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l Monday - April 29 - 10:23am l

I've been wrapped up in my own crap for so long I have been lagging in keeping up with so many things.

I started to catch up on the animal rights movement and was shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Barry Horne in England last November. Of course no mainstream press was given to this event...and I feel horrible for not knowing. This man gave his life for animals and is a true hero in my eyes. I had followed his previous hunger strikes and sent emails of support to him and to his prison supporting his right to vegan meals.

There are many attacking the enviromental and animal rights movements in the US as well. In fact there was a US Congressional Subcommittee hearing on Eco-Terrorism on February 12th. Visit Animal and No Compromise for more information.

l Friday - April 26 - 12:15pm l

I have finally posted my feature DC Hardcore Flyers 90-95. I've been working on this on and off for a few months and just decided to finish it up this morning. These are just a few flyers from my collection.

For more info read Dance of Days, and by all means buy anything from the bands shown at Very, Lumberjack, or Ebullition. You won't be sorry.

l 8:45am l
Man, the Friday Five have been pretty lame lately...get a load of these questions...

1. What are your hobbies? Hobbies? That sounds like a question asked at a Cub Scouts meeting or line item on a bad dating service application.
2. Do you collect anything? OK...better. Simpsons toys, some vintage skateboards, and classic video games. I used to be into Star Wars...but I'm over all that now.
3. Is there a hobby you're interested in, but just don't have the time/money to do? At this point it's all about money. Snowboarding has taken a back seat because lift tickets are over $50. I'd like to get more into motorcycles, but flow problems. Collecting skateboards has also become almost impossible.
4. Have you ever turned a hobby into a moneymaking opportunity? I still work in the skateboard/snowboard field and have been for over five years.
5. Besides web-related stuff (burbs, rings, etc.), what clubs do you belong to? The French Club, Debate Team, cross-country, lacrosse, golf, drama, Astronomy Society, Glee Club, student council, Model United Nations, Stamp and Coin Club, Gun Club, Bombardment Society, calligraphy, fencing, kung fu, bee-keeping, and J.V. water polo...

l Wednesday - April 24 - 5:35pm l

The Vans Milpitas Skatepark is in the middle of a killer redesign. Last night a group of us hit up the 7-9 session. The street course is 100% better now...and I still can't get enough pop on my ollies. Props to Tom Blue Tile for carving the pool like a pro in old school Converse Weapons.

l Tuesday - April 23 - 11:25am l

Last night at midnight the Star Wars Episode II figures hit toy store shelves all over the globe. Yawn.

The last movie figure set actually made by MOC 'Empire era' Boba Fett and other stuff go DOWN in value. I'm not holding my breath.

'Worst Episode (I) ever.'

l Monday - April 22 - 4:39pm l

Docce calls it quits.
Can't say I blame her...more and more I've been thinking about closing up shop. For now though, I trudge onward...

l 8:34am l
Back from my short trip east. It was nice to see my parents and relax a bit.

- Alice in Chains' Layne Staley was found dead in his Seattle home on Friday evening. I heard this on a store radio Saturday morning as my Dad and I were looking at used DVDs. Although it was bound to happen, it's still a bummer. I listened to Dirt and Facelift a lot through college and A.I.C. were really the only "grunge" band I could stomach...I guess it was because they had that dark/metal element to their music. I'm listening to Dirt right now and it brings back some memories. Gotta love drugs...they keep killing and people keep using. Stupid.

- The number of mullets at the Carsile Swap Meet in PA was staggering. I was also shocked to learn my parents were very aware of the term 'mullet' and could spot one quicker than me. So how can all these people still sport 'hockey hair' and be totally unaware of an entire society mocking them? A mystery.

- I missed the Friday Five. The questions were about TV and a bit boring, so I'll skip it this week...

- 56K modems and AOL are torture.

l Tuesday - April 16 - 12:05pm l

No soy milk in school lunches thanks to the f@#$ing dairy industry. With veggie burgers showing up in schools it seems like the right thing to do, but the National Dairy Concil is all about the benjamins over children's health. Milhouse is going to be bummed...

l 8:34am l
It's very early and I'm already listening to Black Metal. Not a good sign. Nothing going on lately besides a large load of frustration. I did pick up a round trip ticket to PA for $250 round trip. Thanks I will be leaving tomorrow for to visit my parents for a few days and visit the world famous Carlisle Swap Meet with my Father.

l Friday - April 12 - 9:40am l

Ladies and long winded vegan centered Friday Five:

1. What is your favorite restaurant and why?
In San Francisco presently it's Indian Oven in Lower Haight. If we're going all time I'll have to go back to Washington DC...where two places stand out. Burrito Brothers used to have the world's best veggie burrito. I worked at both the first DuPont Circle location and the Georgetown location. Cheap, quick and super good vegan eats. I also just enjoyed the people who worked there (Larry Front Butt...where are you?). The second would have to be Food For Thought in DuPont Circle. I used to go there all the time, at one point living half a block away. Just the history behind the place (DC Punk mecca), and the fact that they had vegan desserts, and soy milk for coffee (unheard of in 1992) went a long way. Food For Thought closed down in 1999. Everytime I visit Dupont Circle I walk by it's location and shed a tear. A legend.

2. What fast food restaurant are you partial to? None. Fast food and the busines behind it is evil in every way. Read Fast Food Nation and learn. Although I do support the new BK Veggie at Burger King. The world needs a vegan/veggie alternative and it should be supported. People need choices as they are going to visit fast food places no matter what. Read more about this debate at

3. What are your standards and rules for tipping? I suppose the 15% deal, but if the server has done a good will be reflected in the tip. No Mr. Pink here...

4. Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert? Appetizers for indian food (samosas) and vietnamese food (spring rolls) only. The vegan thing can be a problem. Never dessert unless I'm at a vegan place or something.

5. What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant? Water and if I'm feeling really bad...a Coke. Yeah, my weakness is Coke. I know it's bad. I'm trying to get off sugar, but I'm human.

l Thursday - April 11 - 10:51am l

One of the reasons I got really sick of surfing in SF... the 'pride' of localism. Let's hope these goons sit in jail for a long while.
Three surfers arrested, accused of assaulting fellow wave-rider in case of territorialism

l 9:35am l
Check out this fairly good article about Walnut Creek skater Corey Duffel. Pretty well done. Corey seems like a good kid who got a bad break. I've heard how this kid just destroys rails...I hope he gets the attention he deserves.

l Tuesday - April 9 - 10:11am l

After much discussion, my Dad ordered his new 2002 Corvette yesterday. I say 'ordered' because most Corvettes are made to the customers specs. They do make models for the showroom, but the color and options package my Dad wanted was a custom build. Pretty rad stuff. Check a 360 view of his car.

Over the weekend I checked out Death to Smoochy. Although funny in parts, I really wasn't too impressed. Just because Robin Williams isn't his typical Patch Adams character does not automatically make the film 'dark'. It didn't take many risks and really just turned into a normal, tame Hollywood film.

l Saturday - April 6 - 12:18pm l

Coalesce were pretty good last night. Around 75 people in attendance, and surprisingly no stupid moshing. It was great to finally see them and I was excited when they broken into 'You Can't Kill Us All', one of my favorite songs of all time.

One fairly large complaint. After playing their last song, they just dropped their instruments and walked off stage. The house music didn't come on, and they didn't start to pack up. The crowd (myself included) just stood there. After about five minutes people started cheering and doing the typical 'encore' deal. Another five minutes passed. I walked out and went home.

This is hardcore/punk...encores are lame. You are not Van Halen and this is not a stadium tour.

I have no idea if they every came back out.

l Friday - April 5 - 4:58pm l

After reading the Friday Five over at Ego, Inc. for a few months, I figured I should join in. It's a pretty great idea actually.

1. What are the first things that you do in the morning to start your day? Get up, shower, make the bed, put on a CD and wash the dishes from the night before. If it's the weekend I walk the dog first.

2. What are the last things that you do at night before going to bed? Pick up Kato (the dog) and haul her into the kitchen for the night. I brush my teeth before that...

3. What daily routine have you recently added to your day? Looking at craigslist more than a few times a day for jobs.

4. What routine do you wish you get rid of? Looking at craigslist more than a few times a day for jobs.

5. What's the one thing that makes you feel like something is missing if you don't do it some point within your day? Drinking water. I'm at the point where I feel the NEED for more than a few glasses of water a day. By 6pm I need at least two. The Simpsons at 6pm is almost as important as water.

l 7:58am l
Jimmy Eat World will be performing on Saturday Night Live tomorrow night. Emo finally goes big time. I can say I saw them when...

Not to be out done The Promise Ring are also making a run for big time status with an appearance on Conan O'Brian on May 24. Add their new label and album, and they are next in line for the mainstream emo throne. It was bound to happen.

In unpopular music news, Coalesce will be in SF tonight as part of their reunion tour. I'll be there, hoping to get hit by a flying drum set.

l Thursday - April 4 - 9:12am l

I never really put the pieces together until last night. Most of my life is on the internet for the WORLD to see.

Last night I received an email from a friend I hadn't seen or heard from in over 14 years. Since the 8th grade. That's half my lifetime. He just 'Googled' my name and was instantly rewarded with my life story right there on his monitor in Arizona. He learned I was engaged, vegan, living in SF, and even checked out the THREAT promo movie for a quick career catch up.


Who knows what old friends, past co-workers, and multiple ex-girlfriends are checking out this site RIGHT NOW (OK, I know of one ex-girlfriend and it's a good thing). This internet thing has turned from fun to kinda weird in no time flat.

And Brion..if you're reading this, I'm super stoked you emailed, it just really surprised a good way.

Who else is out there?

l Tuesday - April 2 - 8:12am l

It's official, the THREAT office has closed it's doors.

For the time being there are still a few projects on the burner, but there simply wasn't enough work to keep the office running. Yup, I'm working from home...and not too happy about it.

What this also means is that I'm looking for work. Freelance, full time, whatever it is...I'm ready. If anyone out there has any ideas or leads, I'd be really stoked to hear from you. Let me know.

The fun begins...

l Monday - April 1 - 4:22pm l

Alright, enough of the April Fools porn gag. I got a few emails from people who check the site from work and got a scare. Sorry about that...all in good fun. You can still view the page here.

l 12:00am l
No, I didn't sleep and lose the URL, and no, your bookmarks aren't screwed up. It's just my attempt at an April Fools gag. Nice page design huh? Anyone who's looking to hire for the porn industry...take note.

I hope no one is's just a joke.

"You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingist day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine."
- Homer, The Simpsons, episode 9F17.