEN check out their site and catch them live in your town. AND you can follow along on twitter as well.

They deserve all the success in the world...and they really need to be heard.

April 6th, 2009 : 8:35pm

We all love Wikipedia, now say hello to WikiHow whose tagline is 'The How-to Manual That You Can Edit'. For every one legit how-to (How to Patch a Bicycle Tube) there are hundreds of ridiculous ones. Some stand outs:

- How to Make Rad Skater Pants
- How To Look Straight Edge
- How To Tuck And Tape
- How To Do Emo Make Up
- How to Change a Preppy Girl to a Punk Chick

April 2nd, 2009 : 8:51pm
The Summers Of My Youth.

Every summer I would spend at least a week in Wildwood, New Jersey just as my Father did. This video from 1986 captures everything I loved about the Wildwood Crest boardwalk. Such a great video.

+ Yesterday I bagged on Twitter and today I had a change of heart. It's actually pretty cool if you follow topics you are interested in. If you're interested in what I post, follow me here. Really.

April 1st, 2009 : 9:46pm

So it seems Twitter is the new facebook (which was the new My Space which was the new Friendster). I mean, where else can you follow Fred Durst and his hourly thoughts on American Idol? Or the mad rantings of Neil Diamond.
Eh, I'm already over it...what's next?

+ Greg Rojas posted my tattoo in his portfolio on the Everlasting site.

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